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Our racism is docile cf this


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Realistically, the remaining non-white potential 'Powers' (future) which can change this are in asia.... hope this happens sooner than expected. Two main 'centres' of white power: the one east of the atlanta is sinking, the one west of it: wait and see.


Mountain cannot have two tigers.


Don't think USA gonna give up #1 without putting up a fight.

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I only read about taxi drivers getting beat up by ang mohs. And that banker who hammered taiwan lady's windshield. Taiwan lady is not local but married to one.


Other than that, never read any leh.


Got links? Do you mean expatsingapore.com?


How about the ang moh who pissed on the actresses's car and the ang moh who punched a guy twice and the police still allowed him to walk out of the police station, heads up high?!?!

On top of these, just because it is not reported in the media does not mean it does not exist.


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How about the ang moh who pissed on the actresses's car and the ang moh who punched a guy twice and the police still allowed him to walk out of the police station, heads up high?!?!

On top of these, just because it is not reported in the media does not mean it does not exist.


Ang mohs pee everywhere one lah. Go sydney or melbourne CBD on weekend night, you see a lot of fist fights and peeing outside pubs and stuff.


You have to realise that fist fights and freely shouting and making one's feelings known loudly is a normal thing all over the world with the exception of Japan and Singapore.


So the problem is that Singaporeans are too meek and timid and dare not use their fists. This is a direct consequence of the law here (as applied to Singaporean citizens) and the "Confucian" upbringing instilled in us.


When people of other nationalilities come in contact with us, and there have been a lot of them in recent years, there will inevitably be conflict. It is more a clash of cultures than outright racist behaviour or white supremacy.

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while we are on this, let's add on here...hahah


Police investigate video of Australian woman 'carrying out racist tirade' on busy commuter train

Australian broadcaster Ninemsn have reportedly identified the woman as 55-year-old Sue Wilkins

Thursday 03 July 2014


Australian police are investigating a video which appears to show a middle-aged woman launching into a tirade of racist abuse towards a fellow traveller on an Australian Central Coast train between Newcastle and Sydney.

The video which was uploaded onto YouTube yesterday shows the woman insult passengers on a packed commuter train after a group of children refused to give up their seats for her.

Following their refusal, the woman begins to shout in the kid’s faces, asking them whether their “mother ever taught them any manners?” and calls one the children an “impolite boy.”

The tirade then becomes more volatile as other travellers spring to the defence of the children and start lambasting the woman for her rudeness.

One man tells the woman to “shut up” and the woman reacts by saying, “he’s too lazy to jerk off, he can only get a gook for a girlfriend.”

When the lady she is referring to gets involved, the abusive woman then mocks her for her Asian accent and says: “what’s wrong with Hong Kong? Why did you come to this country?”

Believing the woman of Asian descent to be the girlfriend of one of the men that questions her behaviour, she begins to shout “bogan” at him and saying it is a “sad” that he "can’t get" a non-Asian girlfriend.

Warning: Contains racist slurs that readers may find offensive

Following the upload New South Wales Police said they “take incidents such as this very seriously,” and have already launched an investigation to try to confirm the identity of the woman.

They have also called on witnesses who may have been on the train to come forward.

Transport for NSW tweeted: “We won’t tolerate threats to customers. We’ll work with @nswpolice to ensure customers feel safe on every journey.”

According to broadcaster Ninemsn, they have identified the perpetrator as 55-year-old Sue Wilkins.

In an interview with the broadcaster, Wilkins said that “it was not nice what she said to the lady” and agreed that “she shouldn’t be saying that to other people.”

Nevertheless, she did admit that some of her reaction could have been down to the stress she was under trying to find work in her native Australia, after a failed relationship with a Dutch man saw her scammed for $100,000.

According to Wilkins she had travelled to Holland to live with the man she met on a dating website but the relationship broke down and she was now back home desperately trying to find work.

She did say that despite the stress she was under “it was no excuse” and said “she was horrified with herself.”

So far the video has received over 40,000 views on YouTube and has caused outrage across Australia with social media networks rife with condemnation.

It has even seen New South Wales’ Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner comment on the incident, saying the woman’s comments were “appalling”, “unacceptable” and urged the police to “make appropriate charges where applicable.”

So she gonna run to Singapore?

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