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Do U dislike the driver in front of your car smoking?


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Do you dislike the driver in front of you smoking, window winding down, 1 hand holding a cigarette, flicking the cigarette ash onto the road and some landed on your car bonnet/bumper?


or u hack care/dun mind at all?



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Make no diff since the ash will be blown away by the wind. I just cant take those who drive using hand phone.

Edited by Vega
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I really hate those people smoking in the car


There was 1 time, just started driving off, my windows were down to get rid of the heat in the car.


The ash from the guy smoking in front, blew into my face and nearly into my eyes. almost blinded me. had to jam brake.

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I really hate those people smoking in the car


There was 1 time, just started driving off, my windows were down to get rid of the heat in the car.


The ash from the guy smoking in front, blew into my face and nearly into my eyes. almost blinded me. had to jam brake.


sure bo? he smoke chimmy ar? :D

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I really hate those people smoking in the car


There was 1 time, just started driving off, my windows were down to get rid of the heat in the car.


The ash from the guy smoking in front, blew into my face and nearly into my eyes. almost blinded me. had to jam brake.


I think ur reply is full of s--t....

the smoke needs to travel at least a distance of 1 to 2 M to get to u...

dun reply crap please...

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Neutral Newbie

I really hate those people smoking in the car


There was 1 time, just started driving off, my windows were down to get rid of the heat in the car.


The ash from the guy smoking in front, blew into my face and nearly into my eyes. almost blinded me. had to jam brake.


Seems ashes makes you pissed, i suggest you dun drive la. Roads in sg are full of sand and dust, ashes gets blown away dust dun. [laugh]

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As above.


Do you dislike the driver in front of you smoking, window winding down, 1 hand holding a cigarette, flicking the cigarette ash onto the road and some landed on your car bonnet/bumper?


or u hack care/dun mind at all?




Yes, I mind. I am driving a convertible, usually with the top down. There's a good chance flicked debris will land on me or on my leather seats.


If he's an inconsiderate prick and decides to flickety-flick, I'll give him a taste of my Flat 6. [wave]

Edited by Turboflat4
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I actually mind.... You want to smoke in the car is your business, but don't bloody flick the cigarette ash or butt out of the car. Not only you litter, if sway sway the butt fly into my grille how? If it's debris I LL nothing to say, ciggies can be avoided.


There are ashtrays for cars, pls use them instead.


Sorry but I HAVE something against most (not all) smokers....not becos they smoke but mainly cos they litter around and lack that self-discipline to dispose the byproduct of their addiction.


Recently, my house yard kena ashes from the top and burned into my yard tiles. The scars are permanent and I've very pissed off. The thing is I dunno who is the culprit and dunno from which floor!


My wife was an ex-smoker and even she's pissed, "can't they like use an ashtay with water? Flick the ash in the watered tray so they won't fly around" she said...

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Yes, I mind. I am driving a convertible, usually with the top down. There's a good chance flicked debris will land on me or on my leather seats.


If he's an inconsiderate prick and decides to flickety-flick, I'll give him a taste of my Flat 6. [wave]



bro no choice la. We must understand that there are certain things we cannot control and cannot impose our will over others.


its just like one insisting how a parent is teaching their child wrong or akin to another saying convertible drivers are idiots in our climates or that anyone who drinks with a straw is foolish etc.


whether another smokes or not etc one can dislike but one might find life more meaningful if we understand that certain actions are another's rights to it and we cant do much

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I actually mind.... You want to smoke in the car is your business, but don't bloody flick the cigarette ash or butt out of the car. Not only you litter, if sway sway the butt fly into my grille how? If it's debris I LL nothing to say, ciggies can be avoided.


There are ashtrays for cars, pls use them instead.


Sorry but I HAVE something against most (not all) smokers....not becos they smoke but mainly cos they litter around and lack that self-discipline to dispose the byproduct of their addiction.


Recently, my house yard kena ashes from the top and burned into my yard tiles. The scars are permanent and I've very pissed off. The thing is I dunno who is the culprit and dunno from which floor!


My wife was an ex-smoker and even she's pissed, "can't they like use an ashtay with water? Flick the ash in the watered tray so they won't fly around" she said...


Exactly right. There's a frigging ashtray in the car for a reason. Use it. No excuses like it'll stink up the car. You have a dirty habit, live with the consequences - don't make others live with the consequences of your actions. :angry:


Honestly, I think it's very high time the law came down on these jokers. The best is a "no smoking while driving" law. Smoking robs the use of one's hands just as much as a handphone, and likely more so. So why is HP use disallowed while smoking's allowed? Please don't talk about distraction potential - because HP use with hands-free sets is allowed. And I submit that hot ash falling on your lap/seats has the potential to be far more distracting than phone usage.


If the law doesn't ban drive-smoking outright, at the very least impose a strict proscription against idiots hanging their ciggies out of their cars. Keep them within the confines of the car and stub them out within the car.

Edited by Turboflat4
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bro no choice la. We must understand that there are certain things we cannot control and cannot impose our will over others.


its just like one insisting how a parent is teaching their child wrong or akin to another saying convertible drivers are idiots in our climates or that anyone who drinks with a straw is foolish etc.


whether another smokes or not etc one can dislike but one might find life more meaningful if we understand that certain actions are another's rights to it and we cant do much


I believe one's rights end when they infringe upon others'. If Sg can ban chewing gum, they can damn well do more about irresponsible smokers.


Your examples are dumb. How are convertible drivers ("idiots" according to your post [rolleyes]) bothering anyone else? Unless they play loud music etc. with the top down, which I also disapprove of. I also have no issue with smokers in general - but when they irresponsibly flick their ciggie ash onto me or into my car, I have a HUGE problem with it. If they smoke responsibly within the confines of their cars, I have no complaints.

Edited by Turboflat4
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Yes, I mind. I am driving a convertible, usually with the top down. There's a good chance flicked debris will land on me or on my leather seats.


If he's an inconsiderate prick and decides to flickety-flick, I'll give him a taste of my Flat 6. [wave]




911 Convertible?

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Neutral Newbie

haha i have no issues personally since it doesn't affect me. nonetheless i always wondered why people have to smoke in their cars. can't they wait after they reach their destination? is the urge so bad?!


anyway it's their prerogative no doubt but it stinks up the car real bad (as evidenced by some cabs i've been in). i doubt chicks will dig cars filled with cigarette stench. or do they?! [;)]

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