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Woman driver rams her camry into 3 parked cars in CCK


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Neutral Newbie

hi, i m the s14 owner. it had been hurt but not too bad is it still repairable condition... wana to thks all of you, the car is doin good...btw can u remove the ad?

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Hrrrrrrr......just curious.


That women got the freak out look or payaya attitude after the accident ?



hi, i m the s14 owner. it had been hurt but not too bad is it still repairable condition... wana to thks all of you, the car is doin good...btw can u remove the ad?


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The Camry insurer burn a hole in its pockets,at least $25K of claims.


What about claim from the 41yrs old woman who slip into coma from brain injuries? The kuku driver better give up her driver licence for good. Claim $100K to $200K for injuries from their insurance and let them go back to public transport. Car damage is ok, but a life is now at stake

Edited by Amazon777
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Neutral Newbie

What happened if it had been a woman with a pram or children walking along there as well.


I shudder at these kinds of accidents, because all it takes it just one second of daredevil tomfoolery when it would just take a minute's convenience to re-route or u-turn at the next junction.

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hi, i m the s14 owner. it had been hurt but not too bad is it still repairable condition... wana to thks all of you, the car is doin good...btw can u remove the ad?


The reporter mistook your Nissan for a white BMW.

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All women have this mentality that man must give in to woman.


They also expect other women to be treated likewise as well.


And this mentality follows onto thier driving skills. And this adds up to thier oredi lousy motoring skills. [laugh]



i beg to differ..... in fact almost ALL drivers otr expect every others fellow road users to giveway here in sg............


freak accidents happened every now and then, even Michael Schumacher loses his front wing twice in a row out of mistake.......

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hrrrrr.......women like to use this phase as well. i wonder why.


MS is a bad example. One pushes his car to the limit & thats his job, the other is pushing her luck. [laugh]



i beg to differ..... in fact almost ALL drivers otr expect every others fellow road users to giveway here in sg............


freak accidents happened every now and then, even Michael Schumacher loses his front wing twice in a row out of mistake.......

Edited by Hiphiphoray
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Go 1 loop? You know I've seen a female driver literally stop, yes STOP, because she wanted to filter out but only realised after having passed the chevron markers and almost at the start of the concrete divider already? Mind you, she didn't come to a slow stop inside the chevron area ok, she stopped in the leftmost lane. Amazing.


When it comes to female driving, generally the mentality as shown by driving practices I've seen, is you have to accommodate her, not the other way around. Everything on the road must revolve around her. I think it is not all down to them being ego, but because they are insecure / not confident. In which case those who are like that should stay off the road. I have seen very decisive and competent woman drivers, but they are really few and far in between.


One track mind, singe tasking... "Me, need to exit left. "Me, need to exit left". is all they have in their mind. The thought of safety, do a loop or use the next exit does not come into mind until she completes the "Me, need to exit left" command.


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hi, i m the s14 owner. it had been hurt but not too bad is it still repairable condition... wana to thks all of you, the car is doin good...btw can u remove the ad?

Simi ad?

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frankly..don't be mean to be a MCP...whenever encounter a stoned or blur driver on the road...99% is a woman...and my wife agreed too...


Not u mcp, i think everywhere is like that. I ask my malaysian relative, they all also bei tahan female driver in malaysia esp auntie driver.

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Whoever argues that women drivers are no different from male drivers either



Is a woman driver




Drives like them.






That why they can't tell the difference...........

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Worst if the insurance co pushed all the blame to the aftermarket wheels!

When ins co don't want to pay. The lady can walk free, blaming on the aftermarket wheel as well.


The three cars owner might have a harder time to claim back the money from the lady.


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OT abit - which part of CCK is this?


I realised the SMRT buses (usually spotted along teck whye), usually driven by ah-tiongs.. all sibeh hiong one. at the traffic stops will actually attempt to floor accelerator to compete with my car going into merging lanes... sometime my wife takes the buses and inevitably will feel like doing a merlion, cos these tiong drivers drive like no tomorrow...


maybe the female driver underestimated the tiong driver's hiong-ness and only realised she couldnt cut in last min half way turning in?

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OT abit - which part of CCK is this?


I realised the SMRT buses (usually spotted along teck whye), usually driven by ah-tiongs.. all sibeh hiong one. at the traffic stops will actually attempt to floor accelerator to compete with my car going into merging lanes... sometime my wife takes the buses and inevitably will feel like doing a merlion, cos these tiong drivers drive like no tomorrow...


maybe the female driver underestimated the tiong driver's hiong-ness and only realised she couldnt cut in last min half way turning in?


Dun blame the bus la........


Last minute wanna cut? Wat tok you?

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