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Insurance damn expensive? Look at the accident rates.


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I'm not sure if any if you follow LTAsg twitter feeds. I'm amused by the number of accidents occurring during peak hours. Why can't Singaporeans drive properly?


I just got a quote for 3rd party cover... no fire & theft... price before NCD $1,800. I'm 29 this year. This is bloody ridiculous. But I can link up why... look at the rate of accidents!


I've started a Facebook page... please share and create awareness on the rate of accidents daily.




I hope everybody become courteous drivers like what I've experienced in other countries (Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand). It will be so much easier to drive... and I'm sure it will reduce the rate of accidents.


Ever since I returned from overseas I've toned down a LOT in my driving. Now I leave a safe following distance, give way to whatever (people, car) and use my horn less. I find myself having a smoother ride as a result.

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there is alot of factors for insurance increase.


i just hope LTA or goverment can look into those syndicate from workshop who purposely create accident to generate bussiness profit.

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The major factor is your age, driving experience and the car you drive.

I just got a renewal of $600+ for comprehensive ins after 50% ncd.

But I'm not that young a driver. [;)]

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it's not a sports car in case you were wondering. i'm looking at a used 17 year old merc 200E (w124). so now you have my ride.


put it this way -- if there are no accidents, workshops have no repairs to use for jacking up the prices.


car prices are damn high now. the used cars are easily sold at twice their paper value. part of your insurance cost is going to go towards all these inflated prices because they will eventually have to pay for it, especially for those with comprehensive cover.


i just hope we can all be courteous drivers. singaporeans drive as if a 1 second difference would kill them. we don't even give way to emergency vehicles. says a lot about our society.


in other countries the traffic would come to a dead halt for emergency vehicles to pass. here? all TAILGATING behind the ambulance who's clearing the way for us.

Edited by Detach8
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i just hope we can all be courteous drivers. singaporeans drive as if a 1 second difference would kill them. we don't even give way to emergency vehicles. says a lot about our society.


in other countries the traffic would come to a dead halt for emergency vehicles to pass. here? all TAILGATING behind the ambulance who's clearing the way for us.


agreed with u..other countries so huge and yet the driver dun mind few seconds lost to give way..in sg everyone chiong faster although the commuting distance is so short..not to mention the serious lack of enforcement for speeding and tailgating..i think it'll be decades before sinkies can change their mentality..and sg is not yet a 1st world country..but lots of people with 3rd world mentality -_-

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I'm not sure if any if you follow LTAsg twitter feeds. I'm amused by the number of accidents occurring during peak hours. Why can't Singaporeans drive properly?


I just got a quote for 3rd party cover... no fire & theft... price before NCD $1,800. I'm 29 this year. This is bloody ridiculous. But I can link up why... look at the rate of accidents!


I've started a Facebook page... please share and create awareness on the rate of accidents daily.




I hope everybody become courteous drivers like what I've experienced in other countries (Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand). It will be so much easier to drive... and I'm sure it will reduce the rate of accidents.


Ever since I returned from overseas I've toned down a LOT in my driving. Now I leave a safe following distance, give way to whatever (people, car) and use my horn less. I find myself having a smoother ride as a result.

[confused] Are yu trying to say Singaporeans can not drive properly because of the why you drive? I like to believe not. I believe you would agree that it is rather difficult for courtesy if put up a tread in such discourteous manner.

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The major factor is your age, driving experience and the car you drive.

I just got a renewal of $600+ for comprehensive ins after 50% ncd.

But I'm not that young a driver. [;)]

Hmm... I believe NCD = No Claim Bonus. Nothing to do with age?

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a good example i encounter yesterday is a camry driver keeping so close to the car in front and is on the yellow box....so afraid that people will steal his queue but actually i wanna go out of his lane....dont know what are they thinking......

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Hmm... I believe NCD = No Claim Bonus. Nothing to do with age?

Got lah, my premium is cheaper than my frens' ---- same model , same NCB, but I am old man they young... :D

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hey smart alec, sometimes you dun find accidents. Its accidents who come and find you. I am speaking from a motorbiker's point of view.

LOL... but spot on [thumbsup]

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[confused] Are yu trying to say Singaporeans can not drive properly because of the why you drive? I like to believe not. I believe you would agree that it is rather difficult for courtesy if put up a tread in such discourteous manner.

For drivers who never makes any claim say for more than 10 years (like yours truly), the NCB should be higher than the artificial 50%..... they have made enough money from these drivers.


The main culprit of ever increasing premiums: dishonest workshops / owners who make inflated / false claims: Put extreme heavy penalties on these people.


So far CASE / AA are toothless in making premiums a fair figures to ordinary (honest) drivers who seldom or never make claims. :angry:

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there is alot of factors for insurance increase.


i just hope LTA or goverment can look into those syndicate from workshop who purposely create accident to generate bussiness profit.

I hope not to be putting a wet blanket of your 'dream'. However, they are the creators/inventors/benficiaries of all these accident claims.

The number of automatic transmission cars involved in accidents many times that of manual transmission. Why allow for a different driving licence to have more accidents? To create/sustain more opportunities for accidents? Why the motor insurers do not differentiate premiums between the two either? To encourage more accident claims? I believe the only victims are the motorists. All other parties confidence for the future.

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