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Breakup with GF during ICT. Sibeh angry


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This NSman in camouflage uniform suddenly turned violent in a public park, hurling and kicking his backpack after a tiff with his girlfriend. He then charges at her and tries to attack her.


STOMPer Melody relates the shocking incident:


"I was startled by repeated loud screams and witnessed an outrageous incident at Jalan Membina.


"An army guy turned violent after his girlfriend apparently broke up with him.


"In the video, the army guy lost his cool and threw his army backpack. His girlfriend then picked it up and returned it to him.


"This enrages the army guy even more and he kicks his backpack away and even tried to strangle his girlfriend in public.


"Are army guys trained to become more physically strong for the nation? Or towards their loved ones?"



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another bo liao stomper, this type of scene very common, he vent it out on the backpack, not the girl!

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Neutral Newbie

i think we don't know the full story cannot say so much le...


what if he kanna green hat?


i tink nobody wans to be violent to our loved ones la...

dun say until likedat la


machaim army train killers likedat...




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eh, at least he din ask his maid to throw his backpack for him..... :D


it was probably the maid... she refused to carry the fullpack for him.... so boyboy threw tantrum.

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how they know he in ICT? maybe NS...the girl look quite young


He is wearing old style No.4

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i think we don't know the full story cannot say so much le...


what if he kanna green hat?


i tink nobody wans to be violent to our loved ones la...

dun say until likedat la


machaim army train killers likedat...




I agree with one of the stompers who said it is not easy being a S'porean guy. Breakup angry also tio comprain.

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He is wearing old style No.4

OIC..great eye sight..


It is true not really easy been a S'porean guy..


Serve 2 or 2.5 years of NS liao...want to go overseas still must report, want to color my hair all gold or cut funny hair style also cannot ....not as if we have alot of privilege



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Last time my NS buddy also broke up during NS. He book in at 1pm on Sunday to stone in the bunk. [:(]


During those days, hand phones were for the super elite only (and banned from camps). Some folks queue the whole night to use the 10c phone only to find GF is not at home ... whole night cannot sleep.

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i rem those 10c coinphone days...all sort of characters come out after that 3 mins haha!


Hmm? What do you mean?


What I remember is some will use 1st 10c to call home, next 10c to call friend, then next xxx 10c to call GF. Those in the queue behind [furious]

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the person who post it may he suffer the same fate...... I understand too. During ns i stay in camp do guard duty .. The gal goes tornedo

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