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Loser trying to pick up gals @ F1


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Poor fella. Trying to relate his personal experience being rejected by the 2 girls by posing as a third party then kena slammed by all :D

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i dont approve of this but i don't consider the guy a loser.


he tried. the average sg male on the other hand would fit right into a 'forever alone' strip in such situations.


you don't buy tickets, you don't win the lottery.

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i dont approve of this but i don't consider the guy a loser.


he tried. the average sg male on the other hand would fit right into a 'forever alone' strip in such situations.


you don't buy tickets, you don't win the lottery.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Never try, never know.



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Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Never try, never know.




Actually wanted to let this thread die off but just wanna respond and repeat myself (cos some of you don't really bother to read and just anyhow jump in):


1) i am NOT against him trying to chat up gals per se - we are guys, its part of our "programming" so nothing wrong with that

2) it just was not the right time & place especially since the gals already showed no interest. If the gals reciprocated his interest, i have no issue at all

3) his choice of conversation (asking and then comparing their age, pitting one agianst the other as being more "sporting", etc) was rude and ungentlemanly


For those who write absurd things like i m making up a story or actually i am the guy in question - all i can say is: why would i make up a story? wat have i to gain? if i was indeed that "loser", why would i come and recount my failure here? Makes no sense at all. I really wonder why don't forumers think a little bit before they say something. You want to attack me, i don't mind but at least be logical about it.


Anyway i can see there is no use to continue this thread as majority of the ppl here don't have anything logical to say. You guys just wanna defend dat guy for the sake of doing so and taking opportunity to flame me when in fact u don't know wat u're toking about cos u were not there and worst of all making really ridiculously baseless statements as mentioned above.






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