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Cable tie on Mustafa plastic bags


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Stupid idea! One thing I see is that they are wasting a lot of shop space. U see rows & rows of same items. Some can even be found in different parts of the store. They are using the shop as a warehouse also? With such a mess & that many things, I'm sure the shoplifting rate can never be zeroed. Only can minimise. This is one Mega Mahmak Store!!



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Look at walkways. If fire, dunno where/how to run. Whenever I am there, I always have a phobia "what if there is a fire"?


they were forced to shutdown for awhile due to fire safety issues mah..

then they renovated the area to less clustered..

u mean now back to sq one aldy ah?

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they were forced to shutdown for awhile due to fire safety issues mah..

then they renovated the area to less clustered..

u mean now back to sq one aldy ah?



Not too sure now. Quite a while didn't go, no lost love of that place. :D

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but i am also decent looking (i think), yet they tie my bags [:(][bigcry]

U where got decent looking? Maybe yr face looks like yr avatar pics , sure kena tie lor[laugh]

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Not too sure now. Quite a while didn't go, no lost love of that place. :D

i was there about 4-5 weeks ago, the new wing is much better and more spacious...... the old one is slightly less congested/clustered.

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U where got decent looking? Maybe yr face looks like yr avatar pics , sure kena tie lor[laugh]

not handsome doesnt mean not decent, no? [cool]

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No trust between customer and retailer.


I found it irritating.


It made carrying fully stuffed bags harder to carry. Especially, if you have a few to carry.


They don't trust their own kind :D

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i will just squeeze the tube and apply some cream on my face before i walk out.... (i go there at least once a week to enjoy free aircon) :D

no wonder i always find my pimple cream tube half empty

though it was the manufacturer eat snake


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no wonder i always find my pimple cream tube half empty

though it was the manufacturer eat snake

you half-filled cream have been tested safe for use by me..... please enjoy it [:)]

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you half-filled cream have been tested safe for use by me..... please enjoy it [:)]

thank you thank you

but going there so long and still using it

does not speak well of the pimple cream


maybe the pimple is not a pimple afterall



a case of mistaken identity



because of this can i humbly request you leave the pimple cream alone

because no time to check as you expertly seal back the box and looks like original

thank you in advance

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Think mustard has one of the highest rate of shoplifting that's why they resort to that.


*mustafa* i meant mustafa. The stupid autocorrect changed it to mustard! Hahaha


Yes, reported in the paper.

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mustafa and the other building facing the main road also sell the same things but less crowded and more spacious...both are under Mustafa.


i tried not to buy frozen/chilled food from mustafa cos u never know if some ppl take and then leave it elsewhere and they re-fridge it. my fren brought a stale juice before.


nowadays Mustafa plugged out the perfume caps so that ppl cannot easily squeeze and spray the perfumes lol.


however i brought some very cheap fish oils from there. about 9 cents per capsule from NZ brand.

Edited by Babyt
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It a lame idea, last time they wanted to tie my waist pouch but i told him my shorts no pocket and waist pouch is there to put my wallet and handphone, if u tied it, then how i going to pay.


Another is women are allow to carry their handbag, so what is a different if they can allow to be in ? U tied all the man haversack but woman handbag cannot touch.


and also when giant 1st opened at imm 10 years ago, they also bought in their superb malaysian idea into it, sercuity wanted me to surrender my bag at the counter without issuing a tag in which no one will look after in.Just expect me to place there, i told him Singapore got so many supermarket, no need to shop also won't die and i just walk off. Now i see whether they dare to do that .

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mustafa and the other building facing the main road also sell the same things but less crowded and more spacious...both are under Mustafa.


i tried not to buy frozen/chilled food from mustafa cos u never know if some ppl take and then leave it elsewhere and they re-fridge it. my fren brought a stale juice before.


nowadays Mustafa plugged out the perfume caps so that ppl cannot easily squeeze and spray the perfumes lol.


however i brought some very cheap fish oils from there. about 9 cents per capsule from NZ brand.

U comparing the price of same product found elsewhere or tat brand only Mustafa selling? Anyway, u got check the ingredients or amt of concentation of EPA/DHA anot? :o

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