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Stupid Cowtex increase pump price by 3 cents again (12/07/11


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  On 7/12/2011 at 8:35 AM, Robo said:

although im a caltex user... i think im gonna switch brands. seriously... they sux. always the first with no reasons.


Wait no longer. Though i'm enjoying 16% off with the fleetcard, i've dumped them and go for SPC.

Why SPC? Coz there's one near my house and they are not the first, but can say almost the last to up pump price in any increase.



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  On 7/12/2011 at 9:14 AM, Mugen85 said:

I wanna switch but I cant. Cowtex gives me 16% corporate discount.

Last time it was "Siao" that lead the price increase. Now Cowtex. Maybe next time a------e.


I have that card too, don't be misled. You forgot to add in $2 or $3 more monthly if you use the card.

I've now switched to SPC, milage wise no diff fm Cow. Don't think i'll return to Cow unless SPC chut stunts.


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  On 7/12/2011 at 8:40 AM, Kyrios said:

But according to CNBC, oil has been dropping for 3 straight days leh...all right drive car also up lorry, take pubic transport oso up lorry..what these people want?


As a middle class, wages have been stagnating due to middle class FTs flooding the markets...walao..really unbearable.. [knife]



whats new? at least they dont tell you noncense reasons... they will only tell you that they are trying to increase their profit... unlike some big sucker..., 1 quoter tell plp oil price increase, thats y need to increase the electricity price, then when oil price drop, rotiprata and say that electricity generate by gas not oil... the following quoter oil n gas price both reduce further, they tell plp that they bought in "future" price which is higher..

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Told you guys long long times ago, cartel at work, they sucks big times.


Tis is what you voted for and this is what you're getting paid hor !


Expect it sooner than later, what can the MIW do about it???


Perfectly NOTHING, And I'm NOT / NEVER ever pump here !

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  On 7/12/2011 at 2:06 PM, Ken1898 said:

ESSO Tiger Master 18% discount





still got 18%? thought promo is suppose until 30 jun, they extend the promo?

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  On 7/12/2011 at 8:45 AM, SimonTan said:

I am caltex user....damm it.

but eventually all other petrol company will follow the exact same price.

I got the caltax 11% using NTUC credit card.....so its still cheaper for me to pump caltex vs Esso(10% using other credit cards)


Is this what business call...market leader....where the best selling brand can set the prices first and fore most? Not worry about losing business to others?



get the DBS tiger card, with esso member card, can get about 17-18% discount.


accumulate points up to 750 iirc, can redeem $30 petrol. [thumbsup]

Edited by Tom_kkh
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  On 7/12/2011 at 9:05 AM, SimonTan said:

i prefer instant discount....

the rebates discount.....I am not so interested (i know its still money)..but somehow....the on the spot discount still attracts me most!


+1 the rebate can only see when bill comes, and dunno rebate for what transaction also

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  On 7/12/2011 at 4:00 PM, Rliewky said:

still got 18%? thought promo is suppose until 30 jun, they extend the promo?


Now end July... mayb extend again after that [laugh]

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  On 7/13/2011 at 12:30 AM, 13177 said:

Have SPC increased price? [:/]


last nite i pumped not increase yet. Not sure 2day

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Neutral Newbie

this morning pump at ESSO, notice shows price up 3 cents on 12/7 (tues), 4pm. Last week up 4 cents on 5/7 (tues) 4pm. Mustn't pump on Wed now, seems like pump price goes up on Tues afternoon.

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I think just boycott caltex. Their point rewards system also fk up. 40 points 1 dollar. 30 dollars 1200 points which is to say 1200L. Crazy, I think Mobil esso only 750 points for 30 dollars right?

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