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CNA:Low Fert. Rate, No Immigration'll Lead To Pop. Decline


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why didn't our highly paid government and their groups of so called highly intelligent think tank find out why singaporeans have low fertility rates, and get down to the root causes????


instead, they have an easy way out - IMPORT people


then why we need the think tank for? and highly paid cabinet???

They have tried but failed and failed and failed.

Why ? becuase they deploy those Agencies to "promote" family lifestyles, campaigns, roadshows, + Baby Bonus (small change)

spending $1.6B/year. These agencies must be very rich now as this is going on for many years.

However, why spend these BIG $ on Proven-Failed programs and worse - for so many Years ?


If I want 60,000 babies/year I use $1.6B/60K = Per Year I can give $27k to each Family from 2nd Child up to 5 years old at a decreasing rate.

For Mothers who wants to work, at least these money can pay for Childcare and necessities.

For Mothers who stops work, they have to use part of the money to continue upgrade themselves with skills .

For the shortfall of Women leaving the workforce, then we import FTs on EP basis.


Yes this program will cost the Gov > $1.6B but if it brings in the babies at least we don't waste the money...

Edited by Tigerwoods
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Wat he is saying is there are immigrants, they will take care of the elderly. Im assuming these immigrants will take care of me wen im old. Wonderful theory!

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Sometimes I find all these studies are BS. Mass import to increase working population to elderly ratio. They come here to work, do they help to support my elderly at home? Who support them? It's me and not them!

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Sometimes I find all these studies are BS. Mass import to increase working population to elderly ratio. They come here to work, do they help to support my elderly at home? Who support them? It's me and not them!

Good analogy.

They are brought in to increase GDP brudder. Hopefully the GDP will help you to take care of your elderly at home...

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Wat he is saying is there are immigrants, they will take care of the elderly. Im assuming these immigrants will take care of me wen im old. Wonderful theory!


I suspect the concept of the working-supporting-elderly is more appropriate for welfare states like UK, Australia, etc because they pay very high income taxes so that they can get welfare benefits when they retire.


Ours is the CPF system whereby you take care of yourself when you are old or have retired with this fund with nil or very neglible assistance from our dear gahment.


Stretching a bit will be just children taking care of their elderly folks yes?


Any experts in this field to comment?

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I suspect the concept of the working-supporting-elderly is more appropriate for welfare states like UK, Australia, etc because they pay very high income taxes so that they can get welfare benefits when they retire.


Ours is the CPF system whereby you take care of yourself when you are old or have retired with this fund with nil or very neglible assistance from our dear gahment.


Stretching a bit will be just children taking care of their elderly folks yes?


Any experts in this field to comment?


This is another lobang in their "mass importing FTs to support elderly" theory..


We're not a nanny state like some western countries. Taxes paid by working age people do not go to support the elderly, at least not directly. So, this argument is totally irrelevant.

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Good analogy.

They are brought in to increase GDP brudder. Hopefully the GDP will help you to take care of your elderly at home...


So it would appear that even if we have 10kids per household..the gahmen is still gonna open the floodgates..the so called 'fertility rate' is just a smokescreen to distract singaporeans from the true intent of the pappies which is to bring in more FTs..to increase GDP which in turn affects their GDP linked pay.. [sly]

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Neutral Newbie

let the p@p import and convert them to citizenship, it is ok. why u all so worry? soon or later those new citizens will taste what, we, native citizens have tasted - life in SG is tough (excluding the rich). then they will follow our footsteps, that is not to have children...


then the p@p will repeat the same process over and over again.


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let the p@p import and convert them to citizenship, it is ok. why u all so worry? soon or later those new citizens will taste what, we, native citizens have tasted - life in SG is tough (excluding the rich). then they will follow our footsteps, that is not to have children...


then the p@p will repeat the same process over and over again.


By then we will be all scr*wed then?

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Neutral Newbie

how can u expect them to openly admit it is their oversight cum mis-judgement? their eyes and ears are not use for seeing and hearing one u know?

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Neutral Newbie

we are already screwed, no thanks to the 60.1%. some forummers here voted for them and still think they have made the right choice.. typical example: i voted for them because my favorite alt party didn't contest in my ward. me :angry: with such people




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Neutral Newbie

As i say in another thread..


Again.. knee jerk reaction to increase our working population by mass importing foreigners.. Why don't they look at the root of the problem? Why are Singaporeans not having more children?


Pay themselves sky high salary to solve problems.. but come out with solution which even I can think of.. <_<



even if they did that and did something to improve - it wont help.


even if everyone started to make babies today


it takes 20 years to make a new employee. we dont have 20years our industry need people now our economy needs people now.


i agree we have to do something to improve the route of the problem - but until we solve our own childbirth rates we need to rely on imports.






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Neutral Newbie

Sure or not? I always thought the elderly are often left to fend for themselves. What support? How does it work?






working people pay tax and create wealth that the gov can use to look after the elderly that have been abandoned by their children



working people support the economy and part of that is used for old people subsidies


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Neutral Newbie

There are quite a few relatively successful (not only in terms of GDP, but in other aspects of life too) first world countries which are doing well with small popullation eg switchzland etc.



look at where they get their gdp from - we are different

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Neutral Newbie

my question is.... why din they research on the population growth 6-7 years ago?


and after letting in more than 100k migrants per year in the past 6-7 years, and causing problems to housing, transport and society, now then they wake up and say... hey, we should slow down the import of foreigners...


but alas, it's abit late now



because we didnt have the jobs then. we do now. you want them to import people with no job to do??



we dont want to increase our population - what we want to do is increase our population of workers or future workers

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Neutral Newbie

Sometimes I find all these studies are BS. Mass import to increase working population to elderly ratio. They come here to work, do they help to support my elderly at home? Who support them? It's me and not them!


are you a professor?



are you a professional who is paid to determine such things?






so you arent really qualified to call BS are you.


The simple fact you dont understand the basic principle that the working population supports the non working speaks volumes. Without working money doesnt move. An economy needs money to move. Taxes and wealth created and paid by workers (regardless of where they are from or who thay are) is used to pay for subsidised services (hospitals, defence, old people homes and services) So although you may support your Po Po there are many who dont or cant. And a country where everyone is retired and only a handful is working is a country going nowhere. Thats the balance they are trying (like every other country in the world) to achieve. not just a singapore problem. in fact with CPF we are better off than most

Edited by Badder
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Correct me if I am wrong. I read somewhere a few days back that the old man said we can afford to bring in 20000 new immigrant a year, but 60000 a year would be too much. Don't tell me they have been accepting 60K all these years.


First they told us to stop at 2 and it is a compulsory order, and now they say we are not producing enough, thus they need to import ....... [rolleyes]



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