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PM LEE has spoken!


Do you belief a single word he say?  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you belief a single word he say?

    • YES, he is really sincere!
    • NO, he is a charlatan bullsheet in sheep skin!

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Maybe i should rephrase my words. Some of them should go, esp those that screw up, i dont think i need to list them down.


Right now, it's too early for the opp to take over running the country should the need arises. But i think a one-party rule, while it's good for a new and young country(which Singapore has already grown out of), is not the way forward for us. There need to be other parties to keep PAP in check <----- especially so in view of the many lapses over recent years.... absolute power may not lead to corruption (but only for now though), but complacency and "self-righteousness" , especially when passing unpopular policies.

Edited by KARTer
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If we look pass all the straw-man arguments and ad-hominem attacks which are aimed at deflecting attention, we find that there is a clear and present need to distinguish between the OLD PAP and the CURRENT PAP.



Toh Chin Chye - Science & Technology, Health & Education. Responsible for the industrialization of Singapore as well as for holding the PAP & Singapore together during the early tumultuous days whose contribution was also acknowledged by Lee Kuan Yew.


Goh Keng Swee - Defence & Education, Finance. Credited with the successful industrialization of Singapore and the formulation of Singapore's national economic development strategy advised by Albert Winsemius, a Dutch economist.


S. Rajaratnam - Foreign Affairs, Culture, Labour Minister. He played a key role in the successive pragmatic and technocratic People's Action Party governments that radically improved Singapore's economic situation, alongside huge developments in social development on the island with massive expansion of healthcare programmes, pensions, state housing and extremely low unemployment. Rajaratnam brought in the foreign investors and made diplomacy our only defense when we do not have soldiers.


Lim Kim San - He was credited for leading the successful public housing program (HDB).


And many others who sacrificed themselves and recognised the virtue of "Country Before Self".





Fast forward to today, we have Lim Swee Say, Mah Bow Tan, Vivian Balakrishnan, Wong Kan Seng and many others who were "recruited" using *ahem*... carrots. The new batch is practically riding on the success of their forefathers. <------- and getting paid much more than those in the first list who have sweated it out yet didnt talk about pay

Had it not been for Lee Kuan Yew positioning himself at the helm to send a clear and visible indicator for the old generation to relate to, I am quite sure that PAP would have lost its "mandate" long ago.


Lee Kuan Yew himself has rode the waves of Singapore's rise & fall. Whether he is solely responsible and credited with the recognition is another issue. I think most of us can tell when Singapore began its downfall.


And our next generation of "leaders" as opposed to "opposition newbies", we have Tin Pei Ling, Army Generals, Union Chiefs, Foo Mee Har?


I shudder at the prospect of Lee Hong Yi taking over the reins of Prime Ministership.

Edited by KARTer
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i can answer you.. yes i would like more voices in parliament.... but 2 concerns...


1) if everyone thinks like me and all vote opposition.. then it become 1 party again.. LPPL [laugh]

2) the opposition has to be credible.... now we have a problem with this.... till now i dunno which opposition is contesting my ward...


in the event, election is really in May... it means at most i will know my opp candidate for at most 1 month... do i feel comfortable to vote for someone i know for 1 month? i really dun think so....

but you do know that newbies in pap have as much track record as some of those so called 'unknown' you mentioned


if you never let a small child to take the first step, will he ever be able to walk, and run later?


every GE has its own opportunities, the coming one (or one or two more) can be used to allow some 'first' step to be taken......... scare tactics is something we must seriously reject

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SG not that safe leh.... even in broad daylight... in crowded places.. our ministers also need a few bodyguards to protect them.. Australia seems to be much safer.. the dunno what minister walk around in the flood also nothing happen to him...

Good observation!

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lol, you asked them a wrong question. you should ask them to come sg to stay for a few years and maybe they will have another answer. :D

if they accept your invitation and come here, they will be extremely happy to pay for high cost of housing, high cost of driving, etc etc.... so much so they will give up their citizenship and be a PR here............

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LHL I don't trust you ANYMORE!!!!! [mad]


After all those things that you have done to this country for the last 10 years.


You can con us in the past but not anymore. [wave]


And talking about how safe it is walking the streets at midnite? Then why do our Ministers need specially trained security detail when the walk around their own country? Not safe meh EVEN AT NOON TIME?


coz they are not the one who pay for the guards, you are........... (as a taxpayer)


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what's new? for a couple of days every 5 years they'll talk about serving the people, empathy, sacrifice etc.


few weeks later, normal services resume.



