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Sunday Times on 1st May so bloody one sided


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Anyone read the papers today(or whatever is left of today)? The focus is so much on the incumbant party. Not much mention about the Opposition parties. Our papers better wake up in order to be credible. Don't treat singaporeans like fools! We don't rely solely on papers to get news!

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Anyone read the papers today(or whatever is left of today)? The focus is so much on the incumbant party. Not much mention about the Opposition parties. Our papers better wake up in order to be credible. Don't treat singaporeans like fools! We don't rely solely on papers to get news!


I only read the headlines then flip to other pages like sports and business

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I used to read Straight Times for ages until last election where I find that it has gone curvy when politics are concerned. Since then I have gone online for other news sources. Hell, even sgcarmart gives way better vehicle adverts!

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too bad there are no other better papers


Why read papers when you have online news now?





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The ST's forum is equally one sided, all the letters are directly targetting at the Alternative Parties.


Don't bother using that to get news or views, might as well read the other online forums where no one is able to moderate and you're free to get a more balanced views.


The Internet is more powerful than the mainstream media.

Anyway, my prediction - should the Alternative Parties lose badly this round, we can forget about posting our grivences or any news opposing p8p next round.

Most likely they'll force all these online blogs or forums to be "registered" if political contents are to be posted. If the operators do not wish to register, then they'll have to remove these contents within a timeframe or face actions.


So let's make do our best to make sure our voices are not silenced further.



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What pissed me off reading it is the waves and waves of 'threats'. [rifle][rifle][rifle]


more to come in the next few days

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3 words


State controlled media


to control the mind of the citizens, you have to control the media

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Thomas Jefferson says


The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.



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