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I Cried During Chiam See Tong's Rally Speech


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Was at SPP Potong Pasir rally on 30 April.


I've attended Mr Chiam's rallies in the past two elections and though I've known about his stroke it still caught me a bit by surprise when I saw him tonight.


Gone were the rousing speeches in the past and what I heard tonight was a man uttering sentences in a slurred voice with long 30-second to a minute's pauses in between.


Despite this, the crowd was deafeningly silent - patiently waiting for his next sentence with none of the background chatter one normally hears in rallies.


When he spoke about LKY's criticism of his 5 'O' Levels and how he, despite his results, became a lawyer and then a MP, and that nothing is impossible once we put our minds to it, I found myself struggling to hold back my tears.


Even though the line may be cliche, I found myself in awe and greatly humbled by the frail man struggling to deliver his speech before me. In truth, he didn't say much - he didn't need to. The crowd needed absolutely zero convincing that here is a man with nothing left to prove but yet strives on simply for his "love of Singaporeans".


I thought maybe I was just being emo, but I saw that the grown uncles beside me were in tears too. I never thought I would ever witness such a spontaneously emotional scene in pragmatic Singapore, certainly not in a rally.


The above is just my way of describing how I felt during the rally (I couldn't sleep and hence felt to need to type this out [:p] ) Perhaps after reading this you may wonder what's the big deal to get emotional about but I think it's different when one is there in person.


Maybe those of you who attended can share your thoughts as well?



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My aunt who used to stay at PP said she die die will vote for CST despite PAP's carrot..


This is what I called LEADER of people! [thumbsup]

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Servitude defined.


Too bad if the voters dun value integrity, persistency and honest hard work.


My respect to Mr Chiam and his supporters over the years.


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The video is here...



I got emotional just from watching the video ... [bigcry][thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]


Edit: .... ahh.... mine's hong kah .... the link provided just before me was the one at Potong Pasir today ...


Chiam is a real hero [thumbsup]

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He could have just retired peacefully with his current state of health, but no, he still chooses to stand up to what he believes in.


"I am actually not a brave man, but i love Singapore, and i love Singaporeans..."


Compare this to Lui Tuck Yew's kindergarden story of tall trees and mushrooms, and let your heart decide.


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mm... I told my wife CST will drag down his team due to his frail health.


I thought we are voting for someone to run the country and people will not give "sympathy" votes for such an impt decision. My wife thinks otherwise and singaporeans will give sympathy votes.



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One of the best speeches so far....


Not even a single attack on the incumbent party....just a straightforward hope giving speech which is what a rally should be.


The people who attend such rally already know all the gov. issues.....so no need to keep flagging a dead horse.


What they should be told and given however is hope, opportunity to change and emotional connection.


And this is what they got.








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mm... I told my wife CST will drag down his team due to his frail health.


I thought we are voting for someone to run the country and people will not give "sympathy" votes for such an impt decision. My wife thinks otherwise and singaporeans will give sympathy votes.


Physically he may be frail, but his spirit and mind are not.


And sometimes, the spirit does wonders. Just his presence, just his instructions, will motivate his followers to do their best for the people.



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mm... I told my wife CST will drag down his team due to his frail health.


I thought we are voting for someone to run the country and people will not give "sympathy" votes for such an impt decision. My wife thinks otherwise and singaporeans will give sympathy votes.


Do not underestimate his heart (the same lion heart that CSM mentioned 2 nights ago)! No doubt there may be some sympathy votes but this man will go down fighting for sure. Why else would he contest a GRC? CST is the man! I take my hat off to him.

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1st Gear

End of the day ... Status quo ... As before all still dare not vote differently ... Back to work and wait for the next PH

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Since a frail man like that is fighting the good fight, shouldn't we also helping this fight for singaporeans by doing our little part?

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Also to add.....this is Real Patriotism......working not for the millions.....oops millions of dollars but instead working for the millions of singaporeans.....let's do our part

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