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Dilemma in pick 2 job positions. Need advice


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I have a friend that is in a big dilemma.


Recently, he went to a couple of interviews back to back. Its special in the sense that one is in U.K, the other in Germany.


Both companies wanted to hire him. Thats when the headache begins, but you have to be patient to hear the story.


Lets talk a little of this friend. He work for an German automotive supplier which have an office in Sunny Singapore.



Due to his work nature, he had the rare chance to work together for the better of 2008 with an automaker in U.K for a project. He was station right in the lion (or a very big cat, if you get my hint) den of the automaker. He had a good working relationship with the people there & hence given the chance to apply & subsequently get an interview. But that was not after the credit crutch & automotive depression of 2009-2010.


While waiting for his chance, he got an opportunity for a position in Germany for his parent company (permanent post), & hence went to Germany for interview to get to know the place, & speak to HR. He was offer a very attractive deal (even by German standard)


So both interviews took place in the space of 3 days. That was 2 weeks ago.


The problem with the job in U.K is while they agree to hire him in principle, the VISA is a major issue that need to be sorted out, as there are very limited work VISA (unlike Sunny Singapore) available. The VISA need time to process, & no granatee of success. By the time the VISA application result is out, he would have missed the deadline to accept the offer in Germany.


On the contrary, the Work permit for Germany is a breeze due to the more lenient German rule, high position assigned for me, & it is an internal company transfer. In fact the boss over there wanted him to sign on the spot, but he told the boss he need time to considered. However, time is limited as they need to fill the position fast for an incoming project.



His headache


1) Should he took the risk, on his more prefer job to work for an automaker, his preferred choice, & hope he can one day be the lead project manager of a production car or more (no guarantee also since its a hot seat), in a charming country that he is familiar with. Its a big risk if the VISA application fail, as he will not only loses this chance, but also the chance in Germany as well.


2) Or should he play safe to join his parent company in the job that he know pays well, knowing the only thing that stand between the job is his signature on the contract. Its a new country that he did not know if he can adapt, & he didn't speak German too (but that can be learn), but he believe he will be able to adapt to the country. Worst if he can't adapt, he can always come back to Singapore office after a couple of years.


3) Or should he play b------d (at least this once) & sign for the job in Germany, & at the same time continue application for U.K work visa. If the VISA is ok, He can tender his resignation for the job in Germany, & join the U.K automaker. But it is not very nice, & against his value, He also feel it is unfair to the people in Germany to help him process the necessary paperwork to get him there, as well as loss time which they can be used to hired someone.



He is in a big dilemma & can't sleep well since he returned from Europe. He knew very well each of these chances do not come often, let alone both, & at the same time. If he is not careful, he could lose both, & never had such good chances again while he is still young.


What do you guys think he should do? Any good advices. He need to make a very critical decision soon. Remember this isn't just a job he need to consider, but also 2 fairly different countries to live for at least the considerable future.


Any feedback is appreciated.









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can he speak german?

No, but German lesson is intended. Its a small inconvience, but certainly not deal beaker. Most, if not all engineers in the office can speak English. German will be more critical for daily communications out of work, I guess.


A lot of people do not speak much English still in Germany.

Edited by Kiadaw
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No, but German lesson is intended. Its a small inconvience, but certainly not deal beaker. Most, if not all engineers in the office can speak English. German will be more critical for daily communications out of work, I guess.


A lot of people do not speak much English still in Germany.


is that an inconvenience to him?

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Since Germany had offered him an attractive package, don't hesitate as he only got a 50/50 chance due to the visa in UK.


Most of the younger generation speak English nowadays so should not be a big problem.


He can always learn their language even though I heard German language is one of the most difficult to comprehend.


Lastly, never play anyone out in the industry. You will never know 1 day it will come back and haunt you. [nod]



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Are u his SPG GF in Singapore?

In essence u are lost....whether to stay in UK or Germany better.

It not about him...it's about you isn't it? Which is a nicer place to stay.


I say Germany.


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U wrote ' a high position was assigned for me' lol


I say speak to uk side about your situation n see is there anything they can do about giving u am answer before your German deadline. If cannot, take German n from there see how it goes

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Germany for sure. Conquer a new teritory and somemore "pays well" = priceless.

Go to familiar place, do familiar job = same old same old ...

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I have a friend that is in a big dilemma.



On the contrary, the Work permit for Germany is a breeze due to the more lenient German rule, high position assigned for me,



You are his friend [;)]

If I were you, I would go Germany

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TS, you talk about your "friend", but suddenly slip out a "me" in your posting! [laugh]


My advice to you, take up the job in Germany. Bad points about UK, some stated already:

(1) country in decline

(2) anti-immigrant, drunken yobs are taking over especially in the evenings... quite a number of people bashed to death in their own backyards... safety is an issue

(3) UK loses out to Germany in terms of automotive engineering (maybe the guys at Top Gear will strongly disagree!!)


Good points about Germany:

(1) Germans have good working methodology and practices, very educational and good experience, especially for technical areas

(2) Learn a new language/culture

(3) More open to immigrants, in general (because of their darker side of recent history, anti-discrimination laws are strongly enforced)

(4) German/Euro babes are hotter!

