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What wrong with MOE???


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I think ignorance is bliss is more apt for you.


The PSLE cutoff you see for all the school do not include DSA students' results.


Let me give you an example from NUS high. It is an IP school that requires students with 250 and above for PSLE to join them, post PSLE stage. Yet, there are also students with 220+ in their school.


I cannot show you actual examples because that will be a breach to confidential information that no schools will share openly. What you have is published data. What I have is real data. 


There is nothing nonsense about DSA. In the past, if you score 250 and the school you want to go to has a cutoff point of 251, you are out of luck. Now with DSA, you have a chance. 


The initiative becomes a problem because some parents see DSA as an opportunity for their child with <200 PSLE score to go RI/ACSI/HCI etc and they get angry and cry foul when their child got rejected from the process.


I duno about Joseph Schooling but I know the level of coaching and training in SG cannot hope to match the standard overseas. 


The truth is you are reading from news paper, articles and internet sources but I hold the actual data and runs the DSA related programmes. 


There is a mathematics savant who suffers from autism who was admitted to NUS High.  His PSLE results weren't fantastic because he simply found the other subjects boring.


DSA opens up opportunities for such kids. 

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simple..... you can easily find out the PSLE aggregate score boards across all sec schools, see for yourself the huge gaps in the entry bands

ask yourself if DSA has been impemented for some years now w/o considering academic excellences but strictly by the CCAs achievements

then why aren't there a mix into neighbouring schools with so-called top or elite schools???


" In elite schools, there are no NA or NT streams, so once you get >188, you are in express stream. " 

where are the real examples !!!



also, why did Joseph S has to pay and go overseas since he oledi excels in his primary school days . . . .


you are just like reading the 2017's budget where Heng says Grants to be given for all 3, 4, 5 rooms buyers regardless of new or re-sales.

not knowing the fact that owners gotta return each & every cents PLUS interest on the grants upon sale of the units

not to mention the price of HDB price now has continuing to balloon (its records at 25% quarterly jumps during 2006 - 2010!)

and worst! materials in constructions (sand, concrete, metals etc.) were invoiced 10-20yrs back under LKY/KBK far-sighted policies.......


this is what I called ....... "blinding" public and parents into such beliefs....


as I kept quoting here as per thread: What wrong with MOE?

I'm strictly looking at the resultants from MO'E' - stick back into its core on education instead of coming up with nonsense one after another to blind ppl like you and the rest !!!


if you insist, continue with your beliefs then.... ignorance is blessing though



I read your replies with concern.


The examples provided are not factual, and I do not know where you get the information from.


2006 - 2010 housing price rises were important during the 2011 elections, but it is 2017, and prices have moderated since.


The resale grants that are provided, are real CPF figures credited under your name, if you consider CPF real money.


There is no free lunch, and more grants are definitely welcome.


No one owes me a living and though I bitch, I am free to decide if where my bottom line is. I am free to leave for Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand anytime to enjoy the lower cost of living, at expense of other 'taken for granted' benefits.

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in short, there's still no real success example here that claims a student gotten into sec. school due to DSA where the entry PSLE score is way above the student's actual, ha!  btw, its Ng CS . . . .



It's Ng Chee Meng as Edu minister. You just need to google..



let me tell you the real naked truth here!

200 marks the line bet. normal & express streams in many sec school (2016's lowered to 197 based on entries statistics)

if you insist your boy into that sec school via DSA, he will be put into normal stream while he could go for express in another - you ok with that?

most sec school hardly take such risk after weighing P5's result to grant entry via DSA less there's normal class available in it.

even if you insisted and got in,  the school will give up along in sec 2 if the academic remains if there's no fantastic results from his DSA

isn't it back to Square 1 ?????


pls also note that the above underlined spelled the whole lots of contradictions from your "beliefs" ..... Keep going.


 Let me briefly describe how DSA works regarding acceptance, instead of wildly guessing  if the school will put him in Normal Stream or not.


