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Foreigner: Disgruntled S'poreans taking bliss for granted


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Neutral Newbie

I originate from a neighboring country and have many years of first-hand experience living in Singapore and in my country. I observe Singaporeans' sentiments on this general election with interest and put forward my thoughts - food for thought for you perhaps.


Singaporeans have lots of genuine issues to be unhappy about.

Housing prices too high for newly-weds, high and rising cost of living, high cost of medical care, pressure-cooker education system and working life, high ministerial salaries, arrogant PAP politicians who don't care about the mid and lower income groups, large influx of immigrants, etc.


Let me describe some of the electoral issues people in my country are unhappy about.

Housing prices too high for newly-weds, high and rising cost of living, high cost of private medical care (public medical care cheap but dubious doctors), high income ministers but dubious sources of wealth, arrogant incumbent party politicians who don't care about the mid and lower income groups, large influx of immigrants (mostly unskilled labourers and many are illegals)

And Also

High rate of crime, rampant and systemic corruption and abuse of power, state sponsored racism and intolerance, still many people living in poverty, poor public transport in the major cities and non-existent public transport outside major cities, widespread environmental damage, education system that produces poorly skilled graduates unattractive to employers, economy losing out FDI to countries below and above it in the value chain, cash for votes, etc.


You can see that people in my country share many of the grouses that Singaporeans have but we have a lot other major grouses that Singaporeans do not have! The PAP is not perfect but they have produced a society that is by and large a good place to live, work and raise a family. It is not surprising large numbers of educated and skilled foreigners, with plenty of choices, choose to move to Singapore. PAP should be recognised for their good work done over the years with your votes. Like all the good and bad inherent in any spouse, the PAP's strengths and weaknesses come as a package. Compared to incumbent parties in neighboring countries, the PAP has far more strengths than weaknesses.


Foreigners can appreciate the good in Singapore because life in their countries are worse off. However Singaporeans have taken for granted their security, prosperity, an efficient, clean government and excellent economic and educational opportunities open to all citizens. Singaporeans assume these are a given, something that will naturally be there in Singapore. I beg to differ.


Even though past elections have only produced a handful of opposition seats, if enough unhappy people vote for the opposition this time, you might just kick out the ruling party to your surprise. Then in the years to come, only at a time of loss will Singaporeans find out what bliss they had.

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Sorry.. we must compare apple to apple.. Singapore should be compared to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, New Zealand etc..

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Sorry.. we must compare apple to apple.. Singapore should be compared to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, New Zealand etc..

+2 [laugh][laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

I second that on safety, just last labor day my auntie's semi-d in msia was burgled ransacked when she come to visit us here, jewelery, cash all gone

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I originate from a neighboring country and have many years of first-hand experience living in Singapore and in my country. I observe Singaporeans' sentiments on this general election with interest and put forward my thoughts - food for thought for you perhaps.


Singaporeans have lots of genuine issues to be unhappy about.

Housing prices too high for newly-weds, high and rising cost of living, high cost of medical care, pressure-cooker education system and working life, high ministerial salaries, arrogant PAP politicians who don't care about the mid and lower income groups, large influx of immigrants, etc.


Let me describe some of the electoral issues people in my country are unhappy about.

Housing prices too high for newly-weds, high and rising cost of living, high cost of private medical care (public medical care cheap but dubious doctors), high income ministers but dubious sources of wealth, arrogant incumbent party politicians who don't care about the mid and lower income groups, large influx of immigrants (mostly unskilled labourers and many are illegals)

And Also

High rate of crime, rampant and systemic corruption and abuse of power, state sponsored racism and intolerance, still many people living in poverty, poor public transport in the major cities and non-existent public transport outside major cities, widespread environmental damage, education system that produces poorly skilled graduates unattractive to employers, economy losing out FDI to countries below and above it in the value chain, cash for votes, etc.


You can see that people in my country share many of the grouses that Singaporeans have but we have a lot other major grouses that Singaporeans do not have! The PAP is not perfect but they have produced a society that is by and large a good place to live, work and raise a family. It is not surprising large numbers of educated and skilled foreigners, with plenty of choices, choose to move to Singapore. PAP should be recognised for their good work done over the years with your votes. Like all the good and bad inherent in any spouse, the PAP's strengths and weaknesses come as a package. Compared to incumbent parties in neighboring countries, the PAP has far more strengths than weaknesses.


