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Some Singaporen has been stockpiling these cars!


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Haha! That's nutz man! Not a very sound, nor good-looking car even. The report didn't say where these cars are located did they. Can't be Singapore right?

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Sounds like a rich person who doesnt know where else to put his/her money!


Sounds like a dumb Singaporean to me. Chrysler Neon??? [laugh]


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150 14 yr old cars? That guy is crazy if he thinks they will be worth higher than when they were new.

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Neutral Newbie

I was doing duty at sembawang wharves in 2003. There were lots and lots of neons lying around. All seem abandoned with flat tyres, weathered out head and tail lights, etc. I guess some of these cars were kept in the enclosed warehouses.

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I did saw these cars stockpiling at a warehouse or something just a few units away from Stamford Tyres Jurong a few years back when I was working in that area.

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don't think this is an intentional mean to stockpile. if it was, some motley means to preserve the roadworthiness would have been taken e.g. dust covers, proper mothballing procedures etc. And of so many makes, a chrysler neon? someone mentioned earlier, it could be a shipment implicated by some red tape and unable to change hands legally.

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