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MOE does not encourage sinkees to get degree


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[WIKILEAKS] MOE does not encourage more students to get a higher education.


Cheryl Chan, Assistant Director of the Planning Division at the Ministry of Education (MOE) wrote: the government does not plan to encourage more students to get a higher education. The university enrollment rate will continue to be maintained at 20-25 percent because the Singaporean labor market does not need everyone to get a four-year degree



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[WIKILEAKS] MOE does not encourage more students to get a higher education.


Cheryl Chan, Assistant Director of the Planning Division at the Ministry of Education (MOE) wrote: the government does not plan to encourage more students to get a higher education. The university enrollment rate will continue to be maintained at 20-25 percent because the Singaporean labor market does not need everyone to get a four-year degree



I believe more profitable to enrol fee-paying foreign students.

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the more stupid the people are..........................the easier it is for the government to control them

It is the majority of degrees-holding and malingering FT who fool us into accepting them as on par or better than us, degree/non-degree-holding locals.

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Reading this makes my blood boil. Govt is very chek ark.




"The truth is that Singapore is using an "impoversih own people to boost economic growth" model. This is embodied in the Cheaper Better Faster freudian slip.


Lemme explain.

Cheaper - lower wage cost will always end impovershing the working class. However as wage is one of the four factor of production cost, controlling it will hopefully keep the overall cost lower. The rental cost of production is a sacred cow that cannot be touched because the govt is the largest owner of land (thru stat boards and SLA). That will be amounting to "a raid of the reserves - another Freudian slip"


Better - make poly education good and technically sound. Thsi produces better worker who unfortunately cannot demand for better wages because no where else in the world is there a polytechnic education systems. UK, HK, NZ and other commonwealth countries has scrapped it.


Faster - Since the poly grads cannot get better pay by virtue of their non-degree qualification, they have to run faster.


So, preventing more people from getting degrees is a way of ensuring the workforce is Cheaper, Better and Faster."

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too many local grads


throw a stone at raffles place, high chances you will hit a grad easily


i think they start to realise that paper qualification is not so good thing after all

when we can import cheaper ft

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a sad day for all singaporeans..singaporeans plotting against singaporeans so that FTs can lord over us..sad day indeed.. [:(]


all this talk about increasing pay by 30% is just...en election ploy..

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too many local grads


throw a stone at raffles place, high chances you will hit a grad easily


i think they start to realise that paper qualification is not so good thing after all

when we can import cheaper ft



Then how? Become entrepreneur? Govt also frowns on entrepreneurship, preferring that Singaporeans sell their lives to work for GLC and foreign MNC at low wages.


Fact is, without a recognised degree in Singapore, we are screwed for life.


So govt prefers 25% Singaporean grads = opportunity to rise up in life and have chance to be elite.


And 75% Singaporeans to be non grads = become mechanics, technicians, secretaries, factory workers, forever underpaid and stay low on the socioeconomic ladder in order to attract foreign MNCs to open offices and factories here.


As a Singaporean, i figured the govt and MOE already determined our paths and fates in life at a young age, starting from Primary 3 gifted programme streaming, PSLE, Poly, ITE, JC, whatever that govt has determined your life should be.


After all, we cannot have everybody becoming graduates and wanting to be corporate managers. Who is going to do the dirty work then?

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i will never believe it lee kuan yew and pap love the singaporean tooooooooooooooo much to do all this things to us


no never. It all fake, fake i tell u . It all a lie to make us hate our beloved leaders



come all hail king lee. our father fore father are nothing compare to the all powerful lee kuan yew


all fake, the people of the world hate him. Come singaporean come protect him


















how emo enough :wub:

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This clear one of the mystery that has been bugging me.


How come Singapore is trying to be an educational hub in the region by allowing private education yet do not recognize most of the program.


This is why.

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Then how? Become entrepreneur? Govt also frowns on entrepreneurship, preferring that Singaporeans sell their lives to work for GLC and foreign MNC at low wages.


Fact is, without a recognised degree in Singapore, we are screwed for life.


