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KBW , can show us your medical bill?


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mayb pay onli $8 coz he sign for c class but got upgraded to A class ( ward ah not mercedes model hehehe) becoz of his rank n security reasons.... so wen billing time, bill him for C class heheheh also mayb he get discount coz his wife own a pharmacy, Soemidico or sumting, b4 located at alexandra hospital, so he buy own medicine instead of C class medicine.....

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cannot be lah....I already paid $17 at polyclinic just for flu n slight fever.....

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You can be very very sure that he is telling the truth - that he really did only have to pay $8.


You can also be very very sure that there is no "funny business" in the bill - that he has been charged as per he was supposed to have been charged.


What we don't know, and are never likely to know, just how the composition between all the medi whatsits, insurance and other "employer provided" benefits brought it down to that figure.


You will also never know the premium if he had private insurance.

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maybe the same black hole as the mysterious YOG expenditure

I think to cover this hefty oversight, many garment ministries have to cut here cut there to compensate it.

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According to KBW, the heart bypass cost $25k all paid by the Medishield, Medisave and Medifund.

So remember the cost for the bypass is only 25k.




I'm really interested not because of political reasons but because of too many horror healthcare stories happening around me.


What it means is because of his good salary, he has got a lot of Medisave. Do every citizen have MediShield? Where does it come from? Same question for Medifund.


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no need to keep telling us $8....what we want to know is how it come to $8...no need to tell us also what xxx plan he have....what we want to know is how much premium he pay for the xxx plan...


please don't bring us round the garden....


and if i pay xxx insurance company $1 million premium a yr...i am sure they will be very happy to pay my $40 bill for fever even if it is not cover under the policy...but how many of us have $1 million to pay every yr when a half million HDB already make us sweating like H-E-L-L !!!


[wave] [wave] [wave]

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i dono how he does it...


my FIL went for a by-pass couple of yrs back...overall with medisave, personal insurance and what not, we still hv to cough out alot of $$$$ btw after is after all the subsidies.


plus not to mention that a DEPOSIT must be made before he can be warded at NUH.


one thing for sure, they make you pay faster than you can say "ahem".


but, take a long long time to process refunds.

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i dono how he does it...


my FIL went for a by-pass couple of yrs back...overall with medisave, personal insurance and what not, we still hv to cough out alot of $$$$ btw after is after all the subsidies.


That is what I am trying to get at. An ex co-worker of mine too did that but it nearly bankrupt her (she's a regular executive earning 3~4K a month). So what's the difference here? It certainly doesn't sound like it's going to bankrupt somebody if you only need $8 cash but how does that work?


I'M REALLY INTERESTED. Is there anything I'm missing here?


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Was it reported deducted from Medisave only? If not, he could have insurance coverage for such ops.


Just to share, i have a hospitalisation plan that covers all my costs , surgery, stay and others and I do not need to pay any cash at all, up to 550K max. And my premiums are about 60-70/sgd a mth.

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Was it reported deducted from Medisave only? If not, he could have insurance coverage for such ops.


Just to share, i have a hospitalisation plan that covers all my costs , surgery, stay and others and I do not need to pay any cash at all, up to 550K max. And my premiums are about 60-70/sgd a mth.


Hi, can I ask if your plan covers weekly dialysis or cancer medication costing $120 a day?

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I bought PXXXXXXXXX Insurance medical policy and pay about S$600 per year.


If im not mistaken, It allow me to stay at government or

private hospital and can claim 100% thru the insurance company.


If i stay at a lower ward (example : C Class), they will even give you cash rebate.


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Neutral Newbie

If next time kena heart attack and admitted to hospital, don't choose A,B or C class ... just tell the doctor you want to be the same class ward as KBW. [cool]

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Neutral Newbie

Mr Khaw has insurance cover(s) that can claim all his surgery and hospital bills. He meant he only needed to pay out of pocket $8 net. He's not lying just that he never tell you the whole story.


The amount of premium for such insurance to cover 'everything' amounts to thousands of dollars a year (for his age group). But whether these premiums are paid by government as a minister, or partially by government and the balance by him in cash, nobody knows.


