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Lol, agreed. Instead we jog to inhale fresh air and improve our health, but ended up breathing in 2nd hand smoke from those smokers. <_<


Till now that one I never notice...



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Hey Ho...


Run for hope yesterday.


Had to climb the marina barrage - blardy hard work. [whip] [whip]


Did anyone record the distance? My GPS had it at 10.7 km, another I checked had 10.3....The last two km (going by their markers) seemed very long...

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Till now that one I never notice...

Which is why i rather run at nature reserve park or reservisor, cause dont find anyone smoking along the path.

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Going past Tebing Lane (Popeye's in Punggol) last night, saw a bunch of bikes being unloaded. Obviously they're going to start a hire business there pretty soon. Weekends lookout man, soon you won't be able to move!


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Going past Tebing Lane (Popeye's in Punggol) last night, saw a bunch of bikes being unloaded. Obviously they're going to start a hire business there pretty soon. Weekends lookout man, soon you won't be able to move!

Becoming another ECP?!

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I went there to jog before the shops were there... Nice and peaceful route.


Going past Tebing Lane (Popeye's in Punggol) last night, saw a bunch of bikes being unloaded. Obviously they're going to start a hire business there pretty soon. Weekends lookout man, soon you won't be able to move!


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still deciding on 2xu or 350 coz both events back to back in 7 days


350 last year was really well organised and a pleasant run - their early bird special pretty attractive also.


Only thing is - I wanna do 21k, so the timing to step up between U Run and Run 350 is short (I also wanna see how I do over 15km race before attempt 21km)


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You stay somewhere near Popeyes izzit? Sometimes for the sake of variety I also run towards Defu - then go up and down the access tracks to get at least a little bit of uphill in. But much prefer heading towards Punggol Jetty - the back track is nicer, but I've been avoiding it because of the rain.


Those motorised bikes are going to become a real menance soon. Not to mention the lycra clad....the speed can be pretty fast.

More to Seng Kang side.

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There is a north face city run too...

north face run abit confuse... run at ur own navigation sound messy to mi lol... will giv it a miss [:p]



350 last year was really well organised and a pleasant run - their early bird special pretty attractive also.


Only thing is - I wanna do 21k, so the timing to step up between U Run and Run 350 is short (I also wanna see how I do over 15km race before attempt 21km)

i had sign up for run 350 instead of 2xu, previous 350 i had a good run coz mi n fren super late arival, is like left 5 mins to closing lol... all the way no congestion :D


now i cant wait for SCM [laugh] 4 more days! hopefully can get my PB for sub 2hr on HM, best of luck for those taking part on coming SCM [bounce1]

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Would like to seek some advice on Category C for the 2XU run.


I mean, are we getting a discount for the 2xu shorts if we pay $132 to sign up for the 21km run as compared to the retail price?



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Would like to seek some advice on Category C for the 2XU run.


I mean, are we getting a discount for the 2xu shorts if we pay $132 to sign up for the 21km run as compared to the retail price?



i think if sign up cat c, u will be getting the Original 2XU Compression Shorts in the race pack, the price u paid @ $132. Bassically $132 - cat A price $47 = $85 for the shorts, somting like tat... pardon mi if i get it wrong :ph34r:

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north face run abit confuse... run at ur own navigation sound messy to mi lol... will giv it a miss [:p]




i had sign up for run 350 instead of 2xu, previous 350 i had a good run coz mi n fren super late arival, is like left 5 mins to closing lol... all the way no congestion :D


now i cant wait for SCM [laugh] 4 more days! hopefully can get my PB for sub 2hr on HM, best of luck for those taking part on coming SCM [bounce1]




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i think if sign up cat c, u will be getting the Original 2XU Compression Shorts in the race pack, the price u paid @ $132. Bassically $132 - cat A price $47 = $85 for the shorts, somting like tat... pardon mi if i get it wrong :ph34r:




So this 2Xu shorts got so good and so expensive or not?


I guess its a good deal if the shorts are selling for >$85 outside right?

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