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Why mata SUV tailgating??


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Another 2 kilometers more and you will receive summon for failing to give way ......


They are used by Security Branch (SB) for escorting our Ministers or VVIP's .... [cool]


Next time see them, better siam them ... [;)]

i think i'd kenna speeding fine instead coz they were slow at 100kmh, i was doing 110kmh when i was in lane 1 in front...


the dark beemer in front had no blue/red blinker lights, how on earth would any other cars in front know that this 2-car convoy are official cars in a hurry? at least the beemer should on the hi beam or hazard lights to in form others in front of their 'grand convoy' arrival.


of course in situation like this logic makes no sense, only 'power' will.


ok, ok, next time i stay away and when they pass me i 'ta-bek' (salute) :o

Edited by KARTer
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I dont think they are driving ur normal BMW n Volvo. Their front n rear bumper should have been reinforced with thick steel bar.


Have u not watched America's Police Chase videos??? The police cars there will use their front bumper to ram u off the road!!! Or go in front of u n e-brake!!!



U try ur stunt to e-brake in front of them, I think ur sedan car will become hatchback. And their car only paint scratches. [laugh]

LOL, then for my own safety, i gotta do some self defense and drop oil on the road.... they got anti-slip??

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Secom right?So they are real escort!I thought some faker. [:p]

OIC, wonder inside the escort car got any chio escorts (the social type)??

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just curious, are you not afraid talking about "that car"?

are you read last sunday/ saturday newspaper about 3000 people missing yearly in singapore? :D

LOL, there are alot of other things i m more afraid off..... :o

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SUV is unmarked policeTP.

Beemer driver is buangkok patient


Self explanatory isn't?

the front passenger in the beemer looked damn fierce/crooked.... he hijacked the beemer with vvip as hostage? thats why volvo SUV tailed him....but dare not stop him in case hostage kena slashed in the throat? maybe now this 2-car convoy has reached Penang and still going north.. :o


its a case of car-hijack with hostage!!

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LOL, then for my own safety, i gotta do some self defense and drop oil on the road.... they got anti-slip??


Drop some oil will not make any difference. U gotta drop lots of oil and make sure its at both sides and not in the middle.



But if u do that, u will be considered a threat or maybe a terrorist out to assasinate the VVVIP. They might put some decor on ur car with their guns. Follow up, u would maybe share a cell with Mas at ISD detention camp. [laugh]

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the front passenger in the beemer looked damn fierce/crooked.... he hijacked the beemer with vvip as hostage? thats why volvo SUV tailed him....but dare not stop him in case hostage kena slashed in the throat? maybe now this 2-car convoy has reached Penang and still going north.. :o


its a case of car-hijack with hostage!!


You dun joke joke ok - last time we drive to a resort island in Thailand - big big jam at the ferry we had to take so I walk forward to look look see see - there had been an assination in the queue just about an hour before - the van was there with bullet holes in windscreen, and all the CSI type tags around it

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Drop some oil will not make any difference. U gotta drop lots of oil and make sure its at both sides and not in the middle.



But if u do that, u will be considered a threat or maybe a terrorist out to assasinate the VVVIP. They might put some decor on ur car with their guns. Follow up, u would maybe share a cell with Mas at ISD detention camp. [laugh]

Opps.... unless its a 'natural' oil leaks?.... then it will be an offence of driving on public road in a defective veh.... less serious offense than that of terrorism... [sweatdrop]

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You dun joke joke ok - last time we drive to a resort island in Thailand - big big jam at the ferry we had to take so I walk forward to look look see see - there had been an assination in the queue just about an hour before - the van was there with bullet holes in windscreen, and all the CSI type tags around it

OMG!!! ............. sgp us still a relatively voilence-free place, except water-suicide rate is going up (bedok reservoir etc).


if ever I drive to thailand, i will just stay in-car and mind my own business... :o

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OMG!!! ............. sgp us still a relatively voilence-free place, except water-suicide rate is going up (bedok reservoir etc).


if ever I drive to thailand, i will just stay in-car and mind my own business... :o

Like a sitting duck?

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Always see 1 such pair near my house, which is near MINDEF.. no prize for guessing who is in the ESCORTED car.. [laugh] [laugh]


Last time used to be Teo Chee Hean.. I heard now Defence Minister change already? Not sure but saw his volvo 20+ times around Upper Bukit Timah area. Tactics are always the same. The white volvo will saddle between two lanes and act like at road bully.


I cant believe a democratic country like Singapore can have such "open" blatant behaviour on our road. Really feel like Johor Sultan is in town. Anyway one time I wanted to turn into my friend's condo near Hillview but had to wait for the car at the guardpost to clear the security first.. behind me was a Q of cars.. easily 3-4 who waited for like 30 second patiently.. suddenly got a series of loud honking behind and from the rear mirror, some big-shot has just turned into the road and asking people in front to get lost.


I quickly accelerated into my friend condo even when the chap in front has not cleared. Peasants like me need to know our place in society.

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