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Not Too Late For PAP To Rescind Some of the Bad Policies


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aiya ... NOTHING CHANGES EXCEPT THE SHOES , end of the day .. PAP will win most seats , they will still carry on their f********* hao lian way of talking , gst increase with same stupid and dumbass reason , utilities , gas , oil ...etc will increase with the same reasons , our salary still the same ..... they are giving cash now , which will be taken back at least 3 folds ..,.. guys we are f**********ked big time ......so vote or dun vote still the same , can't be bothered lah , can't even be bothered to read newspaper ...


agree with you.


They will vote for whoever who can make their property appreciate.


That's singaporeans for you.


And for those who doesn't have property...nvr mind la..those are 25% only.

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I am voting for my future generations to have hope.


Right now Gen Y hope to migrate. You see the difference?



I also fear the addition of another few hundred thousand new citizens. You know who they will support. If that happens, our votes dun even matter much.

I am not against emigration if there are better opportunities (I am a little too old for it and got noone want to adopt me for their parent). Perhaps you join RP contest Ang Mo Kio GRC. You know I will vote you.

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Wee Shun Min blog is a classic case of exemplifying eleetism. Good thing Wee Siew Kim stepped down


That's the reason why he step down lar... [rolleyes] .... imagine kena sabo by own daughter... who got a Big Farking Mouth... which should be put to good use somewhere else like HC??? [laugh][:p]

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Be careful what you wish for... Change...... could also mean Change in PP and Hougang.... [:p][laugh]


I am not in these 2 areas, so I can't do much.


I can only make my vote count in Bishan-TPY. [:)]

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wun even apologise for mas selamat, yog burst budget, u tink they will rescind policies. in fact do they even know the policies are bad policies???

the path to destruction has started the day when someone feels the organisation is indispensable, infallible, know-all, best-in-the-world, and that:- all peasants owe it a living and absolute obedience, there's no such a thing called accounability, making due apologies is a waste of time, the nation is just a sub-set of it, other organisations are evil regardless......

Edited by KARTer
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Don't forget that, save for our Malay fellow countrymen, our forefathers were the migrants here. My own father migrated here in the 60s. The FTs as we call them now, are just another wave to follow the previous waves of migrants that seek a better life by coming here.


background comparison:-

when our forefathers stepped on this land way back, life was hard and the place was backward and undeveloped, but when these so called FTs landed here today, they landed on a developed place and there's hardly any hardship to speak of, courtesy of the contributions thru sweats and sacrificises of our forefathers...... today's imported FTs have it all ready-made for them, our forefathers didnt enjoy such a privilage...


it's not a matter of whether we welcome FTs or not, it's the unchecked influx of FTs and the serious lack of coordinations between the excessive import of FTs and the hardly adequate provision of infrastructure to cope with the influx and far from balanced treatments (between locals and FTs) that are creating justifiable unhappiness..............

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maybe will ask their maid to do it for them [laugh]

all led by our supreme commander:- prata man, no less............ charge, and fire!!!

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So sorry, I will be voting out of fear for more inflation forth-coming after the GE, especailly if People Avoiding Party People-Abandoning Party voted in,


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All i have to say, even if all of us vote for opposition, PAP will still win cause the ah man ah gong(referring to those who hardly think)

and majority who work under government who think if they don't vote for pap, they will lose their job


only with hard facts in results, that is pap win by very low margin will they take us seriously

what we can do now is to not let pap win with high percentage, else they will be even more proud and think they have people's mandate and support to more of bullship policy

i openly declare i will not vote for pap not that i support opposition, but so as not to let them win by a bigger margin

if pap win by 50.0001% of vote, that will give a big slap at their face and they will take our voices seriously


to see them winning 70++% vs opp, u will see immediate change, yes, change

change to gst(more increment), more levy, more bull, more pay increment for ministers etc etc

wonder if they laugh behind us, thinking no matter how they squeeze this bunch of fools(are majority of us fools??), they still win handsomely

Edited by Stanchiam
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