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KBW , can show us your medical bill?


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I really wonder, which insurance company KBW got it from? Stayed in 1st class hospital ward and just need to pay S$8 after deducting from medisav? Anyone who has friends or relatives had heart operation before and can share with us how much they paid ( With & Without insurance).


I really hope KBW is willing to show us his medical bill for his heart operation, see how the doctor charge. If he is paying lesser than other Singaporeans, it is corruption, if he is paying higher than other Singaporeans with the same operation, I think his doctor trying to " over charge "him as he is rich, he should then go to the opposition party to see Mr Chiam or Mr LTK, they will help him "write letter" to the hospital and request an investigation

I think not many people know much about this topic. The enhanced medishield plan has been in existence for some time now. One of the participating insurance firm is NTUC. The premium can be paid using cpf medishield fund. An important feature is 'as charged', meaning the insurance plan will pay for anything that is charged for your stay in hospital. For a 40s person, annual bill will be about $400. Please read more more from the following pages to understand more:






Yuo might argue that if you not sick not year, you are wasting the money down the drain. But if you suay suay got some big illness come out, it will just save your ass.


I am not am expert on this, just know a bit. I am not working for NTUC, but just quoting an example. I used to buy from Great Eastern, their hospitalisation plan. Other lower end plans will have an deductible charge, meaning you will need to pay some money when the bill comes. AND, if you buy the most expensive plan for private hospital stay, you will be paid about $100/day if you opt for government hospital stay, if you need to stay beyond 5 days. Not bad, right?


It makes alot of sense to buy the policies for new born as nowadays the kids fall sick easily; especially pneumonia and bronchitis. My two older kids used to be hospitalised every year and each stay will cost about $1000. Good thing the insurance plan brought the bill down to < $200, partially paid using medishield some more.


So this Minister is not lying lah. And it is not paying through the roof lah. You and me all can afford it easily. But maybe not for the those really poor people.



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That shows that PAP Ministers are not intelligent at all. KBW said that he paid only S$8 becos he was trying to convince people that Singapore Medical cost are very cheap and affordable as he is the Hell, sorry, Health Minister of Singapore. He must be very regret now that he said the wrong thing and don't know how to explain now


precisely..if the bulk of it was paid by his insurance,..then he shud juz keep quiet n not SAY tat he only need to pay 8 bucks for a bypass...this is like misrepresenting to ppl tat health care is soooooooo cheap in singapore tat it is 2nd only to brunei!


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Maybe I share this lobang with you since we are on this topic.


If you have new born, please buy the enhanced medishield plan soon after the baby is born, or before the baby got a medical record in hospital.


You buy the most expensive falvour that entitles you to private hospital stay. For example, you need to pay $200/yr as premium. But if the kid is hospitalised, put him in KK where medical care is also comparable to private ones. If the kid is hospitalised for > 4 or days , must read the insurance plan, you will be paid $100/day.


What does this mean? It means you are earning money after deducting the annual premium! This is a good safety net as kids below 5 yers old tends to have bronchitis or pneumonia.


But please consult your insurance agent friend for more details. I might be wrong on some finer details. Please find out and share if what I said is correct.

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That shows that PAP Ministers are not intelligent at all. KBW said that he paid only S$8 becos he was trying to convince people that Singapore Medical cost are very cheap and affordable as he is the Hell, sorry, Health Minister of Singapore. He must be very regret now that he said the wrong thing and don't know how to explain now

Please refer to my posting just before you.

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I think not many people know much about this topic. The enhanced medishield plan has been in existence for some time now. One of the participating insurance firm is NTUC. The premium can be paid using cpf medishield fund. An important feature is 'as charged', meaning the insurance plan will pay for anything that is charged for your stay in hospital. For a 40s person, annual bill will be about $400. Please read more more from the following pages to understand more:






Yuo might argue that if you not sick not year, you are wasting the money down the drain. But if you suay suay got some big illness come out, it will just save your ass.


I am not am expert on this, just know a bit. I am not working for NTUC, but just quoting an example. I used to buy from Great Eastern, their hospitalisation plan. Other lower end plans will have an deductible charge, meaning you will need to pay some money when the bill comes. AND, if you buy the most expensive plan for private hospital stay, you will be paid about $100/day if you opt for government hospital stay, if you need to stay beyond 5 days. Not bad, right?