Foreigners can appreciate the good in Singapore because life in their countries are worse off. However Singaporeans have taken for granted their security, prosperity, an efficient, clean government and excellent economic and educational opportunities open to all citizens. Singaporeans assume these are a given, something that will naturally be there in Singapore. I beg to differ.


Even though past elections have only produced a handful of opposition seats, if enough unhappy people vote for the opposition this time, you might just kick out the ruling party to your surprise. Then in the years to come, only at a time of loss will Singaporeans find out what bliss they had.


Which country you come from?


Are your PM and ministers paid upwards of 2M? I have not counted bonus and director fees yet.





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we will have five yrs to repent! [angel][angel] and y u holding on to the blue ic? convert to pink and become our brother. don forget to serve ns ya! [thumbsup]

Edited by Eviilusion
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Neutral Newbie

Sorry.. we must compare apple to apple.. Singapore should be compared to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, New Zealand etc..


Yup..i am still dreaming of my swiss style of living!!

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Which country you come from?


Are your PM and ministers paid upwards of 2M? I have not counted bonus and director fees yet.

I dun think are paid that much.But undertable is in billions

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Sorry.. we must compare apple to apple.. Singapore should be compared to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, New Zealand etc..

why all amoh countries? i like japanese and korean girls! [gorgeous][gorgeous]

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You are foreigner right?


Do you have the right to vote?


Don't tell me you are one of those FT eager to turn Singaporean without serving NS?


Sorry to say that you have no right to comment here.


Thank you for your entertainment.



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Neutral Newbie

TS, its not like the bliss will be gone in the blink of an eye once opposition is in Parliament. Think my friend, even the oppositions are currently enjoying the bliss now and i don't think they would just give that up???


Why the oppositions are there is because of the unpopular policies which our ruling parties make and their lack of accountability for their own mistakes and also other issues which i don't think i have to repeat it all here.

Edited by Pencapchew
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Which country you come from?


Are your PM and ministers paid upwards of 2M? I have not counted bonus and director fees yet.



sounds like MY... [laugh]

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TS - where u from? Stinkapoo is a living hell to me. When ever i go up north - the feeling is better, less stress and I dun really mind giving

kopi $ (small amount) to mata. I enjoying traveling up north like other bros here - just to get away from here.

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We know. We vote for more accountability in Parliament, and for our future to make our system better. The vote is not meant to reward the past.


When we mature as a people, we will become even better, more efficient, to stay several generations ahead of your country.


If you are truly a foreigner, you should not meddle in our politics in the same way we dont meddle in yours.


But you seem to have an agenda, for the incumbent, so I shall share with you the TRUTH.


As more of your comrades come in, you will also be washed in competition/inflation too - dont be grateful, BE SMART. Preserve your own rice bowl by aligning yourselves with us.




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Neutral Newbie

Sorry.. we must compare apple to apple.. Singapore should be compared to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, New Zealand etc..


I have also spent a number of years living in Europe and get to observe at first hand how Western governments and ministers govern. Do not simply assume the PAP must be inferior to Western parties and Western ideals of democracy and method of government. The electorate in Europe too have lots of grouses about their government and politicians. They too face pressing, hard issues such as high unemployment, high personal taxation, a higher rate of crime than Singapore, bungling politicians, inefficient beauracracy, high and rising cost of living, etc. Compared to the overall 'goods delivered' by governments, I'll reckon the PAP doesn't lose out to the incumbent parties in any of the countries you mentioned.

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agree with you. I just think that it would be good for the country and for all singaporeans in general that the PAP does not have two-thirds majority in parliament. That way, they cannot just do what they like and if they can convince the other opposition MPs to support their bills in parliament, then I can be more assured that whatever laws they pass will be in the interest of the country.


Right now, with the two third majority, they can do whatever the hell they want and no one can stop them, until the next election

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Neutral Newbie

You are foreigner right?


Do you have the right to vote?


Don't tell me you are one of those FT eager to turn Singaporean without serving NS?


Sorry to say that you have no right to comment here.


Thank you for your entertainment.





Wow, a foreigner without a right to vote in Singapore is not allowed to share opinions? Is there a gag order around here? Sounds pretty dictatorial to me :o

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