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Got DNA proof or not? Tot this guy was a masters of disguise like our beloved Mas Selamat? For all CIA knows, maybe this guy was one of the few decoys. :ph34r:

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f lah.. there's no such person in the first place... [laugh]


I oso tink pap does not exist ........




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USA economy needs a boost. Stocks were bad lately, and housing were in oversupply.

Good news to boost spendings and celebration.

Oh what a perfect timing....September is four months away....to celebrate 10 years anniversary!!


How about Singapore? Will news of salamat death makes a differences or some other dangerous man who likes to issue threats to endanger citizens life?


Now....the traveling to Bali, jkt, USA, American clubs, etc.......will be very dangerous.

One side of the world celebrates.....how about the other side....planning revenge???



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[thumbsup] He should have been dead ages ago!

cannot ma. under old leadership, not capable enough.


That's what you get when you change leaders that aren't good enough. But then, Americans are smart voters. or if they are not, they get screwed for 8 years at most.

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USA economy needs a boost. Stocks were bad lately, and housing were in oversupply.


One side of the world celebrates.....how about the other side....planning revenge???


US stocks had been rallying on the euphoria that there will be further quantitative easing. However, the ultra-loose monetary policy is not sustainable, as it is a matter of time before the persistent dollar deflation will become a destabilizing factor for the global economy, with inflationary pressures worldwide and an impairment of US ability to import and consume. I anticipate that there will be greater downside pressure on USD once more currencies de-peg from the USD (e.g. HKD), and things may frankly turn frantic.


Good income job creation is what US needs, and this can only happen if they reduce their welfare offered to citizens (in terms of unemployment benefits). Their fiscal deficit needs also to be addressed through increased taxation and reduction in Govt spending. And because Govt spending accounts for probably about 10% of their economy, they also need to see how they can reduce the reliance of their economy on Govt spending. However, because this is unpopular, and Obama is going for re-election next year, it may not happen so easily until the US Govt's arms are literally twisted by the rest of the world.


US corporate earnings may appear good, but it's profit growth out of US more so than anything else, combined with cost cutting measures. Coupled with a deflating USD, it's thus not surprising for their profits to go up. US corporate revenue growth on the other hand is flat.


Without good jobs, nobody can buy houses there and US housing will continue in a deflationary spiral.


Osama's death will have a short term positive impact on sentiment, which when it fizzles out, is likely to herald a correction in equities first.


I also think that the threat of retaliation from Al Qaeda is now escalated, so the overall risk environment is actually higher, not lower.

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No photo no count leh...



haaaaa..... they dont knwo MCF rule....







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Osama was a humiliation n harassment to Obama becos of the resemblance in names.


Killing Osama is a great relieve to Obama. [:p]





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Haha was shocked... for once i tot i saw obama instead of osama... well osama 2 will take over dont think there is a big diff..

Edited by Xers007
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obama still here

osama gone


they are the same

one is bull, the other is s hit

i mean the difference in their name is the b and s

obama is not much better than osama

one is legal, the other is illegal


watch the video below and see who is more scary

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