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Yong Vui Kong


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If he really believe in what he says, then he should getting an MBA & start running drug. Would like to see him test out the system.


Oh, I'm sure they would be quite happy to have any excuse to hang Alan Shadrake. [:p]

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Neutral Newbie

Consume drug and died??? [hur] Drug addiction is the mother of all evil and will cause a whole lot of illness, you won't die literally unless consumed in large quantity. It is not cheap you know?


Of course, I don't deny that he deserves punishment. Death for a 19-year-old is too harsh.



If the drug addicts are all sent to death sentence, there will be no or less drug addicts, and thus less demand for drugs. Like this, there will be slowly no more drugs in Sillypore liao. You supply drugs, u die, u consume drugs, u die. Very fast, no more drugs liao... :o

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Neutral Newbie

Nope, it must be a death sentence. In fact it's should be at least 10 strokes first, then death sentence


The law minister is right. If we let the young fella live, the drug lords will continue to recruit young fellas to run the drugs. It will create a loop hole in the system, and we can't afford that.


Have u watch nat geo or Crime and investigation channels on real crime stories about drug selling? Drug lords target those countries that have light penalty for drug selling and they recruit people to carry drugs into the countries, promising them that nothing will happen to them if they are caught. "just pay a fine, sit in jail for 6 months and you are out" they tell these drug mules..


You want this to happen to singapore?



May be he can be given a 2nd chance, provided he lead the police to bust the drugs gangsters and catch the head/boss. Else, he deserves to be served the death sentence, or if the family really want to save their son, they can do good deed like helping the police to bust those drug traffikers, dont tell me they dont know who their son mixed with and who are those drug traffikers.


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Neutral Newbie

[;)] which is more torturous? death of whole life imprison?? if you only have these 2 option which will you choose honestly



choose life imprisonment, then wait for a tsunami or earth quake and run from the prison... [laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]

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Ppl believe in 2nd chances.


Btw, why the discrepancy? In singapore, different drugs got different limits and different penalties. Trafficking some drugs won't even get u hanged. Why not standardize the limit AND the penalties.


Because of the effects. I've had to deal with opiate addicts before and know how violent they can be. I've seen the withdrawal symptoms it would be near impossible not to feel sorry for them.


No. the mandatory death penalty esp for drugs is definitely a necessary evil.

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Law is law, politics is politics, two different matters altogether....


but i am not a vivic PAP supporter.


in fact i always vote base on who i think will better improve my area.

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See this story i really pity him.

These are 3rd world country with 3rd world people when someone give you bread and food you probably will mistaken him for god and since he ask to help to deliver something to a friend he/she surely would obliged as he owe that person a favour. From the report he even swallow the capsule as he was told it was a medicine for his sick friend thus i believe he really don't know it was heroin he was trafficking. Nontheless he was hanged in 2007. Please see who was the lawyer who help him to fight ?its the same guy human rights lawyer. I really pity this guy if he knew it was drugs i bet he probably would have flush the capsule down when he was caught at the hotel. See the defence laywer summary:


(More so, there was enough evidence that Tochi was not aware that he was in possession of diamorphine. According to the defence, if Tochi was aware of that, he would have fled when he was notified by the hotel staff that the police was called. He never did, neither did he even attempt to dispose the substances. Rather, he stayed in the transit area of the airport until about 20 minutes later when the police arrived. Thus the conduct of the young man was consistent with his mistaken belief that he was only in possession of African herbs meant for a sick man as opposed to being in possession of diamorphine.)


Nonethless he is still hanged. i think this Vui Kong also gone case liao. From the Amara Tochi story i will believe he is really ignorant and not challenging the law or earning money for himself. he was used due to his ignorant. But he is still dead. this voi kong appeal seems 10% chance of succeeding only.


I feel more for the African boy if his claim that he was duped is really true...




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but i am not a vivic PAP supporter.


in fact i always vote base on who i think will better improve my area.


Bro, relac.... mai so serious leh.... Haha

I never say you are one leh...... :D

I wanna make love, not war leh....TGIF Baby [grouphug]

Opps... OT liao.... back to the thread

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Bro, relac.... mai so serious leh.... Haha

I never say you are one leh...... :D

I wanna make love, not war leh....TGIF Baby [grouphug]

Opps... OT liao.... back to the thread


i relac only lazy to put emocon.


but want thing. if its with you.. i want to make war not make love. i am no gay. [laugh] you can look for Rainbow for that :ph34r:

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i relac only lazy to put emocon.


but want thing. if its with you.. i want to make war not make love. i am no gay. [laugh] you can look for Rainbow for that :ph34r:


im not a man/male lor..

for the Nth time.. oh god.. *slaps forehead*

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im not a man/male lor..

for the Nth time.. oh god.. *slaps forehead*


i didnt say you male, man or female, women.


i only say, i am not gay, want to make love look for rainbow.


got say you gay meh??? could mean that you are a women mah [laugh]

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