Edited by Sosaria
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I have a friend that is in a big dilemma.


Recently, he went to a couple of interviews back to back. Its special in the sense that one is in U.K, the other in Germany.


Both companies wanted to hire him. Thats when the headache begins, but you have to be patient to hear the story.


Lets talk a little of this friend. He work for an German automotive supplier which have an office in Sunny Singapore.



Due to his work nature, he had the rare chance to work together for the better of 2008 with an automaker in U.K for a project. He was station right in the lion (or a very big cat, if you get my hint) den of the automaker. He had a good working relationship with the people there & hence given the chance to apply & subsequently get an interview. But that was not after the credit crutch & automotive depression of 2009-2010.


While waiting for his chance, he got an opportunity for a position in Germany for his parent company (permanent post), & hence went to Germany for interview to get to know the place, & speak to HR. He was offer a very attractive deal (even by German standard)


So both interviews took place in the space of 3 days. That was 2 weeks ago.


The problem with the job in U.K is while they agree to hire him in principle, the VISA is a major issue that need to be sorted out, as there are very limited work VISA (unlike Sunny Singapore) available. The VISA need time to process, & no granatee of success. By the time the VISA application result is out, he would have missed the deadline to accept the offer in Germany.


On the contrary, the Work permit for Germany is a breeze due to the more lenient German rule, high position assigned for me, & it is an internal company transfer. In fact the boss over there wanted him to sign on the spot, but he told the boss he need time to considered. However, time is limited as they need to fill the position fast for an incoming project.



His headache


1) Should he took the risk, on his more prefer job to work for an automaker, his preferred choice, & hope he can one day be the lead project manager of a production car or more (no guarantee also since its a hot seat), in a charming country that he is familiar with. Its a big risk if the VISA application fail, as he will not only loses this chance, but also the chance in Germany as well.


2) Or should he play safe to join his parent company in the job that he know pays well, knowing the only thing that stand between the job is his signature on the contract. Its a new country that he did not know if he can adapt, & he didn't speak German too (but that can be learn), but he believe he will be able to adapt to the country. Worst if he can't adapt, he can always come back to Singapore office after a couple of years.


3) Or should he play b------d (at least this once) & sign for the job in Germany, & at the same time continue application for U.K work visa. If the VISA is ok, He can tender his resignation for the job in Germany, & join the U.K automaker. But it is not very nice, & against his value, He also feel it is unfair to the people in Germany to help him process the necessary paperwork to get him there, as well as loss time which they can be used to hired someone.



He is in a big dilemma & can't sleep well since he returned from Europe. He knew very well each of these chances do not come often, let alone both, & at the same time. If he is not careful, he could lose both, & never had such good chances again while he is still young.


What do you guys think he should do? Any good advices. He need to make a very critical decision soon. Remember this isn't just a job he need to consider, but also 2 fairly different countries to live for at least the considerable future.


Any feedback is appreciated.


My opinion is: go for option (2). Sounds and seems more secure. Germany is the richest nation in the EU. Bail out a few countries like Greece and Portugal before. National economy plays an important part in the stability of the country and the reaction of the people. Ultimately, this would impact the behaviour of the people and your friend's safety in where he stays and hangs out around. Can't say the same for UK since they are in debt or worse shape than Germany.


I would not advise option (3). This day and age with the internet access and linkedin the world has become smaller and people are familiar with whosoever in the relevant industries. Don't play b******d and burn bridges.

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TS, you talk about your "friend", but suddenly slip out a "me" in your posting! [laugh]


My advice to you, take up the job in Germany. Bad points about UK, some stated already:

(1) country in decline

(2) anti-immigrant, drunken yobs are taking over especially in the evenings... quite a number of people bashed to death in their own backyards... safety is an issue

(3) UK loses out to Germany in terms of automotive engineering (maybe the guys at Top Gear will strongly disagree!!)


Good points about Germany:

(1) Germans have good working methodology and practices, very educational and good experience, especially for technical areas

(2) Learn a new language/culture

(3) More open to immigrants, in general (because of their darker side of recent history, anti-discrimination laws are strongly enforced)

(4) German/Euro babes are hotter!


London got hot asian gals.....Some are quite rich. :D

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If adopting to an unfamiliar country and learning the new language is not a really big problem, maybe your friend can seriously consider taking up the postion in the Germany company. He knows the advantages in this choice. The only down side is he loses the opportunity of getting his dream job in the Lion's den.


The loss may not be a real one coz in the first place the chance of obtaining the visa is perhaps only 50/50. And since the job with the Lion is 'attractive' to him partly due to future career leading to the hot seat, ie leading to a hotly contested slot, the so-called career path actually leads to something highly competative and despite his capabilities (which sounds quite substantial), chances are still not a walk-over.


Comparing the above 'challenges' with a career in the Lions' den, the Germany option seems be a reasonabley good choice with the main downside as not being his dream job.


But dream job may come knocking few years down the road and by then his credentials will have grown working in the Germany firm. Assuming he's not planning to retire in the next 5-10 years, there will be other opportunities (not just with the Lions) somewhere down the road.


Once he's in the Europe network/circle of car designers/engineers, chances are more doors will be open, it's a question of how soon.


just my 2cents' worth, if at all.

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