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Vehicle Inspection Failed due to Tinting


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Yesterday, took my car for veh inspection to JIC Ang Mo Kio. When i was in the queue, one of the inspector came and said that my front windscreen, back door windows tinting cannot pass and advised me to remove it before being inspected. He did mentioned that it was done in malaysia and to me personally, the tinting wasn't that bad and it is bit golden tan colour tinting, but not sure how much of light pass through. Since i bought the used car a year back, it came as it is and wonder how it passed the previous inspection. Any advise to try my luck on other inspection centers or any recommendation on workshops to remove the tinting and how much it would cost.

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Is it that easy to tear without a trained technician help? I have seem some youtube clips on DIY, but still don't think i can able to remove the front and back windscreen tints.


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Is it that easy to tear without a trained technician help? I have seem some youtube clips on DIY, but still don't think i can able to remove the front and back windscreen tints.


Dont tear first until they failed your tinting, its easy just strip the corner, you need not have to tear out every thing.

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Yesterday, took my car for veh inspection to JIC Ang Mo Kio. When i was in the queue, one of the inspector came and said that my front windscreen, back door windows tinting cannot pass and advised me to remove it before being inspected. He did mentioned that it was done in malaysia and to me personally, the tinting wasn't that bad and it is bit golden tan colour tinting, but not sure how much of light pass through. Since i bought the used car a year back, it came as it is and wonder how it passed the previous inspection. Any advise to try my luck on other inspection centers or any recommendation on workshops to remove the tinting and how much it would cost.


On my previous inspection ( my car was OPC ) I saw a guy failed his inspection. He tried to tear away his tint with his bare hands and gave up later. It is best leave it to the pro.


Bro, recently I won a V Kool voucher, courtesy of Wheels Asia awards. Please let me know if you are keen to purchase the discount voucher worth $500.

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did they actually do the test on ur windscreens?

No he didn't used any equipment to test, but by seeing he was very sure that it will fail. He mentioned if i proceed, i have to pay the fee, not sure, may be out of goodwill he could have told, but, i am planning to take it to some tinting shop to test the light penetration %.

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Best remove it, they can oso stop you on the road. Why drive with fear?

Yep, either pass lta inspection or going to remove it once for all.

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Hi, think the claim from the inspector without checking the light transmission is true. Because one condition is that if the tinting film should not has reflection as mentioned gold, then it is not local done and not approved film. You can check more on LTA site. So better to remove than being penalised while on the road. Sorry to hear above your problem. You have no choice.


So I am rather careful with what kind installations that can be done in Malaysia to avoid such issue even though it is cheaper across the bridge.

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Neutral Newbie

They are all on the ball recently, try Yishun Vicom if not tear on the spot and reapply again later.

Yishun Vicom will oso fail. Kena tis year for my tinted film. Asked to remove it after the inspection & testing. Tried to remove it DIY for 20min & gave up. Drove to WS & paid to remove it chop chop then go back Vicom for inspection again......quite a waste of time if u ask me.

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I think no two ways about it anymore, did you pay the fee again?


I did my in march was warned about my blue small light and my stick-on Number PLATE not sticker type but never mention about my ride too low (about 4ins from the ground) surprised still passed me.

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