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Encounter with a Rush/Terios driver today


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Neutral Newbie

Hi guys, if u r in e Rush/Terios forum, kindly help post this msg there cos I wanna clarify with whoever I encounter today.


I was driving along Thomson Rd just now and came to a stop @ traffic junction between Balestier Rd n Thomson Rd, in front of Thomson Medical Center. I was on e 2nd lane from e left, waiting for e traffic light to turn green. A white Rush/Terios with loud music on was on e 3rd lane just beside my car on e right.


From what I see, there are 5 lanes @ e junction and which 2 lanes on e right is turning right lane, or can say 1 can turn or straight. And if u drive straight, there r 4 lanes for e cars to move into, so technically, if I'm on e 2nd lane, I should be driving into 2nd lane afterwards when light go green, right?


Furthermore, extreme left lane has bus lane markings on e floor and when I drive straight, I'm still following e bus lane markings. I just don't understand why e Rush/Terios driver horn n flashes @ me...


After that, I wanted to turn left up to PIE, so I signal left. I check all mirrors on e left n no sign of any car or bus, so I filter left into lane 1 on e left. Suddenly, this Rush/Terios driver horn n flashes @ me from e back again. Then I realise he's behind my car which his car wasn't there in e first place.


I'm sorry if my driving was slow and hinder ya speeding to somewhere. Also, apologise as I'm driving a slow vehicle...


Btw, I'm driving e SX4 just now...

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Aiyoh, just flash a middle finger at him and move on lah. No need to clarify wif this type of drivers one.

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