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Sherry Computer


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I dun play PC when young cos no such thing [laugh]


Then in uni start to experience one from friend, that time only DOS and my first game was Larry, also in DOS :D when Larry was 'doing' it was 'censored' [laugh] [laugh]

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I believe many years back all local computer manufacturers closed down for one reason or another.



the local companies closed down due to the lack of market share...

up to mid 90s, pple are either buying these local brands or DIY...The local brand while provided a one stop solution..will charge a big premium if you wanted the latest graphic cards or more RAM & HDD.

hence lots of pple turned toward DIY set which cost much cheaper. The big guys like IBM, HP and Dell were more interesting in the corporate biz ( at least in Spore)...Hence the DIY biz totally wiped out the local companies...I was doing self asembled set till the mid 2000s...when I decided to give up and get a set from Dell instead...Nowaday unless one is doing rocket science data crunching or those high end gamers where even the mouse or mousepad will affect the response time ....most of the mid-level model from the above brands can do the job efficiently.


nowaday when I go to Sim Lim Sq,,most pple are buying routers, printers and other accessories,,,,not so much of buying a casing,,,power supply, motherboard..etc etc to DIY a system.

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3.5" ?? not 5 1/4" meh ?? ha ha ha....still got single side...double side thing...


still got 8" one ok [laugh] [laugh]

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Sample config.sys: [laugh] [laugh]











this brings back loads of memories.... so much time wasted on a tiny file.

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