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Rush for iPhone 4s because of SIRI?


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actually i miss out should be 2 man hour day or was it called 2 man working day?? :ph34r:



cannot be 2 man-day! dun be paiseh, can go join the Porsche gang liao [laugh] [laugh]

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Sell in PRC easily S$2000+, more than enough to cover your holiday. Demand > supply.

sell PRC you might even get to have a kept young virgin for 1 week :blink:

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sell PRC you might even get to have a kept young virgin for 1 week :blink:



i can sense that you are going there with a dozen iphone in your luggage [laugh] [laugh]

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Well go have a look and play around with sites with small fonts (e.g. MCF [:p] ) and see if it's suitable. It's fine for me, but may not be for you. I'm on the original iPad and I reckon a 7 inch screen should be fine after playing with the GTab.


P.S. Have you upgraded to iOS5? If you have, are you having any issues with Safari constantly crashing??? It'd really starting to bug me....

yea, but sold the ip4 so not sure yet. on ipad it's fine though, no crashing for safari

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U r totally wrong. I moved from 3GS to 4S. My Taylor Swift wall paper looks so much nicer on 4S. In addition, i transfer 3,700 song from my MAC so much faster than 3GS. Lastly, i have friend who is not tech savvy move from Iphone 4 to Galaxy S & regret big time.


They key is "Not so tech savvy"... Which is why iPhones sell so well.. Typically(Not all), these people are also the ones who are unaware that there are other choices out there...

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it's really due to the smartphone usage lah... my wife also complain at first when i bought her the SEx10i.. she was using Samsung Ultra and she just have to charge once every 3-4 day but when she started to play games on her new SEx10i, it wont even last half a day... she say the phone lousy... [laugh] ...same goes for my Desire, i surf on it alot and it wont last,.. so, have to charge it whenever not in use... now my wife know why i cant go around without a charger or cable...... [laugh]

Mine can last for 2 days. Generally, idle power consumption has improved alot on gingerbread as compared to froyo. If you do basic housekeeping such as switching off data connection when not using, dimming the LCD brightness etc, disable auto push settings to interval push settings etc, it should help.


for lazy people like me, you can get apps to do all these for you.


i found that a key culprit in singapore is the relative lower number of cell towers operating in 3G/3.5G as compared to legacy ones in 2G. Most of our phones are set to prefer 3G and higher in default. There lies the problem, 3G and better coverage is not as prevalent as 2G and this causes the phone to do alot of signal hunting/switching. Since the phone does handshakes with cell towers every noe and then even when you are not in a call, energy consumption is heightened.

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Hmm but the online store like no 63gig leh...



which online store? singtel? Apple store have :D


but seriously 32GB is good enough, now they have icloud storage.

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how come yours keep crashing?? my one no problem.. no crashes or anything. everything function correctly. you JB you ipad huh??


Nope not jail broken. In fact I kinda did the opposite. I reset it, upgraded it then reinstalled all my apps. I can't tell why either. Sometimes it's just two tabs sometimes four. Always while I'm on MCF though.

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Nope not jail broken. In fact I kinda did the opposite. I reset it, upgraded it then reinstalled all my apps. I can't tell why either. Sometimes it's just two tabs sometimes four. Always while I'm on MCF though.


maybe its due to some scripts used in MCF? or maybe some advertisements in MCF created using FLASH? maybe android will not have such problem.

Edited by Babyt
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U r totally wrong. I moved from 3GS to 4S. My Taylor Swift wall paper looks so much nicer on 4S. In addition, i transfer 3,700 song from my MAC so much faster than 3GS. Lastly, i have friend who is not tech savvy move from Iphone 4 to Galaxy S & regret big time.


My GF'S went from her 3GS to Xperia Ray recently, had headaches for two days because she wasn't used to it. Had to keep reminding her to use the menu/settings button because she was so used to things appearing somewhere onscreen.

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