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Man in lingerie terrorizes AMK woman


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A 45 yo pervert dressed in women's lingerie and exposed himself to 3 women and a man. Residents called the police


Incident happened at Blk 647 AMK Ave 6 on 12 Oct at around 2:30pm


50 yo Mrs Ang stepped out from the lift and saw this guy in black lingerie squatting next to some plants looking at her and having a wank.


Mrs Ang rushed into her flat for safety but the pervert opened the flat window to continue looking for Mrs Ang


Mrs Ang hid behind her kitchen table and called her husband for help.


Mr Ang called a neighbour from downstairs to escort Mrs Ang from inside her flat to downstairs.


Apparently the pervert was still wanking away as the neighbours left.



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The small prints on the photo seems to suggest it is a reenactment of the actual scene. Wonder how much they've paid this actor to dress like that and do this pose in HDB corridor.

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OK, I'm seeing the same Porsche avatar everywhere. Either I'm going crazy or this forum is. [laugh]

Only your friend can use porsche avatar meh? :angry:

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seems like getting lots of crazy people living in this small island.everyday min of 2 suicide and many others goes unreported.but P$P still turns a blind eye to it since they are all million dollars man and woman and living an extravagant lives at the expense of taxpayers.


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