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PAP continue to campiagn on Cooling off day


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in the name of grassroots.


Don't let them get away with this.


this mean that opposition win or loss they getting upgrading -_-

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Neutral Newbie

Vote for alternative party

What is so scare about voting for alternative party? If all those who vote for them cannot stay HDB. Well we will camp all around singapore, s--t in the longkang bath in the beaches, beg in CBD, orchard road and city hall. If there are about 1 million doing so how will the world see the MIW.


So vote bravely nothing to be afraid only cowards do.

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in the name of grassroots.


Don't let them get away with this.


Look at it this way, they're already selected for the NRP. So they can safely vote for the alt. party.

Edited by Leo72
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Selected is selected hor, there are thousand and one reasons to stop it unless work already started.

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they never mentioned vote for PAY & PAY. But it does indirectly telling us that hey, you r going to have this & tat.. provided we are still here... Never written there but YI SI QIAN QIAN lah...

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this mean that opposition win or loss they getting upgrading -_-

No. It is a blank check.

Still subject to 75% acceptance from the Residents.

If the lose then.... who knows what's next....

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Neutral Newbie

Anyway the $130 million fund to run the GRC is still there...Alternative can come in, consult the residents what they wan, n then customise n make moderations to the upgrading plans according to residents' desire...Isn't tat much better?

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they never mentioned vote for PAY & PAY. But it does indirectly telling us that hey, you r going to have this & tat.. provided we are still here... Never written there but YI SI QIAN QIAN lah...



No... it has been repeated many times that upgrading is only offered by PAP MPs of the constinuency or GRC - and not getting PAP voted in means no upgrading.


Anyway - the fella who signed the flyer IS A PAP CANDIDATE.

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Neutral Newbie

Unfortunately there're still a lot of singaporeans who are selfish, stupid beyond reason, they want goodies for themselves, yes they like more opposition but let other precincts/wards/constituencies vote for oppos.


That unfortunately, my friend, I think are still the majority. [knife]


I wish and hope that I'm proven wrong tomorrow morning and I wake up to a new dawn.


Good luck to us all.

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in the name of grassroots.


Don't let them get away with this.


So if CST and gang win, dat means they still get upgrading. So if residents there still vote WKS, dunno wat to say of them oready.

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Bros in Bishan-Toa Payoh who receive this should make a report to the Election Department or Police. Let them taste their own medicine!

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got a mother day celebration near my place, for tomorrow. the chairman is the incumbent MP..


wonder if they lose, the chairman still got face to show up at the activity of not [laugh]

Edited by Solar
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