First the candidate will need to know if he wants to apply DSA via sports "o" level track, or a 6 years IP track or Normal "O" level track,. At this point the parent and student is sure which track they are applying for. For IP, either the child is successful or not, no such thin as accept liao then put in Normal Stream. As for O level track, if the school has Normal Stream, then yes, he may go into NOrmal stream via DSA.
Before the candidate takes the PSLE,  the successful candidate will be given a  "Confirmation Offer" or CO for short. The CO is very specific to the what the child applying. If he was awarded a CO for IP program, he will not be given a normal stream. A CO is a binding contract for both the school and the student. If the child accepts the CO, and he get 200, the school must accept him. Likewise for the child, if he accept the CO,  but during PSLE result day found that he got highest aggregate score in Singapore. He change his mind and wants to go to a more elite school. MOE will not allow it. The CO binding for both. And for the child, he has to commit to the school IP for 6 years. Cannot halfway decides to change school.  
If he get less than 200, then the  CO is void. He will not go the the DSA school as normal stream. He will need to participate in the usual Secondary school selection like the rest.
Its not just a belief. It's what I know, via attending many Schools briefing DSA session, meet up with other parents going thru the same DSA journey, and reading over whatever information I can get from MOE website. I hope this will address your misinformation about DSA.
Edited by Ender
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" In elite schools, there are no NA or NT streams, so once you get >188, you are in express stream. " 

where are the real examples !!!







Name me 1 ELITE school with NA or NT streams. Just name 1 will do, or maybe no need NT even, just name one with NA streams. And ELITE school hor. 

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simple..... you can easily find out the PSLE aggregate score boards across all sec schools, see for yourself the huge gaps in the entry bands

ask yourself if DSA has been impemented for some years now w/o considering academic excellences but strictly by the CCAs achievements

then why aren't there a mix into neighbouring schools with so-called top or elite schools???


" In elite schools, there are no NA or NT streams, so once you get >188, you are in express stream. " 

where are the real examples !!!



also, why did Joseph S has to pay and go overseas since he oledi excels in his primary school days . . . .


you are just like reading the 2017's budget where Heng says Grants to be given for all 3, 4, 5 rooms buyers regardless of new or re-sales.

not knowing the fact that owners gotta return each & every cents PLUS interest on the grants upon sale of the units

not to mention the price of HDB price now has continuing to balloon (its records at 25% quarterly jumps during 2006 - 2010!)

and worst! materials in constructions (sand, concrete, metals etc.) were invoiced 10-20yrs back under LKY/KBK far-sighted policies.......


this is what I called ....... "blinding" public and parents into such beliefs....


as I kept quoting here as per thread: What wrong with MOE?

I'm strictly looking at the resultants from MO'E' - stick back into its core on education instead of coming up with nonsense one after another to blind ppl like you and the rest !!!


if you insist, continue with your beliefs then.... ignorance is blessing though



Pls lah, do you even know why was there DSA and what DSA did or not. Do you even understand why is the minister trying to get more schools to open up to DSA or not? 


Yes, DSA used to look a lot on general academy results,  they wanted to pick the cream from an young age. But they also slowly went into science & technology, sports and arts. DSA is not all about main stream academy result only.


It takes years to cfm that a project is a success lah, not overnight or 3-5 years, one batch will take 4 years before that first batch takes 'O' levels and move on, 5 batches will take 9 years. As with any new project there will be fine tuning alone the way, and that takes time to set in. a few years to cfm again? 


And so now they think that going the DSA route can identified a  talent early, with many sec sch having their very own strong areas, some in arts, some in specific sports, some in music, some in Chinese Orchestra, etc.  MOE is now trying to have these sec sch working on their strength via DSA. Get the talents into the school that matches their talent. what's wrong? 


i think is not whats wrong with MOE here, mayb sld be whats wrong with you. 

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Pls lah, do you even know why was there DSA and what DSA did or not. Do you even understand why is the minister trying to get more schools to open up to DSA or not? 


