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PM LEE has spoken!


Do you belief a single word he say?  

134 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you belief a single word he say?

    • YES, he is really sincere!
    • NO, he is a charlatan bullsheet in sheep skin!

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As of now, i agree the opp do not have the caliber to form an alternative govt. But i'm all for having an alternative voice in the parliament to keep the govt on their toes. So what we can do is give the opp an opportunity. If you don't vote for them, we will never find out how good are they. Just having one or two GRC in the parliament is enough to keep the ruling party on their toes and not suka suka rubber stamp any policies put up by the govt.


I agree.


Calibre or all is not an issue. Look at all the suggestions, objections bros here at MCF have. If bros in MCF go for election, I sure suppork! Tons of bloody good ideas here! [laugh]


MBT seriously have to answer the HDB issue. Instead of affordable housing, it has become one of the biggest milking cows for the government by pegging it close to resale values.


And back to PM Lee's speech... who is he trying to kid with the servant and master thingy. BS! If they say they are working towards the better of the country, I think I can still accept. Servant? That's one bloody expensive servant! :angry:

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All GE Talk lah.


If you believe, you are daft.


Does everyone needs to be reminded of their 2006 PAP manifesto and how many of those came through?


This is all soft talk cos they know people are pissed with them and further hard talk will push people to the edge and vote for opposition.



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Some I agree some I do not. Basically my friends in Indonesia may not be driving big cars, may not have shopping complex and super markets nearby, etc BUT if when I ask them what's the reason for them to be staying in such a poorly develop country, their answers are all the same.


They are happy because they have everything they need.


That's the same story my US friends tell me. Taxes are high, yeah, a meal outside is expensive; yes BUT they have everything. So tell me, are you happy and have everything? [;)]


lol, you asked them a wrong question. you should ask them to come sg to stay for a few years and maybe they will have another answer. :D

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LHL I don't trust you ANYMORE!!!!! [mad]


After all those things that you have done to this country for the last 10 years.


You can con us in the past but not anymore. [wave]


And talking about how safe it is walking the streets at midnite? Then why do our Ministers need specially trained security detail when the walk around their own country? Not safe meh EVEN AT NOON TIME?

Edited by Gendut
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SG not that safe leh.... even in broad daylight... in crowded places.. our ministers also need a few bodyguards to protect them.. Australia seems to be much safer.. the dunno what minister walk around in the flood also nothing happen to him...


lol, flood liao oso no need bodyguard. [laugh]

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LHL I don't trust you ANYMORE!!!!! [mad]


After all those things that you have done to this country for the last 10 years.


You can con us in the past but not anymore. [wave]


And talking about how safe it is walking the streets at midnite? Then why do our Ministers need specially trained security detail when the walk around their own country? Not safe meh EVEN AT NOON TIME?


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Neutral Newbie

FT are still needed which I believe that lots of jobs which sporeans dun want to do it(blue collar).


it is not Singaporeans don't want to do these type of labour work, it is the pay that matters (those bosses like pappies wants more $$ for themselves only. All these bs of singaporeans refusing to do these jobs are from pappies to let foreign workers in.


all bosses will have the same thinking = 3k per month for a Singaporean, I can hire 3 foreign workers


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it is not Singaporeans don't want to do these type of labour work, it is the pay that matters (those bosses like pappies wants more $$ for themselves only. All these bs of singaporeans refusing to do these jobs are from pappies to let foreign workers in.


all bosses will have the same thinking = 3k per month for a Singaporean, I can hire 3 foreign workers




that solves problems with foreign workers.


a boss will have to choose. i have to pay SG and FT same price. on top of that, i still must pay levy for FT.


of coz choose singaporean la.

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I agree to the 1st, 3rd, 4th point and the last negative point.


2 points for positive I will like to add... Cpf and the strength of our currency n passport


They deserve another chance

together with chances in the next 4-5 yrs to increase their pay in full auto mode...........majulah singapura !!

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I'm party neutral but I feel that credit should be given where its due. High pay is often cited in many threads. To be fair, top CEOs are paid comparatively more. While I appreciate the sense of unhappiness when income disparity is highlighted between the politicians and the lower strata of society, that is not a fair comparison. Every society has an income gap and most are even more pronounced. We have made significant progress in many aspects as a society within a short few decades and everyone has benefited from it in one way or another. That phenomenon might not have been possible if things hadn't been what they were. :D

Extreme high salaries (some say obsencely high) must be matched with extreme performace (to say the least).... we see:- immigration dept not coordinated with infrastructure dept (result: infrastrcuture not coping with increase in population, overcrowded public transport system, long queue / high prices for public housing... etc); ridiculas lapses: THE great escape, 50yrs flood, NKF scandal, etc; .............. 'expert' handling of mini-bonds saga; the list goes on........ these are the extreme performances we see....... sadly, it's the other extreme, and worst: no admission of responsibility.........except for a rendition of national anthem: LET'S MOVE ON!!

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Who do you think is richer - Mahatir or Tony Tan? What about Marcos, Suharto etc? At least things work around here.

'corruption-free' but losing touch with the grounds......... fair enough, by and large things do work here..... but there are many things still need 'fixing'....... must we rest on our laurel and bath ourselves in past 'glories'; living in contentments and not fix things, but chant 'let's move on'? move on to what? more pay rises? keep ignoring the grieveses fo the masses?? .............. LET's MOVE ON!!