It makes alot of sense to buy the policies for new born as nowadays the kids fall sick easily; especially pneumonia and bronchitis. My two older kids used to be hospitalised every year and each stay will cost about $1000. Good thing the insurance plan brought the bill down to < $200, partially paid using medishield some more.


So this Minister is not lying lah. And it is not paying through the roof lah. You and me all can afford it easily. But maybe not for the those really poor people.

It's a 10% co-payment.. As charged is there's no limit to how much you can claimed, but your still pay 10% of the as-charged. Ontop of that, there a deductible depending on type of ward you stay..


e.g. taken from the site,


A 18 year old boy who is covered under Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred plan was admitted to a private hospital with a total bill of $8,000.


Without Assist Rider

Claimable $8,000

Less : Deductible $3,000

Less : Co-insurance $500

IncomeShield pays: $4,500

Insured pays (deductible and co-insurance) $3,500


Even if he had stayed in re-structured class C,

Less : Deductible $1,000

Less : Co-insurance $600

IncomeShield pays: $6,400

Insured pays (deductible and co-insurance) $1,600


So even in class C, the e.g. boy still needs to pays $1600, part can be paid with medisave, but I don't see how he can draw $1592 of medisave so he only pay$8 cash.

Edited by Ender
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I think you are not very clear about this policy.


The preferred plan is the one that that entitles you to stay in private hospitals. if you buy the Assist rider, you will be charged 10% of total bill, meaning $800 if the bill comes to $8000. If you did not buy the rider, it will cost you $2600 as illustrated in the website. if you did not buy the enhanced medishield, you will have to pay the full $8000! Sad to say, ntuc has withdrawn the 'as charge' feature since Nov 2007. This Plus rider allows you to claim full payment for anything charged by the hospital. Guessed it was too attractive and resulted in money losing for the company. For those who managed to buy it, like me and probably kbw, we can still continue to enjoy it until we decide to let the policy lapse.


But I remember Great Eastern still has similar policy available. please go to CPR board to check for details.


My point is this - it is possible to be charged only $8 for a $25,000 hospital bill, even no need to pay at all, with an annual premium of about $400 payable partially with CPF medisave fund.

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Was it reported deducted from Medisave only? If not, he could have insurance coverage for such ops.


Just to share, i have a hospitalisation plan that covers all my costs , surgery, stay and others and I do not need to pay any cash at all, up to 550K max. And my premiums are about 60-70/sgd a mth.


Are you sure cover ALL your costs??? please check with yr insurance agent again.

Don't want you to get a shock when you realize that you need to pay when you discharge from the hospital

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Are you sure cover ALL your costs??? please check with yr insurance agent again.

Don't want you to get a shock when you realize that you need to pay when you discharge from the hospital

Yes I am sure he is correct. If he is < 60 years old, the annual premium would be < $700/annum if he could get the Plus rider before nov 2007 when no new applicants is accepted. If he is that lucky, yes, almost everything is free according to as charged according to the table listed below:




The deductibles portion is only for those who cannot get the Plus rider.

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I just checked Great Eastern website for similar products. Found as below the SupremeShield:




Cost is also about similar to ntuc. Seems can still get the Plus rider. Please go read up more if you are interested. To me, it is wise to spend few hundred dollars per year for peace of mind if you can afford it. Sad to say, the odds of getting something big is very real in this age. It beats those life policy flat when it comes to hospital bill payment. To get similar benefits under life policy would be very very ex!

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I think you are not very clear about this policy.


The preferred plan is the one that that entitles you to stay in private hospitals. if you buy the Assist rider, you will be charged 10% of total bill, meaning $800 if the bill comes to $8000. If you did not buy the rider, it will cost you $2600 as illustrated in the website. if you did not buy the enhanced medishield, you will have to pay the full $8000! Sad to say, ntuc has withdrawn the 'as charge' feature since Nov 2007. This Plus rider allows you to claim full payment for anything charged by the hospital. Guessed it was too attractive and resulted in money losing for the company. For those who managed to buy it, like me and probably kbw, we can still continue to enjoy it until we decide to let the policy lapse.


But I remember Great Eastern still has similar policy available. please go to CPR board to check for details.


My point is this - it is possible to be charged only $8 for a $25,000 hospital bill, even no need to pay at all, with an annual premium of about $400 payable partially with CPF medisave fund.

Great Eastern , prudential and aviva all has enhanced medishield i.e. approve by CPF to pay the premium using medisave and they offer more or less the same coverage. I am familiar with them and gotten the rider myself. But I'm not illustrating on my behalf, but in the shoe of a significant portion of sgrean, the poor.


