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Worst American Idol Finals in a long time


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For a season which promised so much, last night's AI finals was by far one of the worst in a long long time. Both singers had very poor dynamics, i.e. more or less the same volume throughout the song without any climax or quiets parts, the songs were poor and not engaging at all.....we had very good finals the past few years but yesterday was an utter disappointment.

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the idol was simon, no one cares who is singing on stage ...


exactly.....the 3 politicallycorrect clowns CMI

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actually i blame the american public for not voting the right ppl to stay....if we had james vs casey (rock/heavy metal vs jazz) or something like dat, it would have been much better plus both of them were prob the most creative in changing up the songs given to them...

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actually i blame the american public for not voting the right ppl to stay....if we had james vs casey (rock/heavy metal vs jazz) or something like dat, it would have been much better plus both of them were prob the most creative in changing up the songs given to them...


yeah...a Pia vs JAmes finale would have been good.....

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simi angmolican idle?


u mean still got ppl watch after simon cowell gone?


i noe you watch the bollywood show before that and then go zzzz lah...old man need your sleep,,,we understand [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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Amelican like country singer so boring


yah lor......even the prev AI winner Cuntry...edelweiss....hopeless....ptuiiii

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Boooring finals..... country and western winner. How to appeal to the masses?



you have a old rock star judge who misses his childhood [laugh] [laugh]

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