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Your views contain many valid points but I have to rebutt you on this one.


There are many many cities in Asia where you walk along the roads late at night safely without fear of being mugged. (Personally, I do not feel very safe late at night in Singapore, crime do happen now and then.. do be cautious and prevention is always better than cure).


At least 20 cities in Japan alone.


Maybe 3-100 cities in China (minimum 3 cities from my personal experience).


At least 2 in south Korea (heard from Korean who had lived in Seoul and Busan).


2 major cities (Ho Chih Minh, Hanoi) in Vietnam are pretty safe.


There are many many more cities that I have no experience with but are likely to be as safe as Singapore.

Majority of Singaporeans have this "frog-in-the-well" view<----- courtesy of systematic brain washing by someone who chants 'we are the best'..... that once you step outside of this sunny island, everywhere becomes either a gutter, a slum, a warzone or an organized crime heaven.


Singaporeans should travel and experience more.


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The positives posted by Shull is very true indeed.

I just came back from Vietnam and Indonesia. And I really feel very very happy to be staying in Singapore. Its still the very best, optimised and well-rounded country to be in.

1) Safe and Clean. The air even smell fresh and nice. The ground is clean, my nice sneakers stay clean. Mugging in singapore not a big issue as most thief just want money or grab gold chain. Other country mugging, might cost your life.

2) Decent and clean road and public transportation. The road is well maintained, can travel at higher speed. Public transport is way cleaner compared to other countries. Even taxi's are clean and smell fresh.

3) Corrupt free and SUPER efficient. Things get done ASAP, no question asked when you show all documents properly.

4) Town are logically planned. Roads and carparks design are A-class standard. Each town has its supermarket and supporting police post, post office, food center, parks, etc.

5) Value for money. When you pay $300 for a hotel room, you get the value. When you pay $5 for the MacDonald, you get the clean and safe assurance. When you pay $3000 for the Channel bag, you know its 101% genuine. When you call a plumber/repairman, the one that come is really skilled and prepared to do the job.

6) Changi airport is a shopping paradise, I love going there early to browse and hang out. Got FREE wi-fi. Other city airports are mostly patentic, shops are few and aircons are half-fark hot, long queues at customs and conniving taxi's drivers at exits.


I just love my country.

I think the gov has out-done themselves and are falling into a self-dug hole.

I say send all unhappy citizens to vietnam or indon or even malaysia to let them see the real situation, so that they can appreciate the Singapore life.

Instead of the $600-900 cash rebate....the gov should issue cheap tigers/airasia airt tickets for everyone to phillipines, indonesia, vietnam....to see the so called....better countries........so that most can have a comparision between Singapore and other countries.


Most who go holidays only see the good things, nice hotels, nice restaurants, nice scenary, nice freindly hotel/restaurant staff, nice shopping centers. These are the wrong image that most have and came back comparing it with Singapore, unfairly.








*Safe and secure environment. I'm not gonna deny this, other than HK, i think Singapore is the only major city that you can walk along roads late at night without fear of being mugged.

*Good and affordable education, even up to university level, it's highly subsidised.

*Decent(minus the overcrowding at peak hours and sometimes too damn long a wait) and clean public transport.

*Corrupt free and quite efficient(things get processed quite fast if you come prepared) civil service.

*Town planning is done very well, with each individual town being self sufficient.


the student comes home with 20th place in a class of 40, and proudly declares to his parents:- they are 20 classmates who have done worst than I..... and demands the biggest reward, bigger than any in the whole school.......... and the parent still say: son, well done, we worship you.


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this poll has said it very clear! there will be reprecussion this time round.

safe clean etc is a given consider the amount of protection tax & fees $ sinkies pays.


no, to provide the basis, anything less than world highest pay just wont cut it.............


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QUOTE (Chelsea901 @ Apr 18 2011, 11:25 AM)

i fully agree with you, and with your last part on the car and freedom of speech, i believe that alot of ppl arent happy with them too, just that they wun dare to speak up, but i think maybe most or all of us forgot how we have developed from the 60s to what we have now, all thanks to pap.



Hey right, because our Grandparents & parents are party all day, or drink kopi, read papers at home during this period. Everything we have is owe to PAP.

Well, it seems the island of singapore only has pap, no one else was doing their parts in the factories, offices, shops, army camps, construction sites, etc......... ONLY PAP EXISTS and doing work............. or the rest are always there, but sleeping..........

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the student comes home with 20th place in a class of 40, and proudly declares to his parents:- they are 20 classmates who have done worst than I..... and demands the biggest reward, bigger than any in the whole school.......... and the parent still say: son, well done, we worship you.


Hilarious comment......... [thumbsup][thumbsup][thumbsup]


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our GDP expansion is highly dependent of the size of population.

However, after the 2 is enough policy, the population did not grow much

so how to expand ...<--------- ever wonder WHO introduced this stop@2 policy???

Remember, once SG cannot expand GDP and have decrease GDP with more Old ppl, we will have to package ourselves pretty and handover to North Brudder without conditions.


Therefore, we need to take some responsibilty for not having enough babies in the 80s, 90s, 2000s.

If we procreate enough the FTs will come here as Coolies only.


I think it is this mindset of GDP UPz = No need to Kowtow to North Brudder that drives our Garment to pursue it without much mercy to the left and right...

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