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Guys - Do U Agree? - Blame the material girl?


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in sgp, every thing is so expensive. up bringing cost of a child is so high.....sure, many people will consider until cow comes home, before getting married, and giving birth.


the local gov is so practical to the nation, of course, we people also automatically, becomes very practical, when it comes to wanting to get married, and then having babies......

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in sgp, every thing is so expensive. up bringing cost of a child is so high.....sure, many people will consider until cow comes home, before getting married, and giving birth.


the local gov is so practical to the nation, of course, we people also automatically, becomes very practical, when it comes to wanting to get married, and then having babies......


wat an interesting topic, sg life is stressful, even a basic home like hdb costs half a million, imagine a young couple with a combined income of 8k a month have to pay about 2k a mth for the home for 30 years, left over money for kids? what is left for retirement and quality of life

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this can also mean your wife, gf, sister or mother as well...

becareful what you type...


Thanks but no thanks. I dun have a sister, wife and gf. Only mother. In this world, only mother and father are the ones you can trust.

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