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Recession is good?


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Lets have some little fun like a roller coaster, for recently it always go up and time to go down, the most thrilling part if you have cash lol

:D :D :D



dont have cash but just love to see the faces of CMI people s--t in their pants.

Edited by Throttle2
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Neutral Newbie

there's one person in Singapore who would look on the bright side...

"Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry." - SM Goh

funny you mentioned that


PM goh retrenched still want to be SM then kena retrenched still want to be ESM




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Recession is always good, as long as I am not affected - it's similar concept as:


1. Having opposition is good so we have more representation in Parliament, as long as my ward is not opposition.


2. Having a hospital build nearby is good so reduce waiting time etc, as long as it's not in my part of town.


3. Having power sub station is fine, not sure what it's for, but as long as it's not near my block.


Unfortunately, recession impact is an equal opportunity foe, it can badly affect anybody in any walks of live, across social and economic strata.


So be careful what you wish for.



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It not anyone can wish or not wish for as this is just economic cycle. So its is just as easy as wishing, USA can just wish its 10 trillion dollar debt away. If have to go thru, it then better be prepared. Don't say people didn't warn you etc. Last time I gave this warning was before the last financial crises.

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Many complains we hear about online will disappear for instance


1. Fewer more FTs cos they will go back home.


2. Property prices will be cheaper as a result of 1. Less demand for rentals so HDB flats may see their long awaited correction.


3. Cheaper petrol/energy cos recession


4. Cheaper electricity cos of 3.


5. Fewer cars of the road cos of economic slow down.


6. Cheaper COES. Less tax to Govt due to less demand for cars


7. Cheaper food, maybe.


This is assuming we still have jobs to pay for 1-7, So lets try to look at the brighter side of a slow down.

8. Can be excuse for Ministers/MPs if performance found to be unsatisfactory (laugh)

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It not anyone can wish or not wish for as this is just economic cycle. So its is just as easy as wishing, USA can just wish its 10 trillion dollar debt away. If have to go thru, it then better be prepared. Don't say people didn't warn you etc. Last time I gave this warning was before the last financial crises.

This time round, it doesn't take a genius to figure out there's a recession looming somewhere in the horizon. Neither is it rocket science to figure out US is in deep sh&t load of debt.


Predicting & warning of the next downturn doesn't make one the savior of the world. Even uneducated uncles and aunties have a sense that things are not all rosy and bright.

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recession = job losses

a lot of people are deep in debt now due to high property prices


this should teach them not to over leverage

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i look forward to 3 things..easier reservation for restaurants, less crowded shopping malls and more parking lots available in many areas

you are not alone..........




there will be some who lose their job (not due their faults), and some who have serious pay cuts.... restaurant/shopping/car will be the last thing on their mind


ok, not disagreeing with you, just to balance the picture a bit [:)]

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Realistically speaking, there will always be 'recession-proof' guys around, even here in MCF. The rest of us have to face our individual problems arising from recessions.


Not a bad thing to be in their shoes.


Whatever these folks share here are talks and their views.


I do agree that recessions can serve as 'wake-up calls', if the listeners survive to learn from them.



Recession is always good, as long as I am not affected - it's similar concept as:


1. Having opposition is good so we have more representation in Parliament, as long as my ward is not opposition.


2. Having a hospital build nearby is good so reduce waiting time etc, as long as it's not in my part of town.


3. Having power sub station is fine, not sure what it's for, but as long as it's not near my block.


Unfortunately, recession impact is an equal opportunity foe, it can badly affect anybody in any walks of live, across social and economic strata.


So be careful what you wish for.

Edited by KARTer
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there's one person in Singapore who would look on the bright side..."Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry." - SM Goh

He does it coz it cant be helped..... :D

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u no cash? then it mean everyone had a lot of debt lol

Actually since i still can walk, i enjoyed seeing people on wheelchairs.... but then one day I also realised that no one can guarantee that my legs will remain intact.... now I dont enjoy such things [:p]

in fact the wheelchair reminds me not to take things for granted [:)]

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i look forward to 3 things..easier reservation for restaurants, less crowded shopping malls and more parking lots available in many areas



but if you were retrenched, dont think the 3 things you mentioned will benefits you in any way,,, LOL [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

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The ones with advance knowledge are the Banks. The Big foreign banks have already announced their retrenchment plans but say in the next breath they have expansion plans for East Asia. Anyway we know how fast their plans can change. The local banks are behind the curve in this regard. In any event nobody should be happy to hear this sort of news unless they relish at other peoples misfortunes.

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The ones with advance knowledge are the Banks. The Big foreign banks have already announced their retrenchment plans but say in the next breath they have expansion plans for East Asia. Anyway we know how fast their plans can change. The local banks are behind the curve in this regard. In any event nobody should be happy to hear this sort of news unless they relish at other peoples misfortunes.


I'm in banking. All I can say is the focus now is in Asia Pacific. US is screwed, Europe is screwed.


That's pretty much the direction of Citi, BofA, Goldman, JP.

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