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if you not TIKO KING then who TIKO KING???


btw you know smthing Bro?... I KANNA 25POSTS LIAO!!!!!!!!!!! now no more recruit... Privat liao...


Private Ken reporting! [laugh]


Now u promoted from carrying night soil to washing toilets. [laugh][laugh][laugh]


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"Trust" Why does that word always spell trouble? [rolleyes]



there are 2 types...........1 got peace of mind..........1 got alot of issue later........... [laugh]

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Neutral Newbie

Now u promoted from carrying night soil to washing toilets.


[mad] ..... [furious] .......


[:(] ............. [bigcry] .............




:ph34r: wait kanna yellow card again siao liao...

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Neutral Newbie

maybe next Mon I go or try the la sup Spa in the basement? [sly]


[thumbsup] you took the words right out of my mouth... i was just gonna ask about the PRC Spa... [:p]

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"Trust" Why does that word always spell trouble? [rolleyes]


lucky he say trust.....MO will THRUST

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if you not TIKO KING then who TIKO KING???


btw you know smthing Bro?... I KANNA 25POSTS LIAO!!!!!!!!!!! now no more recruit... Privat liao...


Private Ken reporting! [laugh]



I still tiko kia..........as for the post of tiko king.........i leave it to you and bro P69 to go sort it out!!! [laugh][laugh]


welcome to the rank pte ken.........I believe you will be promote to Major very soon.........keep up the good work!!!


go go power ranger!!! [sunny]

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there are 2 types...........1 got peace of mind..........1 got alot of issue later........... [laugh]



B careful cos most pple tot ty got 1 but end up with the other. [laugh][laugh][laugh]

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no no no impossible... cannot be...


bro Pisces must be got overworked anti virus programme.... [laugh]



or his other browser tab go into Prawn at the sametime [sly]

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maybe next Mon I go or try the la sup Spa in the basement? [sly]



on leh............me want also..........lai leh........comm tho SMS OK... [laugh][thumbsup]

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there was 1 period my side mirror cannot open, 1 week, i used only the back view mirror and check blind spots even time i turns or swtich lane.


frankly if u check blind spot every time u switch lanes or turn, its better than using side mirrors.

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[thumbsup] you took the words right out of my mouth... i was just gonna ask about the PRC Spa... [:p]



come come..........let's go man..........SMS to cfm........ [laugh][laugh]

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[:(] ............. [bigcry] .............




:ph34r: wait kanna yellow card again siao liao...


Careful Careful. [sly]


Wait next time I see yr nick is Ken455555 n u back to carrying night soil. [laugh]


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B careful cos most pple tot ty got 1 but end up with the other. [laugh][laugh][laugh]



they usually come as a pair!!! [laugh][laugh]

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[thumbsup] you took the words right out of my mouth... i was just gonna ask about the PRC Spa... [:p]


We go next Mon provided no jam cos its between Sun n a PH. [rolleyes]


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lucky he say trust.....MO will THRUST


I dont want to get involved between what u n he do when nobody is looking. [laugh][laugh][laugh]


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or his other browser tab go into Prawn at the sametime [sly]


No lah. I got special computer use huge server to surf prawn. Got the best firewall n anti-virus avaliable n super fast too to see best action without pesky jerks n stalls. watch in HD even. [thumbsup]


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Neutral Newbie

We go next Mon provided no jam cos its between Sun n a PH. [rolleyes]


oh yah hor... before Vesak Day... ^_^

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