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Finally.....Stopped by MY TP after all these years


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Neutral Newbie

Just gotta relate what happened today just before MY Causeway Custom last junction,


Was driving through the last junction (the traffic light was green) and suddenly a MY TP gave a hand signal to pull over. Stopped my car and on hazard light.....................


MY TP: Can I see your driving licence.

Me: (Gave him my licence).

MY TP: Why didn't you bring IC.

Me: Gave him my passport and rebuked him by telling him where would people bring IC when overseas (just passport will do).

MY TP: (Kept quiet for a while) and told me that my offence was speeding through yellow light.

Me: I argued that the light was green in my favour.

MY TP: He told me again that my offence was as stated earlier and told me not to argue. (Fiddling with pen and notebook and pretending to write something.

Me: Me LL and told him to summon me lah!

MY TP: Told me to follow me to HQ and settle fine (pointing to the right of MY Custom).

Me: Told him not free as rushing home and will settle next time. (New rule must settle at HQ!!!!).

MY TP: Hesitate for a while (waiting for me to pop the magic statement - Kopi $).

Me: I also just kept quiet (remembering not to fall into trap of bribery charge).

MY TP: OK, This time I give you chance.

ME: (In Jest and almost shouting).............THANK YOU ENCIK!


What to do, JB cheaper medicine, groceries and petrol......................

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you are lucky man ... for me the MY TP waved off the MY cars and signaled me to stop and straightaway ask for my driving license and then walk away, and then walk back with a ticket !! (but that was in Jan 2005.) After that day, i did not enter JB again ... then 1 year later, i sold off my car.


** btw, i kenah stopping/parking at double yellow lines just after entering JB opposite the shell station.

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