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What your children told you or did that warm your heart?


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For those bros who have children, no matter they are still kids or already teens today, there is something they have said or done that made our day as parent.... and also things we hope they will do / say to warm our heart.


When my boys were young, the birthday or father day cards they DIY always made me feel very very good.... :D

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When they excel at their studies... [:)]


And show initiative and drive in doing things that are for their own good, without much prompting or pushing, unlike the other - sadly, the majority - loutish kids these days [laugh]

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When they say "I will burn alot of paper money and cars to you when you pass on." ha......

you sure ornot..... their generation doesnt know about such things lah.... :o

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"PaPa I saw mummy kissing Santa Clause"


That really warmup my heart real quick.

only your heart? further down got feel warm? :D

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