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Be afraid.....be very afraid....


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they earn S$2 - 4m per year. $800k hdb they can fully pay using 4.8 months or less of salary. of course they are being very honest to say it is affordable in their perspective.


so how to correct this? pay them $400k salary per year at most. then their definition of affordable is more in line with ours


i suddenly realised many of the MPs are minister of some form - lim hwee hua is one, teo ser luck also, masagoes also. these pple earn those million salaries, every 5 yr term = 5million earned at least. damn the $15k per mth has been overplayed and become the scapegoat!! their pay is much much more!! [rifle]

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thats the reason i alway cite to refute supports for PAP.


many times they say Pap done a good job, i ask them what makes them say good. then they start citing we did much better than countries like malaysia, indonensia, vietnam etc. is it right to compare to a less developed country whose ministers are not getting even half a PEANUT


there is no glory in being superior to a weak comparison much less a comparison that draws much less resources (ministerial salaries)


the type of comparison one uses shows the mentality of one, whether he wants to backslide or stay stagnant (comparing to weak competitors) or whether he wants to improve (by comparing against the best in the field)



The rising cost of living should not be compared to other big countries, LSL likes to compare us against other during erection campaign.


Why don't he understand simple logic, if he likes to compare, ok that will brings us back to colonial days, How ere we then and then now?


Comparision between 2-3 counties will not makes us stronger, only weaker, we are only tiny red dot, a city and a nation, what is there to compare?


Achievement are made thru citizens's sacrifices and nation-building thru sheer hard work and loyalty brotherhood.

The olden days policemen wore short-pant as compare to today modern men in blues, what is the comparision in nation-building? Either you have it or you don't. Simple isn't it


My old joe used to tell me tis before he kick the bucket, he said, " Son, grow up and be a good citizen." I replied, " Yes Pa.", Even now, I dun know how to be a good one, instead, I've been marginalised, penalised & persecuted for speaking the honest truth which my ex-boss can't accept to know the true, so . . . Tis was what happened to me. " Comparison between 2 person in terms of working rich and dying poor are 2 elements, many will die poor, few will die rich and some, in between . . .


Can anyone tell me what in the future for Singaporean in the next 10 years down the road, I can't, for sure If I can I be somewhere up there.


In short, it is not nice to compare against poorer countries/nation in the Asian Pacific, we are looking for a Party who can lead /show us the way to financial freedom and not telling us to Pay & pay till we drop dead. Yes, every citizen will be taken care of, every senior citizen will be given medical

/hospitalisation benefit, but the waiting time was a " pain ", Every elected MP can go up the stage and promised we will fight for you this/tat/everything under the sun, They can talk till the cow comes home, but it is still a sick cow.


MP are supposed to serve people's problem, I hardly bring problem and solve my own problem but I feel it's time Gahmen set aside time to time and reflex upon the given opportunity to give back to society, especially Old folks and handicapped people, They are the nation-builder who worked hard and supported the PAP founding fathers, w/o those men/women, we were not here sitting down typing away. Where are your souls?


Politics are made of this, was it supposed to be this way, Of course not, It was meant to be heard what one party can provide, promised and deliver on time, minus the frills, THe voters are matured to judge and decide for I care less, to know, my mind are made up, I may not know all of them, For all I care, I want my 3 meals a day, I want a roof over my head and I want a good fight.


The GenerationY of today are very different kettle of fish altogether, intelligent, matured and good speaker of human character, one party should not go around discredit another Singaporean of coming home after 30-40 years to serve the people here, does it makes us any different, I recalled our MM Lee spoke about venturing forth to another land for exploration for business opportunity, we did that, our children were sent overseas for further education/Uni, some came bk, some don't, Are we accusing them of being a traitor for jumping ship to the land greener up north or down south? We cannot be judgmental, we are democratic and capitalist thinking, In Pri/Sec school, we are not told to think outside the box, school should ahve proper education to teach kid about lateral thinking, I wasn't the brightest or smartest ass around, But I always thought the grass was greener on the outside.


Only if R Kiyosaki can convince MOE to change our education system, our kid will & can be better equipped to face the outside world, adapt faster and face the challenges ahead of times.


So, I summary, I pledge for the Gahmen to think of your people 1st and do not allow history to repeat itself, I know that you're watching us and reading the thread, for I am not alone and I will sleep well every night.


I never ask for anything that does not belong to me and I will do things to change to suit my need, If I elect for the gahmen who care for us, God bless U to go out and do those stuff you need to do or I will come and kick ass. For those party that I may vote or may not vote for you, it does not mean I do not like you, simply we need more time to know U, Your time are limited, we can relate to that & I salute you for your comittment and responsible attitude.


Majullah Singapura


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When the Financial Crisis hit, it is a worldwide problem... not their fault..

When the V shape recovery comes, it is their effort to grow the GDP so many times!


The recovery is a world wide thing too!

When they present a YOY comparision, they are not wrong to use statistics to illustate what fantastic job they have done. They are SLY!

How will 2010 GDP compare to 2006/7? Can they normalised the data across 5 years or 10 years...


The scholars will find the best statistic to present! CraP!

Now there are dark clouds? oh, since when they are no dark clouds!

I am being F*cked in my own country and They still want me to say Thank You!

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brother assuming average minister pay is $2.4 and multiply that by the number of ministers, you get a sense of how much we spend on paying ministes alone.


the 15k is actaully small change compare to that but 15k is still much higher than most of our salaries though

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brother assuming average minister pay is $2.4 and multiply that by the number of ministers, you get a sense of how much we spend on paying ministes alone.


the 15k is actaully small change compare to that but 15k is still much higher than most of our salaries though


Not forgetting each minister has 2 other kah kias of Senior Minister of State and Minister of State. All are paid in millions. Imagine the wage bill to feed them all. And 2 Senior Ministers, 2 DPMs.....Singapore is really a difficult country to govern.

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you see, the main idea for co-driver is not to take over the wheel, why we need a co-driver? give you an example:


when a lady driving a lexus hit a cyclist, but thought she hit a tree branch and wanted to continue the drive home, the co-driver could slap the driver to wake her up and stop the car, check out the injury and call ambulance, imagine without the co-driver, just the driver alone, she would drive all the way home dragging a bicycle under her lexus without knowing it, is that what people want?..... [laugh]


real life example to simulate the current scenario. [thumbsup]


just to add, driver knows something wrong but don't bother to check. When questioned, come up with excuses. Sound familiar.


Like what LTK mentioned, if we continue to let the driver drive alone, we would be taken for a ride. Cannot be back seat passenger anymore later he all drive everyone down the cliff

Edited by Christan
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Not forgetting each minister has 2 other kah kias of Senior Minister of State and Minister of State. All are paid in millions. Imagine the wage bill to feed them all. And 2 Senior Ministers, 2 DPMs.....Singapore is really a difficult country to govern.



curious are the ministers paid by per portfolio basis or per person basis.


example a minister that wears a few ministry desigination, is he getting the minsiter pay * number of ministry?

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