That's why I deliberately not use assisted rider, as this portion has to pay with cash. Not exactly Poor and needy friendly which the issue of health cost affects the most. $8 is almost impossible, even with rider. KBW mentioned he actually uses the 3M, which baffle me. I know for sure he doesn't qualify for medifund.


I myself claim hospital bill with my company's own hopsitlalisation insurance, 10/90 copayment which is even more comprehensive than the enhanced medishield, My billd are much lower than a heart bypass which KBW had, and I stay in class C, I still have to fork out close to $200 cash.

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Great Eastern , prudential and aviva all has enhanced medishield i.e. approve by CPF to pay the premium using medisave and they offer more or less the same coverage. I am familiar with them and gotten the rider myself. But I'm not illustrating on my behalf, but in the shoe of a significant portion the poor.


That's why I deliberately not use assisted rider, as this portion has to pay with cash. Not exactly Poor and needy friendly which the issue of health cost affects the most. $8 is almost impossible, even with rider. KBW mentioned he actually uses the 3M, which baffle me. I know for sure he doesn't qualify for medifund.


I myself claim hospital bill with my company's own hopsitlalisation insurance, 10/90 copayment which is even more comprehensive than the enhanced medishield, My fees are much lower than a heart bypass which KBW had, and I stay in class C, I still have to fork out close to $200 cash.

Your company hospitalization policy of 10/90 payment looks like the Assist rider feature.


I think we are not talking about whether poor people can afford the policy, but whether kbw did pay only $8 for the surgery. And the answer is yes, and he should be able to claim the bill in full with yearly premium of < $600 if he is <60 years old.


The Plus rider component will be $200?, depending on age. Those who are really poor definitely will not be able to afford it.

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Yes I am sure he is correct. If he is < 60 years old, the annual premium would be < $700/annum if he could get the Plus rider before nov 2007 when no new applicants is accepted. If he is that lucky, yes, almost everything is free according to as charged according to the table listed below:




The deductibles portion is only for those who cannot get the Plus rider.


You sure? Do you understand what is as-charge? It's not insurance company paying everything as-charged. It's there's no limit to what you can claim, but still subjected to a 10/90 co-payment.

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Your company hospitalization policy of 10/90 payment looks like the Assist rider feature.


I think we are not talking about whether poor people can afford the policy, but whether kbw did pay only $8 for the surgery. And the answer is yes, and he should be able to claim the bill in full with yearly premium of < $600 if he is <60 years old.


The Plus rider component will be $200?, depending on age. Those who are really poor definitely will not be able to afford it.

I'm in the opinion that 8$ cash is almost impossible, even with rider. Unless he did use the 3M which was what he said in the news. I repeat, one of the M is medifund. He not suppose to use that, I don't know why he mentioned that.


Now I'm curious how did he qualify himself to use medifund, where people who are much poorer do not qualify.




"I paid the normal bill, no special arrangement. So all those lies about, oh because he's a minister, he got special deals. It was cheap, only S$8! But why was it S$8, why was it so affordable? Because I used the 3Ms!" he told reporters before his walkabout in Woodlands yesterday morning.


The 3Ms refer to Medisave, MediShield and Medifund, key components of Singapore's healthcare financing system

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You sure? Do you understand what is as-charge? It's not insurance company paying everything as-charged. It's there's no limit to what you can claim, but still subjected to a 10/90 co-payment.

You still don't get it! If you can get the Plus rider, you do not need to pay a single cent at all! But this rider is no longer available for new applicants for ntuc since nov 2007, whereas for Great Eastern seems available. The 10% bill payment is for those who bought the Assist rider. Don't know why so simple thing need to discuss till like that, already all written in the websites I listed. Please go and confirm with your insurance friends if I am lying. Like that talk until tomorrow you will still think I am lying here. or can anyone here do that for the benefits of everyone here?


As for kbw quoting 3m, I believe he is saying he paying under the medisave, medishield and medifund structure - not that he is using medifund since it is a fallback for those who have no money to pay hospital bill.

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Think he did no stay in hospital ward. He stay in PAP ward!!! Hahaha.......

Think you are not too interested to know the truth about this kbw topic. You just want to smear the issue to as bad as possible, hoping everyone here to condemn him so that they will vote your idols! Now that my posts have shed some light on how it is possible that kbw do not even need to pay a single cent for his bill, you are going personal attack like most off the ant-pap people here. Pui pui pui.

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