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Would you watch Lady GaGa's concert?? or buy her CDs?


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Somehow, i wont........... too much visual 'packaging' even though she may be a talented singer... no offence to her fans here :o

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I hope to hear from bros here who have knowledge on music and share the differences between her type of music and those great music in the 2000s, 90s, 80s, 70s,.............


Some say the music today can hardly be called music.... not sure how true this is? [:)]


As a listener, not a critics, i am a little undecided <_<

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same views, maybe becos i'm uncle liao so cant be bothered with such "music"

unker got unker hobbies....like drive 6 er....smoke cigar.... [:p]

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I hope to hear from bros here who have knowledge on music and share the differences between her type of music and those great music in the 2000s, 90s, 80s, 70s,.............


Some say the music today can hardly be called music.... not sure how true this is? [:)]


As a listener, not a critics, i am a little undecided <_<


Nowadays music undergo lots of editting and modification. The voice of the singer sound weird and robotic. The tune also very repetitive. I still prefer the 90s, 80s singing and music style. Singer that time really need to have a solid voice to cut an album, and what u hear are quality voice.

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Nowadays music undergo lots of editting and modification. The voice of the singer sound weird and robotic. The tune also very repetitive. I still prefer the 90s, 80s singing and music style. Singer that time really need to have a solid voice to cut an album, and what u hear are quality voice.

ya times have changed.....for better or worse too early to tell.. <_<

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Somehow, i wont........... too much visual 'packaging' even though she may be a talented singer... no offence to her fans here :o


after listening to ''fun pack song''....forget it...no way! [:p]

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Think different people different taste.


I may not be a fan of Lady Gaga, but I have to admit that she is very very talented. Not only can she sing, she can dance, play piano and other instruments and the best is she wrote her own songs.


But then again I'm not into her kind of music. Too pop for an old fart like me. I have my days with Madonna, Rick Ashley and Pop artist of that era and I'm not really a fan of Pop to begin with.


Same goes for Jay Chou, I know he's talent and wrote his own songs but I have not much feel for his music, perhaps I'm more "Ang Mo Pai" when in comes to music that's why.


Nowadays I felt that Pop songs are going down the drain. It all start with CHER in that Robotic "you believe in love" crap and then suddenly every damn single farking pop music is synthesized one way or another. Not only is it going to be a disasterous fad it going to be an irritating one. I can't think or any other cliche effect that is as irritating as this...not even Techno and not even backstreet boys!


Some of the current generation "talents" that I regards are as the following:

- Linkin Park, IMO they redefined Grunge music with a mixture of metal and rock. The best thing is their early successful album do no rely on "explicit lyrics" to make it big! Check out their "Hyrid Theory" and "Meteoria" albums.

- Eminem, I like the "Eminem Show" Album. He's one angry rapper but if you pay attention to his lyrics, alot of deep meaning

Edited by Pocus
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Even thou i gen Y sometime i also don;t understand GaGa, i think better spend the money on BoB concert on 3rd Aug, i going liao...


Thailand alots of Gaga, more busty then her.

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Neutral Newbie

Have a pair of Lady Gaga Born this way ball concert 2012 tickets for sale. They are "PEN B" (Free Standing) tickets for the 29 May concert.


Each ticket would have cost $188+3.


The tickets for 3 nights are sold out.


I letting go of them for a pair at $350, or $175 each.


Interested parties, pls call 8413 9761.



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