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How Come Our Lives so Worthless??


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now rifle...?

ok in every range, there is a safety officer.... giving safety briefing... every single time u go to the stupid range..

they will tell you always point to the butt... maybe they should just give a license to fire and allow soldiers to own time own target go shoot at a range...

then save the trouble to brief, to hv safety officers... to load rounds only upon command..

so if you want to continue this discussion, dun use gun as an example....

gun is a weapon to cause hurt.... the aim of learning to fire at a range is to kill an enemy...

when i was in NS, a recruit shot his PC and then put the muzzle under his chin and dirty the ceiling of the range in tekong...

so i know the danger.....

sorry for saying this but the example of gun is not suitable at all.. dun believe u stay a poll on this



say a chopper... or kitchen knife...

just to be on same page.. on a normal day, we use knife to cut meat or vegetable at a kitchen set up... agree?

how do we handle the knife? we hold the handle (of the knife) with our fingers and thumb (i.e. hand) and swing it up and down.... agree?


if i walk around my estate holding a knife (eg 6 inch blade) on the handle and swing up and down while walking around... i am sure the police will come soon...


if i drive my car around in the usual way... police wont come... am i rite?


like i say reckless driver do not drive recklessly with the intention to knock down someone...

from the victim's family point of view.. yes.. he is a murderer

from a neutral point of view... i would say most of the time he is just driving recklessly.... without the aim to cause hurt...

so the law will not treat him as a murderer... he will be punished for reckless driving...


on the same page, drunk driving shld be jailed as well... cos its worse than reckless driving.. its called mindless driving.... maybe shld jail 145yrs

driving without a license shld be jailed 22 yrs...


if a person commit suicide... successfully... his corpse will be handcuffed.. why?

cos he murder himself... and its against the law to commit suicide....

i heard that the corpse will kena caning???? (any police man can confirm this?)


if he jump from a building, maybe town council shld fine the corpse for pollution and killer litter....

he shld know that he will dirty the place and he will be a killer litter..... therefore he is guilty..


then smokers should be jailed if found smoking in the presence of non smokers... ???????


imagine the person who drive recklessly and drive into a tree.... will the court say "aiya u did not hit anyone so i will ask N parks to fine you..."

no way... the court will still punish him base on reckless driving...


if he dies... they dun go handcuff him and accuse him of commit suicide just becos he shld know that one day he will crash and may die due to reckless driving..

(see footnote)


law and morality are two different issues...

singapore allow prostitution..... but does it mean that its right???????????


with this post.. i rest my case...


other bros.. pls comment...




maybe tat is why reckless drivers are jailed for one day only... in the mortuary... or forensic lab...

its gonna be stinko to keep a dead body in jail for a long time... <-- this is pure speculation.. without any basis.. afterall law is law and




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lol, remember our conversation on don't borrow money?

oh ya, i remember [:)]

these xmm think men are atm.... dont mind pay for what they are worth, which is not much (no disrespect to their 'profession' though, its their way of making a living, there will be others who willingly splurg on them) :D

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Tsk tsk....so worked up for wat? Ever kena hit by a ride tat beat red lights b4? I did. The reason was becos tat driver did not see his own set of traffic lights hv turned red but e preceeding set tat was still green ahead hence he maintained speed and bang into my ride. Accident? Or purposefully want to beat red lights?


Btw tat preceeding set of traffic lights hv been re-timed to ensure tat it turns red b4 the earlier one so will nt cause further confusion or accidents.


So, like I shared, one does nt always know why a driver beat a set of red lights so dun conveniently assume. Does nt mean I support such an act but rather dun jump to conclusions wo facts or knowledge of what really happened.


Hv a gd wkend lah.....and safe ride too.






To bro KARTer : agreed abt deterence being useful to encourage and remind drivers to b more careful. Touch wood, paper, metal, stones always help and apply becos unless call to report to Maker is due, every bit of luck I will b glad for, to save tat limb (whether mine or others) or disfiguration to an otherwise near-perfect ride.


Even it is Geen light , you see anyone dash across , still must apply e brake mah , or even to the extend of hitting the kerb steer away from him , car damage car repair one !

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Tsk tsk....so worked up for wat? Ever kena hit by a ride tat beat red lights b4? I did. The reason was becos tat driver did not see his own set of traffic lights hv turned red but e preceeding set tat was still green ahead hence he maintained speed and bang into my ride. Accident? Or purposefully want to beat red lights?


Btw tat preceeding set of traffic lights hv been re-timed to ensure tat it turns red b4 the earlier one so will nt cause further confusion or accidents.


So, like I shared, one does nt always know why a driver beat a set of red lights so dun conveniently assume. Does nt mean I support such an act but rather dun jump to conclusions wo facts or knowledge of what really happened.


Hv a gd wkend lah.....and safe ride too.






To bro KARTer : agreed abt deterence being useful to encourage and remind drivers to b more careful. Touch wood, paper, metal, stones always help and apply becos unless call to report to Maker is due, every bit of luck I will b glad for, to save tat limb (whether mine or others) or disfiguration to an otherwise near-perfect ride.


Even it is Geen light on your side , you see anyone dash across , still must apply e brake mah , or even to the extend of hitting the kerb steer away from him , car damage car repair one !

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60% voted ah gong not to be cheated.....maybe the person kena knocked down is one of the potential 40%?

