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Freak Result


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Any lost for PAP in GE - Freak result.

Singaporeans that voted for opposition and cause PAP to lose - Freaks


Is that what PAP is trying to imply?


We can see that if PAP is doing such a GOOD JOB, then why are they afraid of freak result? Surely people will vote PAP and freak result wont happen isnt it?


Or is it because Singaporeans need to be "educated" because Singaporeans dont know how to vote during election?


Every single general election, the PAP will say freak result might happen if Singaporeans dont vote properly. IF that is the case, then what is the point of election? Since Singaporeans "dont know how to vote"? What is the point of giving Singaporeans the right to vote? Wayang democracy is it?


Instead of talking about their manifesto, policies to implement in future to fulfill the promises in their manifesto, talk about issues that concern Singaporeans, yesterday and today the PAP keep talking about freak result and the need to know that voting is serious etc. We can see that the PAP still like to talk down on Singaporeans and tell Singaporeans how to do this and that and treat Singaporeans like kids.


I think Singaporeans are indeed like kids because we allow the PAP to manipulate us into accepting ERP, COE, high salary for the ministers, and allow FT to come in like nobody's business.










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Is he trying to say that we the electorate are freaks for not choosing them?


This is too much. Now I'm going to meet my extended famillies to persuade them to vote lightning gods OUT!


Lets see who will be the freaks then.

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The Middle East Internet Revolution has happened, 30 years rule can collapse, so anything can happen.


Revolution is unlikely in SG but a freak result is possible.

Edited by Alim
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Any lost for PAP in GE - Freak result.

Singaporeans that voted for opposition and cause PAP to lose - Freaks


Is that what PAP is trying to imply?


We can see that if PAP is doing such a GOOD JOB, then why are they afraid of freak result? Surely people will vote PAP and freak result wont happen isnt it?


Or is it because Singaporeans need to be "educated" because Singaporeans dont know how to vote during election?


Every single general election, the PAP will say freak result might happen if Singaporeans dont vote properly. IF that is the case, then what is the point of election? Since Singaporeans "dont know how to vote"? What is the point of giving Singaporeans the right to vote? Wayang democracy is it?


Instead of talking about their manifesto, policies to implement in future to fulfill the promises in their manifesto, talk about issues that concern Singaporeans, yesterday and today the PAP keep talking about freak result and the need to know that voting is serious etc. We can see that the PAP still like to talk down on Singaporeans and tell Singaporeans how to do this and that and treat Singaporeans like kids.


I think Singaporeans are indeed like kids because we allow the PAP to manipulate us into accepting ERP, COE, high salary for the ministers, and allow FT to come in like nobody's business.


Ya, latest results:


Tg Pagar ===PAP

The rest ====Alternative parties


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The Middle East Internet Revolution has happened, 30 years rule can collapse, so anything can happen.


Revolution is unlikely in SG but a freak result is possible.


Some stats from Straits Times.. Half of Singapore's population uses FB.. Our online revolution might happen sooner rather than later


Seah is S'pore's 2nd most popular politician online


SIX DAYS after starting her Facebook profile, National Solidarity Party (NSP) candidate Nicole Seah is now Singapore's second most popular politician online after Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.


By 9pm on Monday, the 24-year-old opposition candidate had amassed 18,900 fans against to Mr Lee's 54,000 fans. She had earlier that day overtaken previous runner-up Foreign Minister George Yeo's 18,700 fans, despite the fact that he had a three-year head start.


Only Miss Seah and Mr Yeo are, however, active on the social networking site used by one in two Singaporeans. Mr Lee's page is not actively maintained and has no content other than some background information of him.


Both Miss Seah and Mr Yeo beat other candidates in the online popularity contest handily.


Asked whether she thought online popularity translates into votes, Miss Seah said: 'This is a watershed election for social media, and how this will translate into votes is anybody's guess.'


She is part of the NSP team contesting against Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong's team in the Marine Parade group representative constituency.


Mr Yeo, who took the question at an event at the *Scape youth park, was more bullish. Online popularity, he said, has a bearing on votes.


'The question is, how much?'


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