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Spore Has Spoken. They Want......


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more of the same policies that has been carried out:


1. Higher and higher GST.


2. More expensive medical costs. Slow buildings of hospital beds. Yishun hospital took 20 years remember?


3. More expensive and more overcrowding transport. At the same time transport companies will reap even more profits.


4. More expensive housing. The young in the future will have to subsidise the old. The youth will regret this greatly.


5. Undeserving Ministers who cannot manage to handle their portfolios properly.


6. Overbudget in their projects and will be kept from our view.


7. Losing more of our investments.


8. More immigrants. Lower us to 4th class citizens.


Singapore, you asked for it. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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All i can say is:


60% voters are:

  1. naive
  2. ignorant
  3. greed-conscious



Add in somemore more..



Bo Chap


See Anti WP remarks


These are the people who are the ignorant, selfish, elitist.

Thinking about themselves and quite a number of very young voters.

Wait till they move out of their parents protection and start their own family, buy their own house.



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All i can say is:


60% voters are:

  1. naive
  2. ignorant
  3. greed-conscious


And the other 40% are the almighty saints that put country before self?


What bullish*t

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If you look carefully, in many SMCs the winning ratio is only 50+ against 40+.


If not because of the newly-converted citizens (who are likely to vote the incumbent), these SMCs could have been lost.

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And the other 40% are the almighty saints that put country before self?


What bullish*t

I can't understand why some pple couldn't accept defeat.Even those candidates that lost,all of them are gracious in their defeats,which i hold respect for.

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I was half-expecting 80:7. The final result of 81:6 (with most SMCs being won marginally) is close to expectation.


Highly experienced SM only able to get 56% is something the incumbent should ponder. Not a good sign.



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I can't understand why some pple couldn't accept defeat.Even those candidates that lost,all of them are gracious in their defeats,which i hold respect for.


I can understand y they can't accept defeat


But I can't understand y they think only they are concerned about the country?


I am sure almost 100% of all votes were made in good faith, for the benefit of the country

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All i can say is:


60% voters are:

  1. naive
  2. ignorant
  3. greed-conscious


you just proof my comment before the election correct.


after election , OPP camp will start calling ppl name.


Greadlegendbird, what you have to say about this?? -_- still say i am trying ti taunt ppl??

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I can understand y they can't accept defeat


But I can't understand y they think only they are concerned about the country?


I am sure almost 100% of all votes were made in good faith, for the benefit of the country

If it's really for the country to move forward,we muz respect the majorities.

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