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TPL: Healthcare key issue if economic downturn hits sg


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SINGAPORE: The Community Development Councils are getting ready to cope with another economic downturn if it hits Singapore's shores.


Ms Tin Pei Ling, MP for Marine Parade GRC, said: "One of the key issues is actually healthcare, especially for the senior citizens. Affordability is probably the top concern that they have reflected to me even at MPS, especially for those with chronic illnesses. The cost involved in having to visit the doctors on a quarterly visit can be a bit hefty and difficult for them to bear."




interesting how after so many months of being a MP she still has yet to get a clue on how things work at our level

from her statement i derive that many singaporeans have chronic illnesses!

Edited by Expertz
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We know healthcare is a big issue, but we wanted to hear solutions. To recognize it as a problem is a good start though, better then those MPs with the same " Its still affordable" phase

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I thought quarterly visits to polyclinics are very affordable to the elderly as what MOH want to have us believe.


I think she meant hefty hospital bills? And these cases go to her MPS for help.


She does not make the best sense - she is plucking off words like hefty, doctors, visits.. I hope she talk more when parliament open.. And no husband help. :D



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Tell us the problem for fark....what we want is solution....Then again...what more do we expect from a "dont know what to say" MP....

Edited by LoverofCar
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Not only TPL, if you notice all the highly paid ministar are just stating the obvious.


Takes how many idiots to know how to say the obvious ?

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We don't need to pay $15k per month to hear problems. I can do that too. Any bosses will tell you they are not interested in problems, they want solutions.


Then again, at least she knows there is a problem.

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I thought quarterly visits to polyclinics are very affordable to the elderly as what MOH want to have us believe.


I think she meant hefty hospital bills? And these cases go to her MPS for help.


She does not make the best sense - she is plucking off words like hefty, doctors, visits.. I hope she talk more when parliament open.. And no husband help. :D

husband not around to help never mind, got LHL around to shield her from bullets

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ignoring that part on jobs in the article, don't you think that during a downturn most people will be more concerned about raising cost of living rather than medical care fees?

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Out of so many new and old MPs... wtf is the MSM focusing so much on her for?

She was a mistake to begin with, let her sink or float on her own merit from now on, there is no need to create a super star out of her.

Dont tell me the PAP is going to make her a heavyweight just to prove (shove it) to voters that the PAP is never wrong????


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