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How often do you change wiper blade?


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Neutral Newbie

1.How often do you change wiper blade? - about 12 months
2. Change it by own or whokshop? - workshop
3. Change driver side only or both sides? - change both
4. How much roughly? - i get workshop to change both, less than $70

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Neutral Newbie

There are some posts that discourage windscreen coating like rainx.


For me I use rainx regularly esp on main front windscreen... when it rains, if car speed is fast the water flows off without need to use wipers. Visibility with rain is super good.


And when use wipers only wipe when there is a lot of water accumulated, then it will be smooth action. If wipe when there is just little bit of water droplets sure will judder no matter how new or smooth the wipers are.


I heard RainX causes judder. very annoying.

Does yours judder?

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Found my car wipers start juddering, brought to mechanic to troubleshoot.

He explained that rain x cause wipers without frames to judder.

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Just bought my first ever second hand car and straight away go esso buy rainx wiper. Cost me $30 roughly and diy. Very easy to install. After that went mustafa see see,there gt sell bosch wiper blades damn cheap but which model i nit sure...

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