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R those pple who claim to own properties+++ real?


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I ever had this angmo walk into my office one fine day.


He said he was Italian and in S'pore to sell his company's crystal ware.


He doesn't want to lug his stock back to Italy so he was willing to sell me all his crystal glasess etc at a "cheap" price.

Kept telling me how beautiful his stuff were.


Since I knew nuts about crystals, I rejected the guy and he left quickly. In my mind I also thought his story sounded like those white van scams.


Nowadays really a lot of consters about



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Yup, as I said I don't always talk nonsense, I think Walton is relatively ok, but there are many of such scams courses around, it's up to the individual to do his due diligence, I have customers who ask me about those gold investments too and I told her to stay far far away unless she got too much money to lose


Profitable plots was here for a while befpre they disappear, Walton or Dalton will sing and dance b4 they disappear too !


When ppl are rich, they don't go aroud telling others what they have/owned this tat, only fools believe them and idiot takes up the offer.


Juz U wait and see !


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Profitable plots was here for a while befpre they disappear, Walton or Dalton will sing and dance b4 they disappear too !


When ppl are rich, they don't go aroud telling others what they have/owned this tat, only fools believe them and idiot takes up the offer.


Juz U wait and see !


Walton was around much longer, doesn't matter to me, I am not speaking up for them or anything like that, just presenting the case as it is.

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Talk is cheap ma. Not need proof one.


I am a millionaire everytime I travel out of Singapore ----- to batam that is.



IF that makes U happy, Why not live like a king, once back home we're poor mice again. everyday kenna ' screwed ' by boss

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Walton was around much longer, doesn't matter to me, I am not speaking up for them or anything like that, just presenting the case as it is.



Not so long ago, this was this con-man named ' Johnny Leong ' aka John something who will con-real estate agent, landlord regularly, posing as tenant, who wants to take up the lease urgently, saying his lease expired and need to move in fast, he likes your svc . . . blallallaa and of course after handing him the key, the cheque bounced. LAndlord jump high and low


Con-man thinks 3 steps ahead of you and work tirelessly saying you're such a nice guy, he has many properties to sell and is busy , he did not bring his cheque book, need you to make payment on his behalf.


Police cannot do much, countless tricks and endless search can't bring justice to him, what is wrong with our society?


It does not really land bank sales, gold coin or wines investment, all are con-men in disguise, till it too late !


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Ok clemant chiang sells option trading course claiming he got phd, he got exposed for faking the phd that's all. As for that david guy, this is how he does it, conduct seminars, earn course fees, and get participants to share in the property investment. Each guy come out 50k and share with him and his associates, a bit like land banking this is why he can claim he owns 100 properties but maybe each property 5% share



As I've said...


Sleazes and scums will have the same view points and share the same sentiments in life..


so not surprising at all, you will post such a reply! :D

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As I've said...


Sleazes and scums will have the same view points and share the same sentiments in life..


so not surprising at all, you will post such a reply! :D


I am only telling people how they do it and I am no part of it...besides I invest in properties under my own names, too many cooks spoil the broth.

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Not so long ago, this was this con-man named ' Johnny Leong ' aka John something who will con-real estate agent, landlord regularly, posing as tenant, who wants to take up the lease urgently, saying his lease expired and need to move in fast, he likes your svc . . . blallallaa and of course after handing him the key, the cheque bounced. LAndlord jump high and low


Con-man thinks 3 steps ahead of you and work tirelessly saying you're such a nice guy, he has many properties to sell and is busy , he did not bring his cheque book, need you to make payment on his behalf.


Police cannot do much, countless tricks and endless search can't bring justice to him, what is wrong with our society?


It does not really land bank sales, gold coin or wines investment, all are con-men in disguise, till it too late !


There are plenty of con men around, even in this forum, police usually only care about their paycheck, do they really care about society?

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And this incl the wxxxxn you sung praise about. Do you know how little they paid for the land and how much more they mark up? The so called exit strategy? If not, I suggest all to research a bit more.

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And this incl the wxxxxn you sung praise about. Do you know how little they paid for the land and how much more they mark up? The so called exit strategy? If not, I suggest all to research a bit more.


not a good reason to condemn any business. which business don't buy low sell high?


you think the condos selling in singapore the developers only make 10% above their costs? you think the iphone the world is buying themselves into doesn't come with a fantastic margin?


likewise in this car forum, their has been many arguments in the past on the fat margins car dealers make.

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I did not condemn. I ask for more research by those interested. I think someone here must be vested. I rest my case.

Edited by Latio2005A
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There are people who buys 5 properties in one shot during launches, and they offer to pay in full, so they will get developer discounts.



plse lah, during launch the property is not even developed yet, what is there to pay in full?

it's progressive payment and the developer always gets full payment from the bank anyway.




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Only fools will put their money into investments that are not regulated. Having said that, those that are regulated are not automatically safe. Caveat emptor, my humble input from 10-plus years of investment "mistakes". [:p]

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I did not condemn. I ask for more research by those interested. I think someone here must be vested. I rest my case.


just because people come out once or twice to defend the criticisms against a business, a political party etc you assume people are vested.......how quick to jump to conclusion can you be?

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Neutral Newbie

yeah, why do we see unknown people coming up to give talks and claiming to be able to teach others to become rich?


We do not see people like kwek leng beng or wee cho yaw or peter lim giving or anyone from top 40 list of s'pore giving talks, either free or otherwise.


the reason is clear, i think.

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just because people come out once or twice to defend the criticisms against a business, a political party etc you assume people are vested.......how quick to jump to conclusion can you be?

I may be right, or may be wrong. I would like to meet you to clarify

If or if not you are vested. For me, I have 3 good but goondu friends who are stuck with some investments, no need to go into details which. I know. They are prepared to come fwd to ask abt the so- called high and guaranteed return. They can't even dispose the purchase.

The socalled good products.

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