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(SEE ATTACHED TV Subtitles) ACTUAL WORDS from His platinum-fed mouth!


'Never lord it over the people we're looking after and serving. Always maintain a sense of humility and service. Never forget we are servants of the people, not their masters, and address the day-to-day bread and butter concerns. But we must also be in touch with people's sentiments and worries'


Then again, would any rational person say "I am sorry to say that we have not lived up to responsibilities" when it's time to get votes and elections?

Let us hope this will encourage competition against PAP-GRCs and all GRcs get defeated. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

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OMG still 90% against satan!


a new day, a old REMINDER of what is to come!




Edited by Chengwh492
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do u know GDP is scam? look at GDP of japan, germany all so low but hey the ppl there are enjoying good citizenship benefits and quality of life. at least the old retire in dignity, i dun see any old ppl there cleaning tables, picking can from rubbish.


The importance of GDP is over played by papaya

Never been to Japan I guess...

Never been to Germany too I guess.


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it is not Singaporeans don't want to do these type of labour work, it is the pay that matters (those bosses like pappies wants more $$ for themselves only. All these bs of singaporeans refusing to do these jobs are from pappies to let foreign workers in.


all bosses will have the same thinking = 3k per month for a Singaporean, I can hire 3 foreign workers


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Never forget we are servants of the people, not their masters

Really, this means we're their masters. I WANT TO REDUCE THEIR PAY!!!! and I order them to be fully transparent, especially HDB with their costing of flats, GIC and Temasek on how they invests in our reserves. And i reserve the right to fire my servants the moment they underperform.


address the day-to-day bread and butter concerns. But we must also be in touch with people's sentiments and worries

Don't seem to be true. How to be in touch with people's sentiments when they're living comfortably in their ivory towers? A transport minister who don't take public transport.. how to convince us?


No meh I tot he take mrt? Then he drive car?

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must compare apple with apple leh


look we should be comparing with swiss





The positives posted by Shull is very true indeed.

I just came back from Vietnam and Indonesia. And I really feel very very happy to be staying in Singapore. Its still the very best, optimised and well-rounded country to be in.

1) Safe and Clean. The air even smell fresh and nice. The ground is clean, my nice sneakers stay clean. Mugging in singapore not a big issue as most thief just want money or grab gold chain. Other country mugging, might cost your life.

2) Decent and clean road and public transportation. The road is well maintained, can travel at higher speed. Public transport is way cleaner compared to other countries. Even taxi's are clean and smell fresh.

3) Corrupt free and SUPER efficient. Things get done ASAP, no question asked when you show all documents properly.

4) Town are logically planned. Roads and carparks design are A-class standard. Each town has its supermarket and supporting police post, post office, food center, parks, etc.

5) Value for money. When you pay $300 for a hotel room, you get the value. When you pay $5 for the MacDonald, you get the clean and safe assurance. When you pay $3000 for the Channel bag, you know its 101% genuine. When you call a plumber/repairman, the one that come is really skilled and prepared to do the job.

6) Changi airport is a shopping paradise, I love going there early to browse and hang out. Got FREE wi-fi. Other city airports are mostly patentic, shops are few and aircons are half-fark hot, long queues at customs and conniving taxi's drivers at exits.


I just love my country.

I think the gov has out-done themselves and are falling into a self-dug hole.

I say send all unhappy citizens to vietnam or indon or even malaysia to let them see the real situation, so that they can appreciate the Singapore life.

Instead of the $600-900 cash rebate....the gov should issue cheap tigers/airasia airt tickets for everyone to phillipines, indonesia, vietnam....to see the so called....better countries........so that most can have a comparision between Singapore and other countries.


Most who go holidays only see the good things, nice hotels, nice restaurants, nice scenary, nice freindly hotel/restaurant staff, nice shopping centers. These are the wrong image that most have and came back comparing it with Singapore, unfairly.








*Safe and secure environment. I'm not gonna deny this, other than HK, i think Singapore is the only major city that you can walk along roads late at night without fear of being mugged.

*Good and affordable education, even up to university level, it's highly subsidised.

*Decent(minus the overcrowding at peak hours and sometimes too damn long a wait) and clean public transport.

*Corrupt free and quite efficient(things get processed quite fast if you come prepared) civil service.

*Town planning is done very well, with each individual town being self sufficient.


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