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Fishy question


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i have a 4ft tank with 11 parrot fish in it.


1 particular bigger one tend to fight with the rest and causes injuries to them.


i have since taken that fish out and rear in a separate tank for months now.


So my question is ....if i put it back in, will it cause another mayhem [crazy]

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i have a 4ft tank with 11 parrot fish in it.


1 particular bigger one tend to fight with the rest and causes injuries to them.


i have since taken that fish out and rear in a separate tank for months now.


So my question is ....if i put it back in, will it cause another mayhem [crazy]



has the rest grown up................if yes...........put it back lah...........if it is not the bigger one anymore...........things will change............ [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

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Ten parrot fish is just nice, if want eleven then perhaps go buy a new one.


You did the right thing to eliminate the bully away from the rest. Keeping fish also must consider their welfare. A happy and calm environment will allow the other fish to grow up normal and healthy.


I rear angel fish as well. Sometimes one of them will bully the rest. I took it out into a container, and shake it vigoruoslyto teach it a lesson. If still very naughty, i brought it to my son school fish pond and throw it inside with the rest of other fierce fishes.

Nice wine don't want to drink...want to drink punishing wine!



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Ten parrot fish is just nice, if want eleven then perhaps go buy a new one.


You did the right thing to eliminate the bully away from the rest. Keeping fish also must consider their welfare. A happy and calm environment will allow the other fish to grow up normal and healthy.


I rear angel fish as well. Sometimes one of them will bully the rest. I took it out into a container, and shake it vigoruoslyto teach it a lesson. If still very naughty, i brought it to my son school fish pond and throw it inside with the rest of other fierce fishes.

Nice wine don't want to drink...want to drink punishing wine!

angel fish also fight?? so skinny how to fight :D

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i have a 4ft tank with 11 parrot fish in it.


1 particular bigger one tend to fight with the rest and causes injuries to them.


i have since taken that fish out and rear in a separate tank for months now.


So my question is ....if i put it back in, will it cause another mayhem [crazy]

I believe a bully is always a bully

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i was looking at the parrot fish with its triangular mouth and ever smiling look that they are non aggressive type.


apparently, cant judge a book by its cover also apply to fishes........



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i have a 4ft tank with 11 parrot fish in it.


1 particular bigger one tend to fight with the rest and causes injuries to them.


i have since taken that fish out and rear in a separate tank for months now.


So my question is ....if i put it back in, will it cause another mayhem [crazy]

Put it in chili water for 2 hrs first

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Is yours a bare tank? If not can try rearranging the objects in the tank.

It might give the fish an impression it's in a new environment and may behave itself.

But sometimes, it will familiarize and goes back to being territorial.

There are occasion where a new 'bully' will emerge in your community, regardless of size.

Was your fish in a breeding mood? Was it cleaning up any area when you noticed the aggression?

Sometimes it could be temporary.

Put it back in your tank but partitioned it for a while to monitor.

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tell that bully to behave itself, if not it will go to the cooking stove.


if you can make the fish understand this, u can become the Fish Whisperer, and will make millions $$!

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buy a bigger fish and put it together with the bully.... let the bully have a taste of its own medicine.

after bully's ego / pride is dully bruised by the bigger fish, try put it back to the old tank with the rest and see if it still bullies them like before?? :o

if it still doest, just throw it out into the drain :D

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