So govt prefers 25% Singaporean grads = opportunity to rise up in life and have chance to be elite.


And 75% Singaporeans to be non grads = become mechanics, technicians, secretaries, factory workers, forever underpaid and stay low on the socioeconomic ladder in order to attract foreign MNCs to open offices and factories here.


As a Singaporean, i figured the govt and MOE already determined our paths and fates in life at a young age, starting from Primary 3 gifted programme streaming, PSLE, Poly, ITE, JC, whatever that govt has determined your life should be.


After all, we cannot have everybody becoming graduates and wanting to be corporate managers. Who is going to do the dirty work then?



Well like one of a fellow forumer posted in another thread


But at the end of the day, we are all individuals and want to be free to do whatever works for us


What give the elected gov the right to determine the path we should take?


If you got no money and no work, you will clean table even if you are a PHD holder. Arent we got alot of Master, PHD from oversea doing the dirty job?

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ahya... this is about balance of work force mah... it cant have everyone as manager lor...elites 5 %, white collar 20 % professional / expertises another 30 % and the rest are blue collar lor...


basically, our housing /wages/income and many others are structure to fit all class of people, all walks of life... the idea is slaverism [:p]

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This wikileak article just confirm my belief all these while..


- Entrepreneurship requires Creative, Critical-thinking and Risk-taking people

- Creative, Critical-thinking and Risk-taking people wants political and social freedom (among many other things)

- Political and social freedom will encourage challenge to pappies' power and political status quo


Since GCT's time, we see nation-wide propaganda on creativity and entrepreneurship. From education system "revamp" to speaker's corner, the establishment

tries to help Singaporeans let "loose" and be creative. However, their political grip is so pervasive that any effort only lead to surface-level creativity at best.

Knowing they can't change Singaporean much without sacrificing political power, they mass import FTs/FWs to grow GDP in no-brainer ways.. At the same, the

establishment continues their social engineering scheme through education system, media, demographic reorganization.


Wake up 60.1% !!! Whether you admit it or not, they care for themselves rather than us.

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This clear one of the mystery that has been bugging me.


How come Singapore is trying to be an educational hub in the region by allowing private education yet do not recognize most of the program.


This is why.



The education hub idea is a v stupid idea by govt


There are so many private education providers, and MOE has new stringent PEO audits. But you look at the HR policies of govt stat boards. Many of them don't recognize these degrees


What a irony..... I don't know why they want to have so many PEOs but not recognizing them.

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The education hub idea is a v stupid idea by govt


There are so many private education providers, and MOE has new stringent PEO audits. But you look at the HR policies of govt stat boards. Many of them don't recognize these degrees


What a irony..... I don't know why they want to have so many PEOs but not recognizing them.


exactly. most govt stat boards and civil sector jobs only recognise NUS, NTU and SMU.


even SIM also not recognized.

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I am going to state my honest thoughts here and hopefully I don't offend anyone.


It is time to control the number of degree holders. Given our government's propensity to estimate wrongly; there is a high chance that any increase in the overall intake of students into university would just end up like our liberal COE policy that led to congestion on our roads. A degree used to mean something. But now it has become a worthless piece of paper. Soon, it wouldn't even be worth the paper the degree scroll is printed on. And then what? When we find our island flooded with graduates, all harboring unrealistic expectations, will we end up backtracking and drastically slashing the enrollment figures?


What we should do is keep the current enrollment levels steady. Any increase in the intake for local students should be at the expense of the foreign students. Better yet; scrap any quota and make everyone compete for the university spaces on equal footing (i.e. standardized tests). If the foreign students do well enough to enter the university; well and good. If not, better luck next time.


Private institutions should be subjected to greater scrutiny to ensure they don't become degree mills. Prod them towards academic rigor. Publish a list that ranks all the institutions by how well recognized they are for government bodies and stat boards so prospective students can make informed decisions. Force all institutions to do an employment survey like SMU, NTU, NUS and to publish it yearly. It is time to stop making Singaporeans study for dubious paper qualifications at prices which they would take decades of employment to turn a "profit" on.

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