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oh ya, i remember [:)]

these xmm think men are atm.... dont mind pay for what they are worth, which is not much (no disrespect to their 'profession' though, its their way of making a living, there will be others who willingly splurg on them) :D


well, you know the saying, great man cannot overcome mei ren guan....ever since ancient times women has brought down many great men to their knees....eg cao cao lost the battle of red cliff due to a smart delay cos by having tea with the woman he desires but does not belong to him

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Ah, u see? What u did nt know was my view was blocked by e car next to mine as I moved off when green light in my favour. He managed to stop in time but I did not even realised the other driver who beat e red lights swerved and swee swee aimed straight for my ride. Tat green light was btw already at least a gd 10 seconds b4 I moved off.


When facts or full details are nt revealed, u jumped to own conclusions. U assumed and guessed wat took place and how one shd react. But u were nt there and u did nt experience e situation of why another ride beat e red lights and kena hit.


Hence, dun assume yr assessment of wat took place is correct based on a situation u hv no full facts of......




Edited by PSP415
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why not sentence every driver who pass driving licence to 2 years jail plus $1000000000 deposit? cos everyone has the possibility of knocking someone down, all man equal!

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Ah, u see? What u did nt know was my view was blocked by e car next to mine as I moved off when green light in my favour. He managed to stop in time but I did not even realised the other driver who beat e red lights swerved and swee swee aimed straight for my ride. Tat green light was btw already at least a gd 10 seconds b4 I moved off.


When facts or full details are nt revealed, u jumped to own conclusions. U assumed and guessed wat took place and how one shd react. But u were nt there and u did nt experience e situation of why another ride beat e red lights and kena hit.

Hence, dun assume yr assessment of wat took place is correct based on a situation u hv no full facts of......






Beat red light some more got excuse one meh . Can I tell e judge , sai oozing out of my ass hole cannot tahan must chiong the red light ?

Edited by Jasonjst
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Beat red light some more got excuse one meh . Can I tell e judge , sai oozing out of my ass hole cannot tahan must chiong the red light ?



can, why not? you never try never know [rolleyes]

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can, why not? you never try never know [rolleyes]


Thats how the rich get away with all kinds of lame excuses , like car sound proof one cannot hear . Then can also say indian man too dark cannot see that he was there ... [laugh]


Last time army days got road march , the rich boys keng mc become jerry can party , OC also give face . Other ppl keng kena make up on Sunday early book in ! [laugh]

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Again, to u its just an excuse when someone beat e red lights....like I shared in my personal account, e driver tat beat e red lights and hit my ride was nt intentionally doing so. E authorities took e necessary action to ensure the timing of traffic lights is changed.


I can assure you that there are true accounts of ppl who went thru red lights because they mistook e green lights of preceeding set as in their favour. U hv nt experienced it personally does nt mean its just an excuse. Besides e authorities and insurance coy can easily just wait and observe the said sites and verify the driver's account.


This is just a true example that NOT all that beat the red lights do it intentionally. There is no arguement abt whether it is lawful because it is a no brainer. The driver is not charged simply because after investigations, there are sufficient grounds to believe that he was not purposefully wanting to beat the red lights.


Anyways, I hv no intention or need to convince u simply because it happened the way it did and whether u understand, believe or otherwise, will not change an iota of what has already taken place and settled. It is a healthy discussion and I prefer facts to assumptions.


Haha....mayb this "excuse" can b useful for u in future, in case u experienced the same....just remember the timing of both sets of traffic lights are as per my posts on this sharing.




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Okay Chill guys, let's not get so worked up over this, I don't believe anyone would set up intentionally to kill anyway, this is why they are called accidents.....for example once a young girl suddenly ran out onto the road and I jam brake to avoid hitting her and luckily she just fell....suddenly this guy came up to my car and whack my car as if it's my fault, a lot of things are accidental and not what they seem, so take a step back and look at things objectively

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Perfectly chill-ed + no worries, bro. Actually was wondering where this gg to lead to den realised it din matter cos facts vs assumptions can talk until cows come home also no point, so will rest frm further yaking.


Thnx for yr sharing and yup, always three sides to a coin....accidents do happen....such is life. Glad no1 got hurt in yr experience.


Safe ride and great wkend....



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Yes, wish everyone a safe ride always, today nearly kena accident, this taxi made an illegal u turn on a two way road and I have to jam brake, I couldn't stop in time and luckily she braked, i wish taxi drivers would be more careful, everytime see accident on the road always involve taxis

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It is getting more stressful on e roads these days....seems that illegal U-turns are becoming a common bad habit as I hv also encountered quite a few times similar scenarios like yrs.....though it comes in more shapes and sizes other den teksi.


Again glad its a miss + u are fine. These close-calls always leave me in jitters and I wonder why ppl can be so care-less about safety of other users.



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It is getting more stressful on e roads these days....seems that illegal U-turns are becoming a common bad habit as I hv also encountered quite a few times similar scenarios like yrs.....though it comes in more shapes and sizes other den teksi.


Again glad its a miss + u are fine. These close-calls always leave me in jitters and I wonder why ppl can be so care-less about safety of other users.



well I guess we all do make some illegal turns at time but please ensure that it doesn't pose a danger to other road users.....ok....gd nite bro sweet dreams of smooth roads

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I see on news that one person was jailed 15 months for using a fake $50 note.


Then someone beat red lights and kill pedestrian jail 1 day......


Our lives that worthless meh??

Inflation means jail penalises tax-payers. People with fake notes can sponsor for the jail term by themselves.

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