Yes, DSA used to look a lot on general academy results,  they wanted to pick the cream from an young age. But they also slowly went into science & technology, sports and arts. DSA is not all about main stream academy result only.


It takes years to cfm that a project is a success lah, not overnight or 3-5 years, one batch will take 4 years before that first batch takes 'O' levels and move on, 5 batches will take 9 years. As with any new project there will be fine tuning alone the way, and that takes time to set in. a few years to cfm again? 


And so now they think that going the DSA route can identified a  talent early, with many sec sch having their very own strong areas, some in arts, some in specific sports, some in music, some in Chinese Orchestra, etc.  MOE is now trying to have these sec sch working on their strength via DSA. Get the talents into the school that matches their talent. what's wrong? 


i think is not whats wrong with MOE here, mayb sld be whats wrong with you. 

c'mon lahhh, read carefully my post lahhhh

you oledi said what I posted: DSA looked into general academy results

the other rest is just a forcasted perception until it comes true....

I oso asked  for example to 1 ELITE school with NA or NT streams???

whats wrong with your eyes....

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c'mon lahhh, read carefully my post lahhhh

you oledi said what I posted: DSA looked into general academy results

the other rest is just a forcasted perception until it comes true....

I oso asked  for example to 1 ELITE school with NA or NT streams???

whats wrong with your eyes....


read lah, and read again lah. 

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It's Ng Chee Meng as Edu minister. You just need to google..



 Let me briefly describe how DSA works regarding acceptance, instead of wildly guessing  if the school will put him in Normal Stream or not.


First the candidate will need to know if he wants to apply DSA via sports "o" level track, or a 6 years IP track or Normal "O" level track,. At this point the parent and student is sure which track they are applying for. For IP, either the child is successful or not, no such thin as accept liao then put in Normal Stream. As for O level track, if the school has Normal Stream, then yes, he may go into NOrmal stream via DSA.
Before the candidate takes the PSLE,  the successful candidate will be given a  "Confirmation Offer" or CO for short. The CO is very specific to the what the child applying. If he was awarded a CO for IP program, he will not be given a normal stream. A CO is a binding contract for both the school and the student. If the child accepts the CO, and he get 200, the school must accept him. Likewise for the child, if he accept the CO,  but during PSLE result day found that he got highest aggregate score in Singapore. He change his mind and wants to go to a more elite school. MOE will not allow it. The CO binding for both. And for the child, he has to commit to the school IP for 6 years. Cannot halfway decides to change school.  
If he get less than 200, then the  CO is void. He will not go the the DSA school as normal stream. He will need to participate in the usual Secondary school selection like the rest.
Its not just a belief. It's what I know, via attending many Schools briefing DSA session, meet up with other parents going thru the same DSA journey, and reading over whatever information I can get from MOE website. I hope this will address your misinformation about DSA.



Will praise you again next time as I just praised you recently. My question is, when it comes to decision making, did the advice from the school and teachers play an important part in deciding whether your son choose the DSA path? 

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Hmm...personally after reading the various pages till now I do not find in this instance what's wrong with MOE.


Thank you for the interesting discussions and erhem.....extra information here and there.


Have a good weekend guys.




Safe ride


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Will praise you again next time as I just praised you recently. My question is, when it comes to decision making, did the advice from the school and teachers play an important part in deciding whether your son choose the DSA path? 

No, we didn't consult his teachers.  We just attended a few school's open house for DSA. It's from those open house that we form our impression on the schools we like  apply. I believe this year open house for some school may have started in March. You can call the school of interest or follow this thread in Kiasuparent forum




After the every open house we discussed about the merits and weakness of the school and if he will fit in. Basically I let him choose the schools want to apply. He selected  2 'o' level track and and I kei kiang select 2 IP programme school for him. I let him do all the online application himself so he understand the whole process.  Got CO for 3 of them.  Finally he chose the "o" level track, which he is more comfortable, and more suited for his average PSLE scores.  I would say the final decision on the school would be my son's.  