When he uttered proudly that he only had to pay $8 as a X-million-dollars-a-year minister for heart bypass surgery he's saying healthcare is affordable TO HIM just like Mr Mah said HDB flat is affordable wad, unfortunately for most of us , we won't have the money to pay for such comprehensive insurance cover and still pay for our mortgage or rental, food, tuition fees, utility bills, and also save ...


If you have the cash, you CAN buy private health plans (AIA, Prudential, etc) to cover co-insurance, deductible (macham car insurance excess) and whatever 'holes' that are not covered by your medisave plans.


Check this out. The cost of heart bypass surgery and hospital bills are published here:




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Neutral Newbie

Please read this. Taken from another thread in MCF:





Friends, fellow Singaporeans


My name is Paul Ananth Tambyah. I am a doctor working at a major local university hospital. I am not a member of the SDP partly because I work in a corporatized civil service organisation and as you know, civil servants cannot enter politics unless they are unemployed. I am grateful to the SDP for giving me this opportunity to be a guest speaker at this famous historical platform. I am speaking entirely in my personal capacity. I am not a politician. I am still doing my national service and in fact have two SAF 100s sitting in my inbox despite the fact that my job involves saving lives.


As a medical doctor, I come into contact with patients on a regular basis. I hear them tell me that in Singapore, you can afford to die but you cannot afford to get sick. I see people who have to sell their homes and move into rental flats to pay for their medical bills. Do you think this is right?


They are Singaporeans just like the Health Minister and his millionaire colleagues. If they need a bypass, they have to pay much more than $8/- in cash. At the very minimum, they have to pay cash for the Specialist Outpatient Clinic charges before admission. I have written letters, articles, posted on Mr Khaw

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Mr Khaw has insurance cover(s) that can claim all his surgery and hospital bills. He meant he only needed to pay out of pocket $8 net. He's not lying just that he never tell you the whole story.


The amount of premium for such insurance to cover 'everything' amounts to thousands of dollars a year (for his age group). But whether these premiums are paid by government as a minister, or partially by government and the balance by him in cash, nobody knows.


When he uttered proudly that he only had to pay $8 as a X-million-dollars-a-year minister for heart bypass surgery he's saying healthcare is affordable TO HIM just like Mr Mah said HDB flat is affordable wad, unfortunately for most of us , we won't have the money to pay for such comprehensive insurance cover and still pay for our mortgage or rental, food, tuition fees, utility bills, and also save ...


If you have the cash, you CAN buy private health plans (AIA, Prudential, etc) to cover co-insurance, deductible (macham car insurance excess) and whatever 'holes' that are not covered by your medisave plans.


Check this out. The cost of heart bypass surgery and hospital bills are published here:




Has he minister posted anything on his facebook? Can somebody tell him a lot of people out there can't buy the kind of coverage like his?

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ALL of us want to know the truth and answer, so all we need to do is send as many opposition candidates as possible into Parliament, give PAP hard time, question them until they apologize EVERYDAY! Question KBW until he said, enough is enough, I resign!


Everyone out there, " Ho Bo??" (Okay or not?)


Has he minister posted anything on his facebook? Can somebody tell him a lot of people out there can't buy the kind of coverage like his?


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no need to keep telling us $8....what we want to know is how it come to $8...no need to tell us also what xxx plan he have....what we want to know is how much premium he pay for the xxx plan...


please don't bring us round the garden....


and if i pay xxx insurance company $1 million premium a yr...i am sure they will be very happy to pay my $40 bill for fever even if it is not cover under the policy...but how many of us have $1 million to pay every yr when a half million HDB already make us sweating like H-E-L-L !!!


[wave] [wave] [wave]

precisely..if the bulk of it was paid by his insurance,..then he shud juz keep quiet n not SAY tat he only need to pay 8 bucks for a bypass...this is like misrepresenting to ppl tat health care is soooooooo cheap in singapore tat it is 2nd only to brunei!

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