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Are PAP Ministers Over Paid?


Are PAP Ministers Over Paid?  

220 members have voted

  1. 1. Are PAP Ministers Over Paid?

    • Yes They Are Over Paid
    • No their Pay is reasonable

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There's an interesting forum letter in Sat's Straits Times questioning the few top civil servants(including the 2 generals) who 'retire' from their current positions to join the upcoming election... when using the term retire means they got to get their pension? Does that means after they get into office(i sure they'll be elected) & eventually really retire... they'll get another pension?


also, early 40s can retire liao?? why not resigned??

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who in the world would benchmarks politician pay to ceo ones???


ceo renumeration is "profit driven".


to compare this way is worrying.


no wonder we are labeled Singapore Inc.


Should be PAP Inc


President is like Chairman

PM is like CEO

SM are like Directors

Other senior cabinet ministers are like Senior VP

Cab minister are like VP

Others are like Assistant VP


Surely salaries are high

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i 1st got the idea of a $1 salary from an article about a senator in US asking for $1 pay

people in other countries are ministers because they want to make a change and serve the people, we have the same category of people here and they are no less intelligent too - people like jeyaretnam, CSJ and all the rest who have been sent to prison countless of times for other nonsensical issues yet they keep on bouncing back


so if we are not lacking in people who will work for a nominal sum yet are no less talented, why arn't we hiring such people?

bare in mind that i'm not saying that we should get talented people like our LKY or GCT to step down but hire cheaper ministers who can do the same thing for much less


actually at the rate at which we are going, anybody can do the job

need more parking? increase parking prices

roads congested? increase COE, ERP, fuel

mrt congested? proclaim that people don't want to board trains

expensive to live in singapore? ask people to live in malaysia instead



who can't do such jobs? with such an attitude, i can solve any problem you throw at me too!

cannot find job? go macdonalds!

cannot find high paying job? go be your own boss!

cannot find wife? go vietnam!


there is no problem in the world that cannot be solved with nonsense!


This I agree..rather ordinary output..straightforward solutions which my grandma can think of.


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everybody will say some other peope's pay is overpaid, and nobody will say their own pay is. all those who complain the loudest, are just hypocrites.

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It's interesting how those who support the unjustifiable astronomically high salaries of the ministers, always, ALWAYS... instead of debating the issue.. invariably keep insulting those who question the issue... calling them "hyprocrites, jealous, losers, whiners, naysayers, etc... "


It's as if they themselves are unable to justify these high salaries, but having to show support for their "side", somehow or other, end up in personal attacks against those who question the issues...


Yet, they are the loudest to criticise personal attacks, when people question the inadequacies of the 3 proposed candidates, Tin Janil Foo trio....



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everybody will say some other peope's pay is overpaid, and nobody will say their own pay is. all those who complain the loudest, are just hypocrites.


Dude, that's our money that they are being paid with.

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for a moment, u scare me :D


anyway, lao lee mentioned before, must have high salary to prevent corruption mah [laugh] [laugh]

Another meaningless thread...

Tan Jr says that the law is very simple, either you enforce it or u do away with it.

Where got such things to pay high to prevent....

If pay high to good quality, it will makes better sense but quality running a country so small compared with USA/UK/Aust when they have to deal with natural disaster with ours once in 50years flooding????

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even wif ur so called "legalized" corruption, tis does not 100% means that there will be no corruption in there or anywhere in the garmen sector... quite a no of cases being exposed and all are from garment sector... the time is still not yet for more of them to be exposed only...


that is because they are still not paid enough.

and a mind to go for corruption is on and off as times goes by, thus need to keep increasing the salary again and again once in a while. and the amount cannot be small sum.

when they find some ... going to have corruption, the salary will increase again. Thus, every time they announce there is an increase of the pay, you know some of them are going to have corruption. so they are increasing the pay to stop them from corruption.

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Just be thankful they never compare to CEOs of top Fortune companies like Steve Job.


steve job at 1 point in time before iphone was launched has ZERO pay. [lipsrsealed]

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Another meaningless thread...

Tan Jr says that the law is very simple, either you enforce it or u do away with it.

Where got such things to pay high to prevent....

If pay high to good quality, it will makes better sense but quality running a country so small compared with USA/UK/Aust when they have to deal with natural disaster with ours once in 50years flooding????


tat once in every 50 yrs flooding is already farking big challenge leow hor. [lipsrsealed][laugh]

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that is because they are still not paid enough.

and a mind to go for corruption is on and off as times goes by, thus need to keep increasing the salary again and again once in a while. and the amount cannot be small sum.

when they find some ... going to have corruption, the salary will increase again. Thus, every time they announce there is an increase of the pay, you know some of them are going to have corruption. so they are increasing the pay to stop them from corruption.


this one very simple, give u example.


if one salary is $400k per yr, will one be moved if a bribe of 200k was offered to him?


as compared to if one salary is $2million? tat 200k will seem too insignificant [lipsrsealed]

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Dude, that's our money that they are being paid with.

Vextan is MCF PAP spokeperson, I thought everyone knows that. I don't even bother to reply to his posts.

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