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Thailand planning to align excise tax to CO2 emissions


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Thailand has plans to align automobile excise tax to vehicle emissions, moving away from the current system of tax based solely on engine capacity. This proposal by the Industry Ministry was agreed in principle by the Thai cabinet last week, and the Finance, Energy and Industry ministries have been given three months to study the issue.


One of the early proposals include a flat rate of 30% on vehicles below 3,000 cc. Of these, vehicles emitting less than 150 g/km would have 5% shaved off the 30%, while those emitting over 200 g/km will incur an extra 5%. Models that fall in between 150 and 200 g/km will be taxed 30%. Cars with engines larger than 3.0 litres will be taxed 50%, as per the current rate.


Understandably, not all are embracing this new idea with open arms. Thailand is a major producer and consumer of pick-up trucks, and they aren

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certainly more progressive than our pre-historic cc-based taxation.


a euro zero geely 1.6 pays less tax than my euro-V. clean n green singapore...???

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certainly more progressive than our pre-historic cc-based taxation.


a euro zero geely 1.6 pays less tax than my euro-V. clean n green singapore...???

Please sent this link to LTA.

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