One extra info, one of the school he applied via CCA. But he used the drum lesson he learnt from a private school to apply and passed the audition. So they do consider skills attained from outside. I heard RI do consider rifle, and some got in via this route by going for rifle courses outside.  There'll be a PDF booklet from MOE which listed those schools particpating in the DSA exercise, information such as their niche CCA and sports will be in that booklet. Sometime the school website will list the CCA they will consider for DSA.


I think the open house plays a bigger role in his decision. If there's a principal talk, try to attend it. There's valuable information there.

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If the child is fairly mature in thinking and able to decide and stick to decisions, bringing the child to the dsa schools' open houses will be beneficial.


Not only will they hear from principal and teachers, they also get to hear direct from the students, what is the atmosphere and expectation of each school.


My eldest made the decision to choose a more specialised school over two brand-name traditional elite schools (one offered a place, and the other on waitlist ... maybe they were offended being put down for 3rd choice [laugh]) for the 3 choices on DSA, and now 1 yr later is not regretting the decision. Open house played a part in it.

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No, we didn't consult his teachers.  We just attended a few school's open house for DSA. It's from those open house that we form our impression on the schools we like  apply. I believe this year open house for some school may have started in March. You can call the school of interest or follow this thread in Kiasuparent forum




After the every open house we discussed about the merits and weakness of the school and if he will fit in. Basically I let him choose the schools want to apply. He selected  2 'o' level track and and I kei kiang select 2 IP programme school for him. I let him do all the online application himself so he understand the whole process.  Got CO for 3 of them.  Finally he chose the "o" level track, which he is more comfortable, and more suited for his average PSLE scores.  I would say the final decision on the school would be my son's.  


One extra info, one of the school he applied via CCA. But he used the drum lesson he learnt from a private school to apply and passed the audition. So they do consider skills attained from outside. I heard RI do consider rifle, and some got in via this route by going for rifle courses outside.  There'll be a PDF booklet from MOE which listed those schools particpating in the DSA exercise, information such as their niche CCA and sports will be in that booklet. Sometime the school website will list the CCA they will consider for DSA.


I think the open house plays a bigger role in his decision. If there's a principal talk, try to attend it. There's valuable information there.


Ok thanks for the info  [thumbsup]

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Children should enjoy playing sports, but not lose competitive edge

"...MOE will be reviewing the National School Games competitions for primary school pupils.."




The idea is to get more kids to participate in sports. But according to another article below, the end result may not be ideal. Are you for or against it?


National School Games changes: Trophy for coming in 8th?




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Sports are good for children . They just need to know how to manage it . 


If they worry about trophy , every competition just have 3 person lor ...  all get trophy 



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Children should enjoy playing sports, but not lose competitive edge

"...MOE will be reviewing the National School Games competitions for primary school pupils.."




The idea is to get more kids to participate in sports. But according to another article below, the end result may not be ideal. Are you for or against it?


National School Games changes: Trophy for coming in 8th?




I think rugby system works the best.

Round robin. Those that go to quarters/semis only play knockout.

But those that lose in round-robin at least have the advantage of playing the plate competition to hone their skills.


Or similarly a reserve league for substitutes etc. But a school might find it difficult to participate in a reserve league if not popular spot.

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Sports are good for children . They just need to know how to manage it .


If they worry about trophy , every competition just have 3 person lor ... all get trophy



Ya, only 3 steps in the podium, not all can squeeze in. If the mentality is too competitive, many will be disappointed. Just do the sports because you enjoy it or keeping good health.
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Sometimes it's nice to be the team just beyond podium position, e.g. 4th, or 5th team. That gives the team something to work for, without the pressure. End of the day, maintain position (though no prize), is good enough, no one can say anything. Then sometimes become dark horse, pip the top 3 teams to the podium, or when they are having a bad day.

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Sports are good for children . They just need to know how to manage it . 


If they worry about trophy , every competition just have 3 person lor ...  all get trophy 



Yes, but soon we may see all runners on the stage from 1st to 8th place collecting their trophies. :slow:

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