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Parents! Do you prefer boys or girls? And why? And how many?


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Fully agree..........i got i set B & G also.


Beri happy......... ^_^


Cute or not.......... :wub:^_^




of coz best is have a girl & boy both husband & wife happy.


i have 2 now, boy & girl. very happy

Edited by Hiphiphoray
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I heard:


Y sperm = boy, swim fast but no stamina

X sperm = girl, swim slow but long distance runner




to make boy, shoot deep

to make girl, dont shoot deep

Lol, this theory accurate or not ar? Anyone tried and proven before? :D

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for quite some time, people really thought that y sperm (boy) swim faster. now got research say no difference between x and y.


[grin] but if it is true, shooting on hand and goring on entrance will theoritcially weed out the y sperm who was previously beleived to have lesser stamina [grin]

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how to dun shoot deep?> I got 2 boys, wan a ger wor .. LOL


Err - look thru Cumma Sutera - diff positions let you go deeper or knot. Go in from behind is deep deep, preacher style not so deep, tink wheely box also not very deep.

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I heard:


Y sperm = boy, swim fast but no stamina

X sperm = girl, swim slow but long distance runner




to make boy, shoot deep :wub:

to make girl, dont shoot deep :wacko:





so those trying to shoot outside but accident got pregnant must be all girl? :huh: :huh:

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Then Mummy can play make up with daughter right? [laugh]


Are they twins??


No daughter 1st..3yr+

son 1yr+


Ideally wanted a son 1st, so the bro can take care of sis..but daughter came out 1st.

then was so happy with my daughter, wen 2nd time preg, dun really care whether boy or girl..


but god gave us son..hehe..nw mummy love to dress up daughter & son, buying stuff from internet & shops here.

Now both dress better than me when gg out..


father still wearing the old worn out clothes, children have nice clothes to wear always. [bigcry]

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I heard:


Y sperm = boy, swim fast but no stamina

X sperm = girl, swim slow but long distance runner




to make boy, shoot deep :wub:

to make girl, dont shoot deep :wacko:


So Y-sperm is F1 car while X sperm is Toyota Prius? :D

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For me I leave it to mother nature. Some couples have more girls, some couple have more boys, end of the day it's a 50/50 balance. That's how nature works I guess. There's no secret diet or secret technic to having boy or girl.

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I remembered my mum told me boys or girls also ok, but boys better as in they are "low cost" to maintain than girls! [dizzy]


...but my teenage son daily expanses are more than me leh??? [bigcry]

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