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Iphone use it like walkie talkie? how?


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Viber sucks !! Never seems to work when you need it to...it works well on wifi....but on 3G...try 10 times....fail 9 times.


works fine for me. well, both parties need decent data connectivity to give decent performance. well as you know, sg has far from fantastic data coverage,spotty at times.


at the end of the day, assuming there are no issues with viber and your phone, it is likely that app will give similar experience for you. remember that actual walkie talkie service on phones are serves by dedicated PTT networks so dont expect big differences.

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Viber sucks !! Never seems to work when you need it to...it works well on wifi....but on 3G...try 10 times....fail 9 times.


Viber sucks! big time! both on Wifi, potentially 9/10 with sufficient free mbps...

on 3G... forget this

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Hey! Miss seeing you too! Why are you only online in the wee hours? [:(]



haha.. sorry la.. I am a so called "owl".. online at wee hours only.. but once in a while online all day.. [laugh][rolleyes]

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not talkbox, i have try...

the interface is diffence, the app this taxi driver run, sound like a real walkie... with 'too too' sound then come message, should have put down my face and ask!

Oh.. I know which one is it.. The app name is TiKL

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Using 3G or WIFI? can't find info regarding the network.


Search app store for "IPTT". It's available free. IPTT can use 3G network or WIFI whichever is available. It's a pretty fun app. ^_^

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